VOL. 1. The Daily Reporter M c MINN\1LLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, The Presidents Message. DECEMBER 10. 1S8U. PRICE I’WO CENTS. ObMTVHtlOll«. miscellaneous . Yesterday the Presidents mes­ Custer Post will elect officers at Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ sage was given entire to (■innge hall at one o'clock p. in. on ond Class Matter. readers of both the Daily and the 11th. ---------- O---------- Gohl and silver ladies watches at a 0, C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. Weekly Reporter, in form of a big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ supplement, as it was too lengthy elry store. D. C. IRELAND A Co., PUBLISHERS. for the regular columns. It is a A Christmas tree for the benefit of The Duily Reporter. very strong document, and will the public school children, will I m * given at Garrison opera house [ hi D aily R eporter is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered bear careful perusal. One of the 111»' Choral union will meet again in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 4< > oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ most important questions dis­ next week on Wednesday evening at vertising same as for T he W eekly R eporter . Third St., Opposite cussed is that pertaining to our 7 o’clock sharp, at Grange hall. YAMHILL CO, I he McMinnville Business College Btek & Jtk Printing. public domain. He is right in is open every evening at 7 o ’ clock for D on ’ t E orokt thk F lack , We beg leave to announoe to the public declaring that “the rapid appro­ students in writing, drawing and book­ that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ priation of our public lands with­ keeping. —Where you will— ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, out bona tide settlement or culti­ Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ vation, and not only without in McMinnville and at McMinnville grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ intention of residence but for college. Residence corner of Second vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. the purpose of the aggregation and C Streets. Posters announce that three lectures E. E. GOUCHER. M. D. in large holdings, in many cases are to be given at the Christian in the hands of foreigners, in­ church Friday, Saturday and Sunday PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. vites the serious and immediate I evenings, by Prof. T. F. Campbell. M c M innville - O regon . attention of congress. The fact McMinnville jewelery store is now Offioe and residence, corner of Third and that he introduces the sentiment the biggest and largest west of Port­ LATEST STYLES D streets, next to the postoffioe. and dwells upon it for the pur­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. Furnishing O imh I h of nil kind, nnd abevo us. m ’ cain . h . hurley . nil HIE LOWEN I' PRIDES. Aino agent« pose of asserting that the “land Win. Holl, proprietor. Clarence Turner wishes it under­ for the department of the present ad­ stood that in future he will not, under McCain & Hurley, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ministration has devoted its en­ any circumstances, take charge of de­ IIrow n »ville Woolen Hill AND NOTARIES Pi HLIl ergies to remedy the defects and layed letters, to be dropped into the Curry mu a full liti«. of all goods made by Lafayette, Oregon, mail car at the depot. these oolobratetl mills. Especial attention paid to abstracts of title correct abuses in the public land Next Monday and Tuesday Apper- and settlement of estates in probate. service,” is too transparent a de­ W. T. 1IAXTKK. Offioe -Jail buiding, up stairs. F. J. MARTIN. son’s store interior will be topsy turvey vise to detract from the merit ol inconsequence of changes in shelving. Goods, New Prices Mrs. M. Sliadden the first assertion. The protect­ Call now, and then after these im­ New Firm, At New the New Hu*re of ion of our public domain from provements are made. the blight of foreign syndicates Why do jon pay for inferior silver Fashionable Dressmaker« and domestic corporation is one plated table ware big prices, if HF"rhe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ you get at the McMinnville jewelry of the most pressing duties of store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest ting employed. HnooeMora to Al. HUSaKY, Third street, MeMinnville, Oregon. congress, far surpassing in value can la* had for the same price. Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store, McMinnville, Or. to a future generation the ques­ Most Rev. Win. H. Gross, Archbish­ tion of tariff revision. The op of Oregon, will preach at the Cath­ M rs . A. M c D onald . M irs K. T hobnt '« laudation of “civil service re­ olic church next Sunday, the 12th., A new, neat and clmn ■to.-k. ICvarr «rti«to at the 10:30 o’clock mass, and in the N<>. 1. Fruit Jara, Buller Crock«, < «lorad form,” in the full face of adminis­ evening, at 7:30; also next Monday A (Panware, Fashionable Cutlery, Cased flood a, To- at the same hour. Arch Bishop Gross tsu’oo, Pipe« and Cigar«. tration records, is amusing — Dressmaking. is one of the eminent speakers of the Treat» Fruit and Vegetable« in ■«an—« that is all. Though reasonably age, and the public generally are in­ (live me a call. In «peel my «Ux-k, and I In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store, will guarantee price« to >uil you. vited to attend these services. concise, the renundancy of the OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, document is best shown by read­ Free Trade. M c M innville - • O bkgon Family Grocery 3tor® ing the concluding si* lines and The reduction of internal revenue reflecting that these contain the Phi rd HI met, .Me Mi tin ville, Oregon. and the taking off of revenue stamps meat of the whole chesnut. —— o------- BISHOP T.) manufactures. Especially is this the Dealer In case with Green’s August Flower and AU Fraeh Goods, Groomiss. Hour, 1 Bochee’s German Syrup, ns the re­ O’.ssswaro and Crockery. duction of thirty-six cents per dozen, J-JTGood« delivered to paratiaaeni in th««Hy has been added to increase the size of ‘ the bottle« containing theee remedies,! MT. thereby giving one-fifth more medicine t in the 75 cent size. The August r. ULTNDR. Prop.. Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Com­ Corner Third and II streets, plaint, and The German Syrup fori van«e! New furniture! CnaarpaaaM haps the largest «ale of any medicines in the o<>uiitry Kate»—II to *2 per day so- eordin« to _____ room. ____ Single meal« to oanto. in the world. ’ The ---- advantage _ * of ... in- . 1/odging, t-> V eent« aooordlng to room, creased size of the bottles will be Honrd «nd IxxLging. gstoge, per week. Two greatly .pprwi.ud by the .lek and S SSST“ afflicted, in every town and village in , civilized countries, Bam pie bottles for 10 cents remain the J. Harv. Henderson