The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 06, 1886, Image 3

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The Dstily Reporter.
jicMinnville, Or.
Dec. 6, 1886
Seasonable Suggestiors.
We want no man of massive brain,
No man of. wealth or mighty power.
No owner great of aores broad,
To 6olve the question of the hour;
We want a simple minded man,
With good horse sense—no more
To pass a bill to fine the man
Who always fails to close the door.
Mr. Force is improving somewhat.
A British vessel is ashore near the
Mrs. Clark Braly has been very ill,
but is improving.
Prof. J. A. C. Freund makes a most
excellent proxy for Prof. Price.
J. J. Collard is afflicted with one of
Jobs comforters upon his cheek.
0. 0. Hodson who was in the NPR
mash up may be expected home now
wy day.
Mad. Duflix took $20,000 out of
Portland. She can afford to get farther
my than Tacoma.
Bill Gird was not killed by a horse,
in* stall, at his place near Corvallis
let Tuesday, ae »Sported.
Another murder t.'s been conuuitt-
ed in Clackamas coui ‘v. A murder
tried is now’ in progress ti.' -e.
The keystone at the Sax . 'ill was
placed in position on Saturday. Work
¡1 progressing very satisfactorily.
Miss Star and Miss Goudy of Day-
Ion prairie, who have been guests of
Mrs. Detmering, returned home Sat­
Jas. Turner has a bad looking eye,
one of those bothersome little tumors
which causes everybody to laugh at
the expense of the victim.
The finder of a cattle whip, lost be­
tween Sliaddens place and McMinn­
ville, will confer a favor by leaving
the same at Bangasser’s market.
Speaking of Dr. A. P. Turner, the
great occulist at Portland, a cotempo-
rary remarks that his very bright and
interesting wife is a coadjutor worth
her weight in gold.
It is said that a man who won’t
take a paper because he can borrow
one has invented a machine with
which he can cook his dinner by the
smoke of his neighbor’s chimney.
In looking over the assets of the
state board of immigration, Yamhill
county does not figure conspicuously
by any means. “The Gods help only
those who help themselves."
Did you ever notice that nearly all
th« great men of the world have had
smart wives? asks the Evening Demo­
crat. We have so observed, Bro. Dell,
»nd you are entitled to an extra
smart one.
Considerable figuring has been in­
dulged in by parties in this region of
l*te to get at results of the late wheat
ules. The way we put it up a man
*t home who sold his small lot did
*hout as well as the man abroad with
hi» large lot.
received a pleasant call from
®On- C. Leinenweber, Saturday night,
•«he was passing through,en route to
Woods, where he is preparing for an
’»tensive Salmon business next year.
Leiuenweber ia the most available
man in the democratic party of this
state for congressman in '88.
Immigrants arriving in Oregon hav­
ing left the land of snow and blizzards
three days behind, appear both sur-
»prised and delighted at the bright
sunshine and balmy spring air that
greets them.
It has been currently reported that
opposition insurance companies were
cutting State insurance rates. Mr.
Mulkey, our local agent fails to find
it. Losses are promptly adjusted by
the State company, M. M. Austin of
Molalla, and many others attest this
Hen Owens, the well-known “swamp
angel," having heard of the condition
of the streets of this city, states that
unless the council take some action to
prevent such oceans of mud from a
cumulating, he proposes before the
Howers bloom again to have the prin­
cipal street located as swamp land.
The Salem Talk says the new
bridge is faulty in construction, and
intimates that it should not be ac­
cepted until it has been proven that
the structure is sufficiently strong and
durable to withstand the strain and
pressure that may be made on it by
high water and constant travel.
The contract for boring the Rilz-
ville well has been thrown up. This
is the second time. In both cases
the parties, to whom the contracts
were awarded, failed to file their bonds
and have done nothing to fulfill their
contracts. The majority of the bids
in both instances were thrown out be­
cause the bids contained provisions
which invalidated them.
We are pained to observe so much
cruel rudeness among boys of school
age in this city. And yet they are no
worse perhaps than boys elsewhere.
Parents should take some interest
in their boys’ conduct in the streets
and their associates. A celebrated
minister said many years ago in a
lecture to young men and women : “If
you want a good character at 30 you
must live for it at 20.” In this age of
progress he would probably say:
“Boys, if you want a character at 20
you must live for it at 10."
A monster locomotive for the NPR
Co. to be used on the switchback ov­
er the Cascades,has arrived at Sprague.
In working order it weighs 231,000
pounds. It will not be needed very long
after it has done service with the com­
mission appointed to accept the road.
We do not think it even possible for
business of any kind ever to pass over
the route in any great volume. As
the best engineer ever employed in
the survey said : “The bail of the pot
is no longer lying down," and the trai
fic route from eastern Wahsington to
Puget Sound is via Portland or Van­
Hon. Alexander H. Stephens.
“I am directed by my uncle, Hon
A. H. Stephens, to say that he has da-
rived benefit from the use of Simons
Liver Regulator, and that he wishes
to give it further trial. W. G. Steph­
ens, Crawfordsville, G r . March 31,
1870." Extract of a letter from Alex­
ander H. Stephens, dated March 8,
1872 : “I use, when my condition re­
quires it, Dr. Simmons Liver Regula­
tor, with good effect.
It you want to be an archi­
tect, blacksmith, carpenter, civil
engineer, machinist, designer,
surveyor, navigator, astronomer,
■ship builder, inventor, philoso-
pher or a first-class artisan, to
successfully teach any of the
above trades or professions,
then you should learn mechani­
cal, architectural, topographical
and geometrical drawing. J.
Cooper is organizing a class, and
you can get drawing instru­
ments and materials at the
bookstores Such opportunities
are not often found outside of
the highest schools and colleges.
West Point, requires a thorough
knowledge of such drawing.
It is much easier learned than
many think.
California talks of sending
another rich man to the senate.
Being rich should not debar
any man from any position, but
a good rule for our sister state
to observe in choosing senators,
as suggested by the Astorian is,
to select a man whose ability
would warrant his going as a
senator, be he rich or poor.
California did that in sending
Senator Stanford.
First National Bank
Tra iisact« a Getier«) Bunking Imainska
Interval allowed on time de|v«ita.
I'ollm't’.ona made on favorable term*.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Traust«»»
on New York, San FunetMvaud Portland.
Office honra—from v a. m. to 4 p. in.
J ohn tvoitritn
Represents the following ateritug coinptin-
lea: London A Liverpool A Glulx<, North
British A Mercantile. Commercmi Union
Fire. Association, German American. Firc-
man’> Fund, Hartford. Commercial, Anglo
Nevada, state »nveatment.
Wheat iusuranoe a specialty.
Open Temperance Meeting.
Following is the programme
for the Open Temperance meet­
ing to be held at Grange hall
Monday evening next:
Song.....................Rev. E. Russ.
Prayer......................... Chaplain.
Reading. . . .Mrs. .1. B. Gardner.
Duet ... Miss Bena Snelling and
Hallie Reid.
Recitation... Miss Lasira Apper-
Recitation. .Miss Josie Gardner.
“Future action”..... General dis­
Song......... Miss Annie Young.
By order of
C ommittee .
........ President
........... Cashier
.1 icon Won i m \x
1». 1*. T hompson .
J ohn W ortman
Santa Claus
Come Early to
Get First Choice,
Neat, and Marked
Gold and silver ladies watches at a
big bargain at the McMinnville jew­
elry store.
Services at the M. E. church every
evening this week, Rev. Mr. Hatch well
The McMinnville Business (’oilego
is open every evening at 7 o'clock for
students in writing, drawing and book­
The Weekly Reporter, a faithful
and complete compendium of the
week's news, is furnished for lftj cents
a month.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
in McMinnville and at McMinnville
college. Residence corner of Second
and C Streets.
McMinnville jeweler? store is now
the biggest and largest west of Port­
land and the cheapest in Oregon.
Wm. aioli, proprietor.
Why do you pay for inferior silver
plated table ware big prices, if
you get at the McMinnville jewelry
store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest
can be had for the same price.
> 5
Watch This Art Gallery.
To Bishop & Kay's we go
with a wiah to gat first choice
of Holiday Furnishing Goode.
Neckware and Suspenders,
and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
bottom prices.