The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 06, 1886, Image 1

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    * jí
P P»
O regon
VOL. 1.
M c M innville
The Daily Reporter
A Democratic Estimate.
entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­
ond Class Matter.
--------- -o----------
1 he labor of an editor can only be
appreciated by those who have had
some experience in it. The merest
slip of the pen. an epithet too much,
a wrong date, a word mis-spelt, or a
wrong initial before it. the misinter*
pretrat’on of some passage, perhaps
incapable of interpretation, the most
trilling offense to the personal or na­
tional susceptiblity to those who do
not even profess to care for the feel­
ings of others, may prove not only
disagreeable and even costly mistakes
to which an editor is liable. An edi­
tor must be on the spot until the
paper is sent to press, and make de­
cisions on which not only the approv­
al of the public, but even great causes
may hang. He cannot compose in
the solitude of a study, or husband
his strength in the freshness of the
greenfields; he must see the world,
converse with its foremost actors, be
open to information and guard
against error. All this should be
borne in mind by those who complain
that journalism is not infallibly accu­
rate, just and agreeable.
Here, indeed, is richness! The
Louisville Courier-Journal, the great
democratic paper of the south, en­
treats Mr. Blaine to declare against
I>. C. IRELAND & Co.,
civil service reform ; and, in this be­
half, it thus addresses him :
The Daily Reporter.
You beat the force bill conspiracy,
T hx D aily R epobteb is issued every day and you beat the third party conspi­
a tbe week except Sunda ?s, and is delivered
ijthe oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40 racy, and if you lend the great popu­
oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ larity of your name and the weight of
Third St., Opposite
vertising same aB for T he W eekly R epobteb . your influence to beat this revolution­
ary scheme of political phariseeism
and benevolent milksoppery, you will
htk A Jeb Fritting. deserve
D on ’ t F orukt the 1' i . ack ,
well of yonr country and will
We beg leave to announoe to the public
that we have just added a larg<st<>ok of new be remembered in the world to come,
aovelties to our business, and make a special­ even though you may never be presi­
— Where you will—
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads, dent of the United States.
fotements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
It may be half suspected that Mr.
Cuds. Ball Invitations (new designs» Pro-
pammes. Posters, and all descriptions of Blaine would rather be president than
fork. Terms favorable. Call and be oon-
be right on this question. But, what
a scream against Grover Cleveland, to
E. E. GOUCHER. M. D come from a great democratic organ,
this appeal to James G. Blaine. Mr.
Blaine defined his position upon this
M c M wnvuxb
O regon . topic in his speech at Huntington Pa..
Offioe and residenoe. oorner of Third and October 19th, reported in the Phila­
D streets, next to the postoffice.
delphia Press. In effect he said that
Notice To My Patrons.
FnruiNhing Goods of all kind, and above
the English civil service, which was
ms . m ’ oain .
h . hubley .
In oonsequeiioe of declining health, which all THE LOWEMT PRICES. Also agente
held up as a model for our government prevents me from making personal applies for the
McCain & Hurley,
by those who left the republican party tion to parties indebted. 1 am oompefled to
thus publicly sav that all bills due and un-
two years ago, is now under investiga­ stettled January 1st 18*7 will be placed in llrow ii'»willr Woolen Hill
AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, tion and apparent condemnation by other hands for collection.
W m . H. BINGHAM. Carrying a full linn of nil goods tonde by
Lafayette. Oregon,|
the English themselves; that the MoMinnville. Or.. Deo. 2d. !."«<>.
these oelebrnted mills.
Espeoial attention paid toabstraotsof title British themselves have instituted n
nd settlement of estates in probate.
commission to examine into the al­
Offioe Jail buiding, up stairs.
leged abuses, and that Geo. W. Smal­
ley, apparently agreeing, hitherto, King Out tlic Old — King In New Firm, New Goods, New Prices
Mrs. M. Sliadden
lit«* New.
At the Now Store of
with the American admirers of the
In view of some changes in the busi­
English service, now declares the be­
ness world, as well as among produc­
Fashionable Dressmakers lief in England to be that the civil ers
and laborers, it is well that we
0TThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ service is worse in all the departments
one and all think of our own
Snooo«Horn to Al. HUHSEY,
ting employed.
of the government than it was forty
Third street, MoMinnville, Oregon.
interest« as well as that of others, and
years ago. Mr. Smalley gives a some­
Third street, Next to Bishop & Kay’s store,
once in a while call a halt, take ac­
what detailed recital of the defects
McMinnville, Or.
count of what stock we have on hand,
and abuses alleged to exist in the En-
whether it be in cattle, horses, mer­
M rs . A. M c D onald .
M iss K. T hobntor glish service—defects and
chandise or farm«, and ascertain for A new, neat nn<l cl<>nn «lock. Kverv nrtiois
which were never attributed to our
No. I. Fruit Jam, Butter Crooks, Colored
ourselves our present condition and A (.Hssiovare,
Cutlery, Cased (foods, To­
civil service, even by its most merci­ future prospects, and make such
bacco, l’i)tos and Cigars.
Dressmaking. less censor. His argument implied, changes front time to time as each of rroah rrult and Vogetnblaa in Beason.
and was intended to imply, that the , us, after mature deliberations, find our Give me a call. Insftect toy stock, and 1
In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store,
republican party had been wise in not better judgments may indicate. Tn will guarantee prices to suit you.
adopting the English system, with its view oL these things I shall introduce
O begoh . life tenure and its large pension list,
Family Grocery Stör»
to you on or alsiut New Years, New
and all the attendant evils, which have St,vie«. New Goods, and a Radical
Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon.
at last demanded investigation by a change in the management of the
--------- o---------
ministerial commission. He endeav­ Business which I trust may prove to
Late of New Orleans, La.,
Piles and Fistula a Spe­ ored to illustrate how truly American, our mutual advantage. It is with this
in its best sense, were the whole policy ( object in view that it to be adopted.
(Huooewmr to L. ROOT.)
ciality. Consultation
and history of the republican party, It will, upon investigation, be found
Dealer in
tree. No Cure
and how, under the lead of the so- simple and just to one and all. The ▲11 Fresh Soods, Oroosriss. flav, 1
iWo Pay.
O'aaawaro and Orosksry.
called independents, the democratic time is past when a man can sell goods
party, both in its revenue system and on one year or for an indefinite period, J-dF" Goods delivered to pnroiiMera in the «tty
HF* Offioe with H. V. V. Johnson, M D.,
its civil service rules, was to be con­ and compete with those who sell ex­
MsMinnville, Oregon.
formed to British policies just at the
for cash. I shall on or about BT. (HAKEEM HOTEL,
SAMVXL COTT, very time when the British themselves clusively
Jan. 1st introduce to you a system
OLTMll. Pr^.
Ute of I ndependenoe, having purchased the
possessing all the advantages of both
Corner Third and B streets,
policies. In short, though he did not the credit and the cash sytems, and
TEAMS AIÏD TRICKS say so in words, he meant to convey none of the disadvantages of either.
his belief that the very worst leaders
A. J. A fpirson .
in the ooontry He tee—11 to (2 per
Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers his -and guides for a continental republic
cording to room. Single meale 2ft
Special Notice.
Lodging. 2ft to W cento according to
in that line to the public, and will
are those who persist in seeing the
Board and Lodging. |4 to |t , per week. Tww
perfection of human government in
Fine Semple Rooms for commercial MS.
Guarantee Satisfaction an insular monarchy, whose condi­ place, I desire all accounts to be set­ Give me a call and eee for yooreelf.
‘1 *11 who favor him with their patronage, tions are, in all respects, radically dif­ tled by the let of Jan. A word to the
teoially adapted to the
ferent from those of our own broad wise is sufficient. Call and settle.
A. J. A pfemom .
J*' •Wotn —tion of the public. Orders left
M ** Sable will be promptly attended to at
Baxter & Martin
F rise tai tom
J. Harv. Henderson