The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, December 04, 1886, Image 3

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    The- Daily Reporter.
The Doherty road must go. Hines.
Making Too Much Money.
Smith and Moodshave incorporated
First National Bank.
The attention of the legisla-l
Grove to Tillamook. This reminds ns
----- OFFICERS :-----
McMinnville, Or.
- Dec. 4, 1886 that Wm. C. Hiatt wrote a pome years tuie will be called to the enor-j
J AUOII WoKI M KN........................ I'lOsidrUt
ago that the Doherty road must go. mens catch, during the past D. 1*. T hompson .............. Vice-pivaidrut
J ohn W orvman ............................ Cashier
Here it is:
The skies are alluring.
Dr. Smith of Amity was in the city 1 dreamed an angel came last night
TraumcU a General Banking buainea»
And bending o’er my bed.
Whispered many a curious faot;
Hear what the angel said:
1 "as Lillamook's deserving men
tVho pledged their gold, yon know,
And wrote it with an iron pen.
1 he Doherty road must go.
They olaim a charter for the road,
And soon the work will move,
Commencing down at Tillamook
And end at Forest Grove.”
‘‘The lieavenswnd earth may pass away.
The tides may oease to flow,
The buokboard tip and kill friend Day
Yet Doherty road must go.”
The angel rose to say good night.
And turning to my bed
Kindly asked me soon to write
The words that I’d heard said,
But mention not the day and date,
The timbers yet must grow
To build the bridges over which
The Doherty road must go.
weather this side of Italy
prevails here now.
Take a look at E. B. Fellows’ show
windows this evening.
Mrs. Am Shadden will make friends
in Portland a visit to-day.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild
net about $45 from the fair.
Billy Bangasser is buying dressed
hogs for the Portland market.
Joe. Watt got away with his 20,000
pool, realizing |1.33| per cental.
Why is the Salem ferry like Othello?
The bridge is built, and its occupation
Our front gats is all right now. If
it wasn’t a hired gate we should fix it
Sunday school teachers supplied
Lieut. Fred Schwatka of this state,
with cards for their classes by Miss F. is talked of for chief of police in
E. Russ.
Washington city.
We cannot publish accounts of
Mr. Piette was called to Tacoma on
births, deaths and marriages until business yesterday.
they occur.
Jennie Winston will soon appear at
We were in error yesterday with re­ New Market.
gard to price of wheat. It should have
Mrs. T. F. Smith, an African mis­
sionary, died recently in that far off
read 70 cents per bushel sacked.
Last weeks Reporter come out in land. She was a daughter of Rev. T.
grand style, was a credit to its mana­ F. Royal, and years ago taught in the
gers, Messrs. Ireland <fc White.—La- Portland academy.
Uyetts Register.
Church Matter».
McMinnville jewelery store is now
WCTU meet at M. E. Uhurch this
the biggest and largest west of Port­
land and the cheapest in Oregon. afternoon.
Band of Hope meeting this after­
Wm. Holl, proprietor.
Miss Nettie Henderson received noon at two o’clock.
Social meeting at 11 o’clock a. in. to­
many fine compliments for the excel­
lent candy which was made under her morrow, at the Christian church.
M. E. church, H. P. Batch well pastor
supervision at the party at band hall
Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
Thursday evening.
It iB pretty certain that this town m., Sunday school at 9:30. All are
needs a night watchman and a rigo­ cordially invited to attend. Seats free.
St. James (Catholic) church. Mass
rous, well ordained court, to deal with
certain classes who frequently make at 10: 30 a. m. on the second and fourth
Sundays of each month. Sunday
night hideous with their noise.
at 2: 30 p. m. every Sunday. J.
Why do you pay for inferior silver
plated table ware big prices, if S. White, rector.
Services at St. James church, the
you get at the McMinnville jewelry
store, Wm. Holl, the best and finest John C. Fair rector, at 11 a. m. and
7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
can be had for the same price.
A copy of the 20-page edition of the Friday evening service at 7:00. Seats
Daily Reporter, published by D. C. free ; all are cordially invited.
Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­
Ireland<fcCo.,of McMinnville has been
Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a
received at this office. It is a remark­
able publication for so small a town m and 7:00 p m ; Sunday school at 9:30
and reflects great credit upon the en­ a m, all are cordially invited to attend.
terprise of its publishers.—East Ore­ Subject a. m : “Fruit Bearing sticks ;’’
p. m., “The Damnation Army.”
C. P. Church, T. H. Henderson pas­
As we said at the time, so the court
have decided, that Tom Mountain was tor. Services Sunday forenoon and
guilty and not Hon. T. A. Jordan. evening. Sunday school at 9 :30 a. in
Mr. Jordan stands cleared of the All are cordially invited to attend.
charges preferred against him, but Subject for forenoon : “ Shallowness
Mountain stands accused by the pub­ one of the Curses of the Age.” Sub­
lic as a man unworthy of belief, if not ject for evening : “More reaone why
people should become Christians in
a wilful perjurer.
Wm. E. Warren and wife have sold their youth.”
their farm to Soj>er Brothers, consid­
Iridic«’ Cloak«.
eration 15,000. This is one of the fin­ These cloaks have got to go because
est farms in Yamhill county and 1 am not going to winter them over
Messr. Soper are to be congratulated this summer, so if you want a long
upon their good fortune in securing cloak or a short cloak, a big cloak or
it. Mr. and Mrs. Warren will remain a little cloak, a dear cloak or a cheap
in the city, having purchased the cloak, a tight fitting or Miss Fitting
property of Rev. J. Soper adjacent to cloak, or any kind of a fit in cloaks,
go to Appersons.
their present home.
Columbia. Tons of small fish
that escaped the nets of the fish­
erman of the lower river were
taken by these wheels. The
profits of one of these for the
past season is given at $32,000.
This sum, taken in connection
with the fact that the fishing
season is limited to four months,
and that the capital invested in
the machine that throws out the
fish is but a few hundred dollars,
is enormous.
Intereat allowed on time deposits
Collection» made on favorable tarin».
Sipht Exchange and Telegraphic Transféra
on New York, San Francisco and Portland.
Office hour»—from V a. tn. to 4 p. tn.
.loin HOimm
Represents the following sterling oom pan-
ice: London A Liverpool A Globe, North
British A Mercantile, Commercial Union
Fire iseoeiatioii, German tmeriean, Fire­
man's Fund, Hartford, Commercial, Anglo
Nevi.l.i. State Investment.
Wheat inanranoe a specialty.
If you want to be an archi­
tect, blacksmith, carpenter, civil
engineer, machinist, designer,
surveyor, navigator, astronomer,
ship builder, inventor, philoso­
pher or a first-class artisan, to
successfully teach any of the
above trades or professions,
then you should learn mechani­
cal, architectural, topographical
and geometrical drawing. J. C.
Cooper is organizing a class, and
you can get drawing instru­
ments and materials at the
bookstores. Such opportunities
are not often found outside of
the highest schools and colleges.
West Point, requires a thorough
knowledge of such drawing.
It is much easier learned than
many think.
Here I Am.
Santa Claus
Come Early to
Open Temperance Meeting.
Following is the programme
for the Open Temperance meet­
ing to be held at Orange hall
Monday evening next:
Song.....................Rev. E. Russ.
Prayer......................... Chaplain.
Reading.. . .Mrs. J. B. Gardner.
Duet.... Miss Bena Snelling and
Hallie Reid.
Recitation.. .Miss Lasira Apper-
Recitation. Miss Josie Gardner.
“Future action”..... General dis­
Song........... Miss Annie Young.
By order of
C ommittee .
Get First Choice,
Neat, and Marked
W&tch Th!« Art Gallery.
OI»*<-riHl Ion«.
Gold and silver ladies watches at a
big bargain at the McMinnville jew­
elry atore.
Service# at the M. E. church every
evening this week, Rev. Mr. Hatchwell
The McMinnville Buaineaa College
is open every evening at 7 o’clock for
Btudent» in writing, drawing and book­
The Weekly Reporter, a faithful
and complete compendium of the
week's news,is furnished for 16^cents
a month.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music
in McMinnville and at McMinnville
college. Residence corner of Second
and C Streets.
To Bishop & Kay's we go
with a wish to get first choice
of Holiday Furnishing Goods.
Neckware and Suspenden,
and Silk Handkerchiefs, at
bottom price«.