The Daily Rsport©r. D c< IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 30, 1886 fl’est. Houck is now at home in his new house. Xote the changes in time of sailing ¡rom Yaquina bay. Five additions to the Christian fhtirch at Amity are reported. Miss Olive Bell, of McCoy, is the pest of Miss F. E. Russ of this city, this week. The ladies Guild of the Episcopal church will meet at Garrison Opera house to-day at 2 p. m. St. Andrews day, services at St. Janies church this a. m. at 10 o’clock Rev. J. C. Fair officiating. The firemens ball gross receipts were $44.25. Expenses $39.20, net profits $5.05, and ship loads of “a good time.” Ah Sam unluckily slipped on the walk yesterday, and fell through the St. Charles window, as he was passing with a pack of clothes. He cut his arm badly. The new party organized by Henry George, Bill McCabe, et al., expect to ride into power in 1888 as easy as a streak of greased lightning. Ira Ruse of Portland, surprised his brother and family, the Rev. Russ of ihiscity, by coming up Saturday even­ ing and spent Sunday here. He re­ turned by the morning train yesterday. The duration of the blizzard in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and the territories is al­ most equal to its area. It began Nov­ ember 15th, and at last accounts was «till a blizzard. A six foot panther was brought in by Joe Hendricks yesterday. The panther was also hunted by Am Shad- den, George Bangasser and Fred Kel ler. When Hendricks shot the beast it nude for Am, but the dogs got away with it. Postmaster Wiscarver, with a view to the fullest accoinmodatation possi­ ble to the dear public, intends to put in a front door 36 feet wide at the post office. This will accommodate all who wish to stand in the door way while the mail is being distributed in­ side, without inconvenience to the females on the outside. It may be news to some persons that persistent rubbing with oil night and morning will remove scars. Olive oil will answer, but neats-foot oil ft father more rapid in its affect. • In the taseof burns, when the tendons are stiff and contracted, rubbing with oil ’ill render the part affected almost as suppleas before the injury. In severe cases the rubbing must be continued for an hour, morning and evening. In embroidery much use is made of stout white sheeting. Some of the Patterns of the India cotten bedspreads are outlined on unsized sheeting and ’orked in crewels, blue, pink or green, always in one color only for the whole Pattern. Old-gwld colored silk makes bftntiful etching outlines on white -heeting. For the white enameled farniture, Chiha-gloss painting, as it ** ’wiled, bureau scarfs and bed-spreads °I unbleached linen are worked with Potiita. Soprano solo. Mrs. Gaines Collection* made on lavoratile tarma. lablau, ‘‘Popping the question.” Washington on the 25th. • Congress comences on the second Thursday in December. Dr. Goucher was called to Amity yesterday to attend Rev. Dr. Doty. A. 8. Bible, of Sheridan, passed through, on business to Portland. Services at the M. E. church every evening this week, Rev. Mr. Satchwell presiding. Sight Excbauga and Telegraphic Tran «fera C. A. Sweet lost a fine fresh cow yes­ on Sew York. San Franoiaeo and Portland. Indiana democrats expect to unseat Ottico hoar»—from V a. tu. to 4 p. m. terday, by choking on a feed of pump­ kin. enough republicans to secure the Uni­ D. B. Putman, jr., of Amity, was in ted States senator. It will not work the city yesterday. We acknowledge without a more Payneful disaster than JOHX worthaa that which befel the Ohio scheme. a pleasant visit. Represents the following sterling compan­ 1 he idea that Blaine snubbed Ed­ ies: iMvndon A Liverpool A Globe, North Dr. W. H. Saylor, and Frank his British A Merosiitile. Commercial Vnioa brother, spent Sunday at their old munds at Arthur’s funeral perhaps l ire Asaoointion, German Aiuenoau, F Ira­ germinated in the addled pate of some nian's Fund. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo home in this city. Nevada, State Investment. Fred Keller was confined to bis dude reporter. It is as silly as the Wheat insurance a specialty. house yesterday by a billious attack, story annexed to it about Conkling’s last interview with Arthur. and called Dr. Galbreath. A conflict between Agent Coflee and E. M. Underwood gave such satis­ faction as teacher in District No. 6, Father Conrady, on the Umatilla In­ dian reservation, has caused Archbish­ that he has been re-employed. op Gross to temporarily excommuni­ Mr. Bowers little boy, living up cate Agent Coffey and his daughter, near the mill, was hurt badly by a and forbid them any more partaking kick from a mule on the 28th. of the communion of the Catholic' J. M. Martin has transferred his Re­ church. porter from Weston to this city. H. Can it be possible that the Detroit- D. Burdette from this city to Pendle­ Florida Senator Jones is in luck again. ton. The old man died last week leaving Am Shadden has just butchered 13 the daughter Miss Clothilde Palms sole head of hogs, averaging 180 ll»s each. heir to the estate, presumed to be up He has boodles of sausages on hand in the millions. It is generally under­ now to dry. stood that Miss P. is annoyed by Jones, Chas. Flush, Uncle Sams efficient but as he elected himself United States deputy marshal, passed through yes­ Senator it is not barely possible he may terday upon official business to the yet cast a winning glance in the right I direction. agency at Grand Ronde. London is no longer exempt from ■ The new Baptist church at Dayton This is the time of year when the vilest of scandals. The latest con-1 was 'dedicated on Sunday, This is Merchants all begin to show the first brick edifice for church pur­ cerns Lady Colin Campbell’s applica- low prices. We realize that poses, built in the Pacific Northwest tion for divorce, which show that that licentious old hog is lower in the scale permanent trade cannot be by that denomination. Mrs. Ramsdell, of Portland, is on a of humanity than the most despicable made unless one has the cor­ visit to friends in the city, and will off'scouring in America, hateful in the rect styles and correct prices. participate at the entertainment to­ sight of God and man It matters not We are selling goods at aston­ morrow evening by the ladies Guild of that he is the son of the Duke of Ar­ ishingly low prices on the mer­ gyle, his rotten carcass should be ere-! its of our wares. We know St. James 'Episcopal) church. mated for the sake of decency. Roy- ( A little bag of mustard laid on the that there are no better styles ally, is it? pickle jar will prevent the vinegar Vice President Wheeler is a victim ( of Clothing, no better fitting, from becoming moldy if the pickets of disease that promises to relieve him no tatter made than ours, and have been put up in vinegar that has of existence at an early day. Hope­ we believe that no one in Mc­ not been boiled. less insomnia renders his condition so Minnville is selling Clothing Farmers on the west-side will not pitiable that death would not la* an as cheaply as we are. necessarily go to Salem more now than unwelcome visitant to him. He is We only ask an inspection previous to the construction of the still comparatively a young man, and of our goods and a comparison bridge, because they can buy goods his disease, being but a type of the cheaper and better from merchants in same that has just added the name of ol prices. BISHOP A KAY. McMinnville. Arthur to its long list of victims, warns Flowers of sulphur sprinkled on a other men, whose lives are running in FASHIONABLE hot shovel and the fumes inhaled paths parallel to those that they have while they are fresh will cure cold in troil, to put down the brakes before a the head. A teaspoonful of sulphur is similar fate overtakes them. Russia appears to lx' consummating sufficient and does not cause disa­ by marriage what she failed in for greeable sensations Capt. Jerome was buried in River­ want of funds. Thia comes about by view Park on Sunday. The URN Co. placing Prince Nicholas over Bulgaria. Buy Fashionable Goods From the placed his steamer, the Orient, at the His loyalty to Russia through his mar­ Head-quarters of Fashion. service of family and friends on this riage to Princess Marie, daughter of occasion, and the mournful errand Alexander Adlerberg, general and min­ FALL STOCK RECEIVEO. was typified by the flags and emblems ister of the imperial court of Russia, SIU ». B. HIM, tlf Wintivtlle, Or, and of Countess Catherine, maid of at half mast on the trip. Peace to honor to the empress, is assured, and his ashes. G W. Keen, of Washington, In­ means the death of Bulgarian inde­ I» C. IRELAND A CO pendence ; for, under the rule of a diana, elder brother of W. B., reached North Yamhill on the 25th with his mere ptipjiet of the czar, Russia can family. He was in the city yesterday make Bulgaria and eastern Roumelia purchasing his housekeeping outfit, I her own for any warlike purpose* and called in to say that in future he whenever she chooses to occupy them would take his Reporter nearer home. in pursuance of her purpose to jkmmx *«» Constantinople. We welcome him to NV ebfoot. FIRE INSURANCE. Witch This Art Gallery.