The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 25, 1886, Image 9

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    From the Daily Nov. 19th.
Senator Dolph, Miss. Agnes Dolph,
Try Willamina Hour. Equal to the and Miss Fanny Odeneal,
I ortland from W ashington city on
Will Kellett moves into his new the 16th.
house to-day.
W ork of rebuilding the Sax flouring
Uncle Jim Fletcher will start home mill in this city, began on Tuesday
from Missouri next Monday.
last. Three car loads of material ar­
Mrs. Sarah Savage is fitted up for rived on that day from Portland.
------- OF —
keeping a neat and cosey hotel at Wil­ To Wm. Turner, the Webfoot scrub,
" ho works in a drug store for his grub,
Spectators will be admitted to the Works in Sprague, both early and late,
gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ In Washington Ter.,the coming state.
third St., Opposite
giving evening.
Is an inscription which left this city
The ladies society of the C. P. church yesterday on a letter.
will give an entertainment Friday
Prof. Price calls our attention to the
D on ’ t F orokt the P lace ,
evening, Dee. 10, 1886.
accidental omission of the name of
There will be an attraction for the Raymond Satehwell, from the roll of
children, in the shape of a fish pond honor of the public school. It was
at the Episcopal church fair.
purely accidental, and the youth is
Mrs. M. Shadden is now alone in entitled to this explanation.
the dressmaking business, Miss Ves-
C'apt. B. B. Tuttle, formerly super­
sey having returned to Portland.
intendent of the railway mail service
The farm to be sold by the Warren for Oregon, has been appointed Judge
executors on the 27th is not the old advocate of the state militia, with the
donation claim, but is what is called rank of Colonel, in place of Hon.
the Jimmy Warren farm, 132 acre s.
Binger Hermann, M.C., resigned.
A quince from Mr. Rogers’ farm was
Miss Rosa McPhillips, on a visit to
her uncle in Umatilla county, writes left at our office yesterday which
that the weather and the region is weighed twenty-two ounces and meas­ Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above
all THE: LOWEST PRICES. Also agents
not attractive. She will be glad to get ured fifteen inches in circumference. for the
It would probably have grown larger,
back to old Yamhill again.
BrowiiMVillc Woolen Hill,
People may not be aware of the fact, but the limbs of the tree got in the
Carrying a full line of all goods made by
but it is a fact nevertheless, that when way and it had to force its existence. these celebrateti mills.
According to the decision of the
a letter improperly stamped, is put
IM <• YI i il h v i 1 lo
into the postoffice, it subjects the United States circuit court, a railway
sender to both fine and imprisonment. company takes its choice to fence its
track or to pay possible damages for LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES
Pay your postage.
Mr. 8. C. Force is seriously ill. His stock killed by the movements of its
head and face was badly swollen yes­ trains. This is just enough, and the
terday, and as black as an African, decision rendered in favor of W. 8.
but he is getting along splendidly Ladd vs. the OC RCo is a case in point.
under the treatment of Dr. Galbreath.
You can make the trip overland to
The 16th was the ninteenth anni­ or from San Francisco now, in two
versary of the marriage of Watt. G. and a half days On the 14th, SPR
Henderson and wife, and although he trains began running to McCloud’s
had forgotten it for the time, his friends siding, 308 miles from San Francisco, i'iiic <’ai*ri:ig<‘M, II: k *L m antl
had not, and when he went home that Passengers bound south will leave
fiatitih* II ofm ' n ,
evening he found his house filled with Portland at 8 o’clock a. m., arriving
And everything in thè Liverv hi re,
a jolly crowd, reviving old time recol­ at Ashland at 4 the 1 next morning.
in good ahape
lections in a really social way. It was The stage will leave Ashland going
il ICca«otiahit* Itale*.
a very pleasant surprise.
south at 5 a. m., and arrive at Mc­
Oregon apples are being shipped Cloud’s 85 miles distant, at 10:30 p. W. t. OAUIUSON.
---- AT THE-----
east in large quantities. They are of m., the same day. The train will
fine size and excellent flavor, but leave McClouds at 5 the following EURISKO MARKET.
most of them, unfortunately, carry morning. Passengers arriving in the
the brand of the codlin moth. The evening can secure berths in the
Where the beat of nientH twin alwiiv» be found
papers of the state teem with remedies sleeping car the same evening at Mc­ jmd at the tnoHt reaaonable tiricv», where
tlie loin of lH*ef ¡»divided with our ciiHtorn
for the exterpation of this pest. Up Clouds. The SPRCo will run a sleep era.
Meats done up In the latest Htyles,
to date the one that advises the care­ ing car through to Redding. Arriv- an 1 good weight» given. Give n» a call.
Your» truly,
ful rolling of each individual insect tliere at 9 a. m., this will enable pas­
W. J. Carrison & Co.
between two smooth blocks prepared sengers to sleep in the car from the
for the purpose is about as convenient evening of their arrival at McCloud’s
and certainly as efficacious, as any. until breakfast time next morning.
The only requisite to the success of San Francisco will be reached at 6 :40
this plan is to first catch your moth. p. m. the same day.
When Mr. Buick, who bad charge
Suoceaaor to W F. ItangHHMir,
of the Oregon exhibit car, returned
BaiigHHfler'a building, Cor B aud Third ^ts
from the east, he was requested by the
Here ia where you onn get your money's
state board to prepare a report which
worth in
was to be submitted for approval.
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tripe,
Mr. Buick only remained two days in
and everything in the line of meats, ol tbs
Inert quality the country afforda. Also ths
Portland, and then went to his home.
Complying with the request made by
Bost of Bolognas.
the board, he has prepared a some­
Give me n cell and be aatiaAed.
what elaborate report of the trip east.
It is quite lengthy, and states in de­
Family Grocery Store.
Having parohaaed the Strain property, and
tail all the places visited by the car, permanently
located in McMinnville, am
Third Street, MoMinnville, Oregon.
and an estimate is made of the num­ ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­
ery Work at short notioe. All goods en
ber of people who visited it at the j trusted to onr care will be oarefnlly handled,
various places. At Utica, New York; and promptly delivered. Mao keep on hand
Wood of all kinds a» oheap as the cheapest
( Haoosaa o r to L. R<X>T.)
he thinks not less than 20,000 persons Orders left at the City l»rog store will be
Dealer in
visited the car and took a look at the promptly attended to. J. J. < OLLARD.
AH Predi Scoda, OrootrlM. Plow, 1
collection. He estimated that at least
»noflltn n>lla4al»4aU
Olsamro and Orocksry.
at the Newapaper A<l»ee
200,000 people passed through the car
tlrtnc Agency of Mi — m. Lg'üoodi delivered to pu roh
during the time it was east.
ilu* Ohl ~ ll!n
(lie Vw.
In view of some changes in the busi­
ness world, as well as among produc­
ers and laborers, it is well that we
should one and all think of our own
interests as well as that of others, and
once in a while call a halt, take ac­
count of what stock we have on hand,
whether it lx' in cattle, horses, mer­
chandise or farms, and ascertain for
ourselves our present condition and
future prospects, and make such
changes from time to time as each of
us, after mature deliberations, find our
better judgments may indicate. In
view of these things 1 shall introduce
to you on or about New Years, New
Styles, New Goods, and a Radical
change in the management of the
Business which I trust may prove to
our mutual advantage. It is with this
object in view that it to be adopted.
It will, upon investigation, lx' found
simple and just to one and all. The
time is past when a man can sell gixxia
on one year or for an indefinite period,
and compute with those who sell ex­
clusively for cash. I »hall on or about
Jan. 1st introduce to you a system
possessing nil the ad vantage» of both
the credit and the cash sytems, and
none of the disadvantages of either.
A. J. A fi ’EK son .
K|» c <*I h I \ollce.
In view of thè change soon lo take
place, I destre all nceounta lo lx> set-
tled by thè l«t of Jan. A word to thè
wise ih suffieient. ('all and tettle.
\. .1
New Finn, New Goods, New Prices
At tli»» New Store of
J. Harv. Henderson,
A n<*w, ikmi I i»n<i dean Stock. Every art ids
A No. 1. Fruit Jar«, Butler Crock», Colored
Glaaaware, Cutlery, Caaed Goods, To-
baivo. Pipe* and Cigars.
X*reah Trull and Vegetables tn Beasea.
(live me a call. Inspsot mv «lock, and I
will guarantee prices to soil you.
Business College,
Cor. Id and C Ft reels,
I« ¡Wow Open.
Attention is reepeetfully invited to thia
Ita facilities for thorough pr act leal in «trac­
tion; aotaal bnaiuecM department a specialty
where currency, bank ebeok, draft«, ate., are
used. Claas, or private instruction day at
evening. College Journal eent free on «p-
Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty.
P. o. Hoi 101.
G. R. HIGGINS, I na.