M c M innville ’ s prominent business men . J. Harv. Henderson has Garrison’« everything The boy« are happy, moves along fine for the Firemen’* pure full cream cheese on -ale. Call at Collard’s shouting gallery ball. .Mikado hair pins and Astrakhan and mak«* a note of the artistic pict- trimin.iigB at the store of Miss F. E. I I tires on exhibition in the window. Geo. W. Jones and John Wortman Russ. Button, button, who’s got the but­ each possess an elegant $70 shot gun, Is the best place to get your ton* F. W. Redmond has it. Call Damascus barrels, from the east goods for the Holidays. Be. and see his stock going off like hot through the agency of W. F. Collard. Uncle Andy Shuck also has a nice one fore purchasing for yourself cakes. for $25 to go with his new duck boat. Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of music or family, it will pay youto “Our city charter is plenty good in McMinnville and at McMinnville CALL AND EXAMINE college. Residence corner of Second enough,’’ says one citizen. “Taint my goods which are warrant, neither,” sayB another; but the lack and C Streets. ed as represented. Bavin» E B. Fellows put a modern front of interest taken by the mass of peo­ into his Third street store yesterday, ple seems to indicate that whether it which will greatly add to the attrac­ be good or bad it is all we will get. Capt. Jerome, a pioneer master of tive display of his stock. the Wallamet, is lying at the point of J. B. Fuson has a pair of large sized, for rips on your boots and shoes. Boots made and brown colored, matched Clydesdale death at his home of pyemia. Mrs. E. B. Fellows of this city, an old time gelding colts, four years old next repaired at short notice. Sign of the BIG BOOT, spring, which he will sell cheap for friend of the family, is with them at Opposite the Grange Store. P. B. Browilp, present, (.’apt. Jerome’s illness comes cash. Address at Dayton, Oregon. The drama, ' Past Redemption,” from blood poisoning which followed drew a crowded house Friday evening, j a recent accident which jammed one many persons from a distance being of his legs. present. It was finely rendered, some Ladle«* Cloak«. splendid acting being done. By re­ These cloak* have got to go because jVt McMinnville, quest the play will be repeated Satur­ I am not going to winter them over day evening the 26th. this summer, so if you want a long Has a Fine Stock of In addressing a jury, the other day, cloak or a short cloak, a big cloak or Ready Made Cloth­ Roscoe Conkling thus alluded to a a little cloak, a dear cloak or a cheap ing on Hand that red nosed witness who, he thought had cloak, a tight fitting or Miss Fitting lied in the witness chair: “Gentle­ cloak, or any kind of a fit in cloaks, he is selling low To Buy In men I think I can see that witness go to Appersons. now—his mouth stretching across the for CASH. Tea Imports. wide desolation of his face, a fountain A. J. Apperson has advices from Also a large and as­ of falsehood and a sepulcher of rum.” Yokohama to the effect that he has A. J. Apperson’s Thanksgiving tur­ now en route another shipment of sorted Stock of new key tlew high in an effort to escape, that famous Unity tea. The Japan and after alighting upon the roof of Pants Patterns, to Syndicate, from whom his advices are Mayor Cowles’ house, started off in received, say that this tea has been ent from. Fit I7* nil Assortment the direction of the Central hotel. Its cured by the perfection process, is flight was intercepted by Clarence guaranteed. shipped in Perfection Cans, and is su­ ----- AT----- Turner, and it was captured and re­ perior in every way to other Japan turned to its cage to await its fate at teas, whether pan or basket fired. SYMONS, the TAILOR G. K. DETMFRIWS the appointed hour. The WCTU had intended to discon­ MISCELLANEOUS. tinue their Sunday evening entertain­ ments for the next few months, but by special request of a number of IF YOU WANT A friends, have reconsidered the ques­ tion, and will hold them once a month, The Milliner. as heretofore, using the third Sunday evening instead of the first. S elina . McMinnville - - - - Oregon. \ limited number only of this mam moth edition, have been retained on Invites attention to her special fall and hand. Parties who have the welfare Holiday line, consisting in part of Finely executed of yourself, your Christmas Cards, 10c to 15c each. friends or loved ones to Higgins" the Oar Stoves are made by Bridge, BnrcH of the community at heart, should se­ Handkerchiefs from 5c unward. Co., of St. Louie, and are superior id M" cure one or more copies and send to Scraps for crazywork, baskets, whisk portrait artist who also does figure and and Quality. The only firm known »* »rooms, remnants of ribbons, child­ landscape work with pen, pencil or friends abroad. Owing to the large ex­ ren's lace collars, remnants of lace, crayon, writes your name on visiting warrant the stove backs not to bonioot Fifteen years. We buy for spotcash - pense incident in the production, we chamois skins, glass slippers with per­ cards, does ornamental lettering and car loads, and defy competition fume, Etc. Etc., 10c each. Zephyrs, have placed the price at 10 cents per 4 skeins for 25 cents. Saxony yarn pen work of all descriptions. At Mc­ agents for the celebrated Shoninger Uni and Matheehek Pianoee which hare no «| Copy, or three for a quarter. It is the and German knitting yarn, Frosted Minnville business college. and surpass all others where brougn floss, Emb. Chenille, Arrasene, Beads competition. These we sell lu u>D°, greatest achievement in country jour­ all sizes and colors. with the Best assorted stock of nalism yet produced, east or west. Mrs. H. I’. Stewart Cutlery, and Tinware, on the Ww» the Very Lowest Cash Prioee. Weoan M ihm K. T komtoi J B Fuson called yesterday while M ho . A. M c D onald . ----- o— •• you money by trading 4 (» in the city. From him we learned Fashionable Has a Very Nice Stock of further particulars concerning the Dressmaking. Dayton fire. The mill belonged to NOTICE TO FARMER* In Mr». H. P. Stuart's Millinery Store, Mr. Ball, of North Yamhill, and he OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, had bargained it to a Mr. Ry res on the day previous to the Are. He, (Byres) McMimruiu - Onnoon. had gone there to remove the machin­ ery, and while there the mill was l> C. IRELAND A CO., burn«**! along with his team. He claims Two miles east of McMinnville & to have been robbed of $71 the same night, hence he concludes that it was o fired by some on* for the purpose of Have lately purchased and setup*** plunder The loss is about 11,000. The bridge across the river was in Suitable for the Holiday trade. Roller Feed Cru«h*r danger, but prompt effort saved it. / AA.1 Call and inspect these goods. Stamping Mr. F. and others left their farms and Which will be used on Friday® 1 and hair weaving to Order. Opposite went to the rescue. week to chon feed to order, McMinnville, Oregen '»range Store, McMinnville, Oregon. $2 per ton. Call and see us. M’MiNNVILLE PIONEER BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Low Prices to Suit Times, and where you won’t have to Pay C. SYMONS, Wet W eather Miss F. E. Huss, QO! Millinery and Fancy Articles, I «Pocket Books« | Fine Job Printers, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Etc. Fletcher Bros.