--- --- The Daily Reporter« p. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. McMinnville, Or. - Nov 25. 1886 Band of Hope pic-nic at Grange hall, Saturday p. m. The weather yesterday was a regu­ lar webfooter’s delight. It isn't tea that’s intoxicating it’s the girl that pours it out. A straight Hush—one that is n’t ¡uanufacted by means of rouge. Councilman C. D. Johnson had our evnipathy yesterday he was setting Up a stove. Gold and silver ladies watches at a big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ elry store. Knight & Hiatt have as nice a place of business as any on Third street Give them a call. A nice lunch for 25 cents at the St. Charles hotel on the 25th, from ten o’­ clock p m. till two in the morning. The McMinnville Business College is open every evening at 7 o’clock for itudents in writing, drawing and book­ keeping. All firemen who expect to attend the ball Thursday evening, are re­ quested to appear in uniform, by order of the committee. Friends and relatives of R. S. Cook, met at his house on Sunday and cele­ brated his 68th birth day anniversary in right social way. If you want your business repre- lented in the Thanksgiving 20-page edition of the Daily Reporter, hand in your copy early. McMinnville jewelery store is now the biggest and largest west of Port­ land and the cheapest in Oregon. Wm. Holl, proprietor. A First Class Thanksgiving Dinner will be served at the Central Hotel on the 25th, by the prince of good cater­ ers, mine host L. H. Cook. If you want a stuffed pig, fattened upon pure wholesome feed, call at the Eurisko market. Unless specially ordered it will not be killed. L. P. Pond, of Corvallis, father of Mrs. D. Wallace, was in the city yes­ terday en route to Portland upon business. We acknowledge a call. The Firemen’s ball will be the finest Affair of the year. Music by coach whip string band, and supper by the popu­ lar caterer L. H. Cook. The program if fine. Why do you pay for inferior silver plated table ware big prices, if you get at the McMinnville jewelry More, Wm. Holl, the best and finest Cin be had for the same price. The young people who attended the : rth day anniversary party at the resi­ dence of W. C. Hembree last evening, 11 honor of Miss Marie, report having •ad a very fine and enjoyable time. From one who was present we are •■'formed that the party at Dr. A. K. bids by the young folk, was a splen­ did affair. Three set were on the Hoor M°ne time. Music and collation fine. Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay l°r it when you subscribe, and we will f edge ourselves to give you more for leu money, than any other i*P«rin the Willamette valley. The ll-v will help the weekly 100 per cent. Public Ncliool Exhibition. The exhibition last Friday evening drew an immense crowd of friends and patrons of the school to the Opera house. I he exercises opened with a “Song of welcome” by the school. The programme was then followed out with few exceptions. Elon Wallace has a good voice and did well in his recita­ tion entitled “Recollections.” Maud ashburne was the sweetest little “Milk maid” we ever saw. Lester Daniels won hearty applause from the audience for declaiming so well. Hu­ bert Toney, Pearl Kirkwood, Minnie Howell, Dotha Daniels and Lizzie Jaehn did excellently. The instru­ mental duett by Priscilla and Chas. Galloway was well executed, and they were also heartily applauded. Maud Randall, Irene Rummell, Laura Miller, Ambie Wright and Lizzie Cline recited nicely. Ray Satchwell could not have done better in his recitation entitled “What is a minority.” Forest Narver has a good voice and could be heard distinctly all over the hall. Cyntitha Fellows always does well, but last even­ ing she really excelled all former ef­ forts in rendering the recitation enti­ tled “Would you?” The quartet by Meadames Campbell and Tucker, Messrs. Rogers and Price was greatly enjoyed. We are sorry we could not learn the names of the four little girls that spoke “In the morning.” “The little Philosophers” was splendid. These little girls have good voices, and surprised all present by doing more than well. In the song, “Our Baby” the alto singing by little Florence Hamnett was beautiful. She possesses a wonderful voice for one so young. The dialogue of Ralph Story and Wirt Gardner was received and created lots of fun. Ina Gooper and Graeie Stuart in their recitations did splendidly, and their many friends have just reason to be proud of them. Cora Baker has a sweet voice’ and Eva Baxter was inde­ pendent to perfection. In “Jar ley’s wax works,” Mrs. Jarley was repre­ sented by Miss Mary Clemmins ; Chi­ nese giant, Morris Sweet; Welsh Dwarf, Graeie Stuart; Martha Bangs, Lizzie Cline; Mrs. S. A. Winslow, Cyntitha Fellows; Blue Beard, Hallie Powell; Lord Ryron, John Manee: Capt. Kidd, Walter Baker ; Lady Blou- sabella, Eva Baxter; Mermaid, Ola Burt; The Boy stood on the burning deck, Forest Narver; The sleeping Beauty, Josie Gardner; Siamese Twins Perry Leabo and Xerxes Gant. All sustained their characters well. Katie Gorman as “Little Nell” deserves much credit and praiae. Little Helen Calbreath won the heart of every one present. The dialogue entitled “We are four” reflects great credit on tho*e little girls. The song “Now we are happy children” was very good. The dialogue entitled “That naughty boy," Daisy Young as Widow Blinker, Sam- mie Symons as Cyrus, her naughty boy, and so he was, Nora Cooper as Sally Hascom, and Nellie Gardner as Kitty.was greeted with merry laughter. Mr. John Knight then favored the au­ dience with a song and as he so capti­ vated ’urn all," he was not allowed to rest until he recited in the most comi­ cal manner, "My Mother-in-law.” The dialogue, “Mrs. Jonas Jones, wm very interesting. Charles Hodson, aa JonM Jones, gave the young men present some good advice. Cora Baker made a bewitching bride. Anna Bynum a good mother-in-law, ami Geo. Clark Mr. Over Due, did well. Ralph Brown being a minister just suited him. “Kit­ ty s Funeral brought down the house. Gertie Pond has a clear good voice, and Graeie Stuart, as the orator, was too funny for anything The following girl- composed the funeral procession. Lena Baker, Inez Eccleston, Georgia Storey, l.ela Vanatta, Lillie Adams, and Ambie Wright. “Good Night” was then sung by the school. It is next to impossible to do full justice to all. The A Grand Hall will be given under th* au*- pioea of the McMinnville Fire l>e- entertainment was a success in every ptirlnisnt, at respect, and our people should be proud of it. FIREMEN S The Northren Pacific directory is a trifle late in its proposition for a “joint lease.” Many perished in the late atorma on the northwestern lakes. It wtt the fiercest gale on record. Just because people neglect to keep run of their business property holders in Portland paid for dressing the streets with rotten rock, which was ground up into dust and carted off at another ex (tense. That mule colt owned by Henry Gee, which made such a fine appear­ ance in the horse show procession iu this city last summer is getting to be a big mule now. Henry says the next time the colt comes to town he will wear a harness, and help pull the load. The French chamber of deputies take the liberty of enlightening the world that the have decided in favor of the bill raising duty on foreign wheat from 3 to 5 francs. This is in line with the protectionist policy which is just now in favor there. Whatever else our French friends in­ tend that liberty should mean, this certainly does not include commercial liberty between the two countries. American pork products having been boycotted, it is now the turn of wheat and corn. Our western fanner will be unable to appreciate the compli­ ment. The Annals of Hygiene says that well water in such cities should never be used ; but what can we do to help ourselves in this place at present? lx>t us remember that a well will drain an area with a diameter equal to twice its depth. Therefore, a well twelve feet deep will drain an area the diameter of which is twenty-four feet; that is to say that it will drain the surrounding soil for twelve feet in direction. Obviously, then, the privy should be more than the depth of the well away from it, and more than this again if it is proposed to place it on a higher level, which, however, should never he done. The well should be lined inside thoroughly with mortar so that percolation cannot occur be­ tween the crevices of the bricks, and it should lie well covered, so that sur­ face drainage cannot get into it, for you want to drink the water that has come into the well from the bottom, after it has been purified by filtration through the earth. Garrison Opera House, Thursday Ev*uing, N ot . 25. 1HHK. O--------- MIMIC BT -*C0*CH WHIP STRING BAND*- —TICKETS— —O ne D ollar P er C ouple .— -------- O-------- S upper at C ook ’ s H otel — ------ o------ A oordial wrlooru* extended to *11. Thanksgiving Supper AT THE Central Hotel FOR Tilt: FIRKMKNB HALL BRINtt ALL VOIR FRIEMIN TO A MPLEMHI) FFAWT. SEWING MACHINES —AT— Kni^lit Ar We are now prepared to furnish anything in the sewing machine line, all sorts of attachments and fixtures for all kinds of machines, oil, needles, belting, screwdrivers, oil cans, A etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All work warranted. We sell the celebrated light running Wheeler A Wilson, new No. 8, New Home and Davis. We also have on hand a good selection of second hand machines to rent or sell at reasonable rates. We will take them back at the same price on new ones, bring your old machines and exchange for new ones Come Spectator* will be admitted to the and see us, you will always find us galit r at the firemen’i ball thanks­ in a g(M>d humor. Location, 3d street McMinnville, under Odd Fellows hall. giving evening. :