The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 25, 1886, Image 4

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    First National Bank will be closed
‘*1 would» only people would laugh.
The DaHy Reporter.
“Why so?” “Oh, she has such a ridic­ on Thanksgiving.
The public schools will dost- this
evening until Monday next.
Hu b*« ripI !<•>■
“Pa, what sort of a house is that?
The Guild of St. James ^Episcopal)
By Carrier pwr wwk................ •••• 1°
ou Katurday.) o **
will meet at 2 p. m. to-morrow.
v Payable
lum.” “Blind people live in thete?’
Hiiiuiv (-op/...................................
Childrens survive and baptism at
By Mail U) oents per Month 'In Advance.)
et. Janies (Episcopal) church Sunday.
Ilulr« for
St. James (Episcopal) Sunday
V ill lx Hinde Hi.ii»*». -lory to all applicants. they?" “No, my boy.” “Then what has
the house got windows tor, it they can’t school are rehearsing carols for
McMinnville, Or.
“Charley will soon be home again , Every lady.’not in health should
fresh from his studies, won’t he’ said consult Dr. Turner,International hotel,
No paper will I«- issued from this a fond Cincinnati mother to her spouse. Portland.
Dr. Galbreath is recovering from a
office to-morrow. The combined daily “1 don’t think, my dear, that Charley’s
and weekly edition apeak* for itself. studies can have the effect of making serious attack of influenza. Even the
doctor's are not exempt from illnesss.
The number of copies iaaiied in for
him any fresher than he was when he
Weekly reader»
- • 1.250 copies» left,” was the old gentleman’s unfeeling
Cousin Sally’s valuable contribu­
2™ «
tion is unavoidably laid over for next
Extra for distribution - 500
The deacon’s wife wanted to jot down week.
James W. Lady made us a pleasant
the text, and, leaning over to her
yesterday as he was in towm from
scapegrace nephew, she whispered:
“Have you got a card about you?’ Sheridan on business.
A. P. Woolsey, who has been con­
According to official estimate it will “You can’t play in church!" was his
cost alxiut $#50 per month to main* solemn, reproving answer; and the fined to his home some time is failing
tain the light in Liberty's torch on good woman was so flustered that she rapidily.
The probable expenses of the state
Bedloes island. The United States forgot all about the text.
for 1887 are estimated to
may well hesitate before accepting any
An exchange tells a story of a boy amount to $279,139.71.
more magnificent presents from for­ who was sent to market with a sack of
The composition “North America,’
eigners. Having accepted this one, roasting ears, and after lingering about
by a pupil in Mis* Martin's room,
however, and with much ado in the town all day, came home without sell­
Master Clyde Rolland, will appear
matter of penny subscriptions and pub­ ing them. When asked by his mother next week.
lic ap|>eals got it set up, it will not why he had not sold the corn, he said
Remember that there is a home
no one asked him what was in the
do to lose the effect of the whole en sack. How many of our merchants nursery at Lafayette, when you want
terpnse by failing to light the torch.
are like the boy? They have goods trees. Address E. R. Poppleton.
The command "Iart there lie light’’ for sale out they fail to tell what is in
Mr. Hawley of Polk county was in
the city yesterday. He appears to be
is about to t>e enforced to the letter in
Portland. Twenty thousand |>oles in this day and age of the world, you one of the kind that makes up a good
must open the sack and show the mer­
and forty miles of wire will soon lie its of your stock in trade, by judicious community.
agencies in flashing electric light at a advertising.
Dr. Watts' lecture at the open tem­
perance meeting Monday evening
highth of thirty-five feet over every
Merr*. Fred Keller and Am. Shad- was very favorably commented up
block. Crime will then with difficulty
find a place in the city dark enough den have hung up some fine venison by those who heard him.
Recollect the sale of the Jimmy
for its pur|K>ses. East Portland also for thanksgiving.
('all at Hodson’s for your selections Warren farm, at Lafayette, next Satur­
struggles to the front with numerous
of stoves, a fine Btock of parlor, heat­ day by the Warren executors. See
gas jets and more numerous coal oil
ing, cook and ranges on hand.
lamps, and ho|»es, in the course of hu­ Choice cotiee and tea (Folger’s advertisement and posters.
Apperson’s turkey when it flew in
man events, to succeed these with elec­ brands) direct from San Francisco,
direction of the Central was prob­
tric lights.
and all kinds of groceries at C. Gris­
ably not aware of the fact that L. H.
The Globe-Democrat of St. Louis sen’a.
Cook always has a fine turkey dinner
has been crowded with column after
Choice coffee and tea (Folger’s
column of a controversy. In answer l brands) direct from San Francisco, on Thanksgiving.
The Overland monthly for Decem­
to a writer who complained that his and all kinds of groceries at C. Gris
will contain an exhaustive article
italics were disregarded, it informs him sen’s.
This edition of T he R eporter is upon our forests, with paeticular
that his communication was cut into
u|>on a first class Wheeler & reference to southern California, writ­
forty parts or“takes" for as many tyj»e-
setters, while there were only three Wilson machine, from the establish­ ten by Abbot Kinney, chairman of
the state forestry commission.
italic cases, and to suppress the nat­ ment of Knight A Hiatt. See ad.
Dan Morgan has been captured and
The communication containing the
ural, if not justifiable, profanity arising
safely bulged in his old quarters in announcement of the marriage of H.
from the situation, the order was given
the Multtimah county jail. The two
to “disregard italics." In its protest importent points of difference in his B. Stevenson and Miss Nettie Plum­
mer, with a full description of the
that it takes occasion to make against case now and then are that he has
elegant toilets worn by bride and in­
the habit which many writers have of not got ex-Jailer Doughtety for a
vited guests and account of the grand
trying to give strength to a weak style kee|>er, and he is held under indict­ entertainment in the evening. Came
by profuse use of italics, the Globe ment foj murder instead of witness on too late for publication, but will ap­
Democrat is entitled to the sup|x>rt of a charge pending against appeal for pear in our next.
the editorial profession generally. It | the same crime. He knew nothing
To get rid of rats feed them well at
says: “It is by no means a pnxif of about the indictment before he was
a certain place until you have gather­
the strength of an article to see the confronted by judge Stearns, This
ed their confidence. After a while
smoothness and regnlarity of its ap­ completely overwhelmed him for a
the whole lot will come and cat. Then
pearance thus destroyed and defaced. moment, but in a few seconds he re-
them a dose of poison, enough to
Perhaps it would not be overstating gained his stoical demeanor, He is
do the business effectually. If any es­
the case to say that italics bear the ordered to plead Monday next, When
cape being killed they will not trust
same relation to writing that profanity returned to the jail he gave evidence
of weakening; he began to realize the food on those premises again, but
dose to speech, oaths are the italics
that hia position« is not a second at­ will betake themselves elsewhere.
of the ignorant in conversation; and
tempt to interview him, but he was
italic's are the oaths of the weak in aaleep. Morgan told under Sheriff
to me to call and
i Witherell that we traveled 240 miles
So your’wife weighs three hundred in car with nothing to sustain •ettle their account immediately.
pounds?* “Yes Smith.” “I should think him but a little whiskey which he pro­
F. W. R edmond .
you'd exhibit her at the dime museum?* cured before leaving the city.
A favorite resort—before the fire.
There was a full attendance and
much interest displayed at the Choral
Union meeting Monday night at Gar­
rison Opera house. The ¡constitution
and by-laws was adopted, and officers
for the ensuing term chosen as fol-
I). C. Nar ver, President;
C. P. Bishop, Vice-President;
A. B. Apperson, Secretary;
Miss Belle Johnson, Treasurer;
Carl Young, Musical director;’
Miss Belle Johnson, organist;
Committee on room, C. P. Bishop
Dr. E. E. Goucher, and D. C. Ireland.’
Committee on finances, Geo. W
Jones, Chas. Grissen, J. J. Spencer.
The membership fee was fixed at
$2.00 for active, and $4.00 for honorary
members each. This iB subject to
change however, as it is not for the
purpose of “making money” but for
musical culture and improvement
that the Choral Union is organized.
We think that $2.00 a year for active
membership, and $4.00 per year for
honorary, is all that will ever be call­
ed for. it is probable that admission»
to rehearsals and concerts will reim­
burse all future expenditures for di­
rector, organist and room, after the
first quarter.
This is a matter
easily adjusted under the by­
laws, and ought to deter none from ac­
tive participation at once. There
should be at least one hundred active
members enrolled this month. In
consequence of the snow blockade
“in the states,” and as the Portland
music stores had to send east for the
music ordered, the next meeting will
be held at the call of the President D.
C. Narver, of which due and timely
notice w'ill be given.
Jnstioe’s Court for South McMinnville Pre­
cinct, Yamhill County, Oregon.|
J ohn C labk . Plaintiff, )
A l . Y oung , Defendent, j
To Al. Young, defendent above named: In
the name of the State of Oregon, you »re
hereby required to appear »nd answer
plaintiffs complaint in said canse.on or be­
fore Friday, Jan. 7, 1887. before the under­
signed, a jnatioe of the peace for said pre­
cinct, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Mi“
day, at the office of said justice in saidpre-
oinct, to a civil action.
Defendant will take notioe that if he fail t>’
answer said oomplaint, John Clark will
take judgment against him for
the ooata and disbursements of this order,
an order of sale of the attached property.
This summons to be published six weeks in
the Yamhill (’oanty Reporter, by order of
said justice made Nov. 22, 1887.
F kntom A F h < ton ,
8. F. rfaannio.
Att’yn. for Plff. Juatioe of the PeaM-
87. 6t.