The !*lc. < . IKEI.AM» A <‘O. I’l BI.ISlIEKS. McMinnville, Or. M c M innville ’ s prominent business men . Fnmily. Nov 25, 1886 W H FMrh<*r I<»«t a $25b horse l»y •. of t0 It consists of Mr. and Mrs. MeGibenv. simp'y IMMENSE and contains many rare and beauti­ Mrs. Frank McGibney, wife of the eld ful gifts which cannot fail to cause a smile ON CHRIST- est son, ami twelve children seven boys and five gfrl and • every one of j/.-M MORNING. If you are searching for beautiful them musicians from the parents down and appropriate Holiday Gifts, remember we have GOT to the little 3-vear- >ld Leo. A Mon-, tana paper lints refers to them at | TH /f. \I FOR Sure. Our new stock is unequalted, and in it Butte: The programme lart evening! you are sure to find perhaps the Mery thing" you wanted, included solos, duetts, quartets, and full orchestra, each commanding an and noir a word in regard to prices. You ought to have applause as generous as it was hearty | seen us make the wholesale dealers COME DOWN when If the merit of the entertainment be-j measured by the demonstrations of we bought our HOLIDAY STOCK. We shall let the cat favor exhibited by the large audience, out of the bag; skip all unnecessary comments and simply we would be safe in asserting it was the best that has been presented here, say that LOW PRICES is what ice got, and LOW PRICES nd the audience the nest pleased as- is what ire shall sell for. It makes our competitors SAD, emblage of people that over filled the house all did so well it would seem, BET NO II ONDER, for our marvelous BARGAINS are invidious to discriminate, but one a terror of THEM ALL. Just now our stock is full and cannot refrain from mentioning the complete, but the choicest selections will soon be gone- Now really artistic performance of Mr. and We can please one Mrs Frank in their cornet duett, the is the golden opportunity, GRAB IT. masteily playing of Mr. Hugh, the and all, from the delicate DUDE in search of “ a present violinist, the excellent rendition of a choice selec tion by Miss Viola, violin- , fair me gurl, you know," to the man with a small purse i t. the “l’eekaboo”by Miss MeGibenv and a whole family to provide for, we cordially invite all and little l.oo, the fine and most pleas­ ing recitation by the beautiful Miss to come and inspect our stock. We are watching and wait­ Allie, the character sketch by Florence ing for you. Please do not keep us in suspense. and Grace, the comic song of Master Jamie, and the grand march by the COME RICHT ALONG, EVERYBODY! whole troupe. The performance oc­ cupied two hours and a half, and •)O( throughout was conducted with a natu­ ralness and regard for proprieties that were not among the least of its charm­ ing features. Mrs. MeGibenv is a su­ perb singer and a finished artist, qualities which are prominent in every one of her interesting children. Music­ loving p< ople will have an opportunity of hearing this most remarkable family at Garrison opera house early in De­ cember. d 1 i>p r l ist week. Th 4'K‘li of doll- in this city in the 1 hamt of lit' <• Misses 1 - fine. 8ei i.tlor Dolph pas­ •d through the citv < ti Saturday. I>r'"’ ■1 south. calied on Sat- lion. A. It. Buil> ' urduv, as he was in town on Business. Little Tommy Browne is a sufferer with very painful effects from tooth­ ache. Mikado hail pins ami AMntcan trimming'- at the store of Mi.-- I E. Russ. Fletcher Bro- chop mill i- up and in working order. It is a first class roller mill. \\ T. Booth was the only man with a carriage at the opera house Friday night. A small locomotive, passed up Saturday for nient works at Newport. Mrs. Frank Morrison presented her husband with a fine boy last week. Mrs. M was formerly Miss May Baker ol this city. Miss Bell«- Johnson, teacher of mu­ sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ ville college. Residence corner of Second and U Streets. Sales of wheat the last few days in­ clude 5,0 ||e lost a pair of horses, har­ no doubt greatly widen the influence ness and wagon The loss of the mill and extend the circulation of that was about $1,200. There was no ma­ paper. Ap alarm of tire at the Central on chinery in the mill. It was undoubt­ the evening of the 19th, caused quite edly set on tire Dayton, Lafayette and vicinity is a flurry for awhile. Fortunately the undoubtedly infested bv a gang of tire was squelched in its incipience by murderous, villainous tramps, and prompt work. Some of the boarders, there is not the least doubt in the Prof. Price, et al., thought it was a world Imt they are a portion of a gang ruse t<> choke them off from the supper to which Marple belonged. It is evi­ table, but Bro. Cook says it was not, dent they tired Powell’s mill, Satur­ he likes boarders who have good ap- day morning, ami stole $71 from G. F. |H‘tetites. Uncle Jeptha Harrison had a curi­ Brower. The |»eople are determined now to BCOur that part of the country osity in nature on exhibition at the Eurisko market Saturday. It was a and get rid of the rascals tuft of hair adhering to the innermost Messrs (fault and Wright are at work raising the Indi tower to aocom- or skinny side of a beef hide, and a of ’«»•J»«« •um>unding it, all modate the new bell for the depart- between the flesh and the hide. The mrnf. The new hell would not swing in the tower without this work, It is l>eef was white, but this hair was thought that Che contract will be com­ neither white nor red. a sort of auburn pleted so that the bell may be heard color. The cow was pure, healthy on thanksgiving morning, simultane­ and fat. The hair had evidently- ous with the appearance of the Daily grown and shed off in there, perhaps Reporter. ever aince the cow was a calf. 4 Christinas will soon be here, ancl everybody ought to 11. 7 KE L P to the fact, and select suitable presents at once. Our beautiful display of Holiday Goods will surely IIIXIGIIT YOU One and all. Albums and Scrap Books, Ink Stands, Dressing Cases, Shaving , Odor Etc. Tlie newest, the nicest, Hie prettiest and tlie cheapest you eve» . Appropri- aie a bi« and little» This is Your Best Chance ’B ^1 <—y ” AT GEO. W. BURT’S Prescription Drug Store, Writ in ii ville, Orc^oag^