M c M innville , O regon . VOL. 1. The Daily Reporter, NOVEMBER PRICE TEN CENTS. CORRESPONDENCE. possible, to-wit: do the best you can , lots, grain, wool, or other commercial with what you have, and make the commodity, paying more therefor than i'.Vt’ii’ EZRA'S PAPERS most pc?«i> le out of it, and work with Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnvillefor Having just returned from my visit an aim single to the accomplishing or the prevailing rates of the country ; I Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ to the fat stock show, and my sojourn procuring at no distant future a better say, to careful business men thee»» are ond Class Matter. in Egypt among the Pyramids of the farm and better machinery. Having signs of irresponsibility and approach­ bankruptcy to those who practice world, and being requested to con­ once started on this ro*d if you have 1 ing it for any great time. Thia is not to WEEKLY REPORTER. I old tribute something for your Thanksgiv­ sufficient of unadulterated grit or i I m * confounded with good healthy com­ ing edition, I again make my bow to pluck, you are pretty sure to get the petition in the various affaire of life. Sixteenth Year of Publication. Aunt Polly and all intelligent readers other combination requisite and neces­ The latter you want, the former you do ■cMINNVlLLE - - OREGON of the Reporter, whether business men sary to your success. This is. 1 think, not ........ —o ■ want; you have had 1< m > much si- o. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. producers or laborers ; and for want of alike true and applicable to not only ready. A won! to the laborers. Can a better vipic upon which to found this churches, schools and farms, but busi­ you afford, in these times of depression D. C. IRELAND A Co., article I gather the following thoughts ness men and laborers of all kinds to sell your individuality, vour birth­ PUBLISHERS. from things lately transpiring in and Before h aving this subject permit me, right, to any one person, league or or­ ■0----------------- around McMinnville, the business cen­ having intimated that our churches ganization? Who is to say, or exer­ Weekly Subscription Kate«. One oopy per year in advanoe - - - <2.(0 ter of old Yamhill, and trust that in and schools were the best known and cise' the right to say to you when you If not paid in advanoe - - . - 2.50 handling the subject it may be in such best rated institutions of the day for shall or shall not work? For whom To olube of three or five, when accompanied manner as to prove alike interesting the business or purposes for which you should or should not work. Is it with the oaah, $1.50 per year eaoh. Two to the business men, producers and they are founded ; don't for a moment you or them that is most interested in names for six months each to oount as one laborers of this county, and applicable think 1 am objecting to the investiga­ what concerns you and your family the yearly subscription. to those of other sections of our state. tion of any other doctrine that may most. Is it to them, or to you that The Daily Reporter. Tn D aily R bpobtkb is issued every day First, this being a Thanksgiving issue, be presented, on the contrary, recogniz­ your family look for support? la it in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered we should all be thankful for the boun­ ing the right of one and all to be gov­ not far better for you, for your family, in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ tiful harvests, the general good health erned by their own judgment. 1 would and for all concerneel, if you have em­ vertising same as for T hs W bkxly K bpobtbb . of all,the beautiful weather, our exemp­ have them investigate one and all, ployment on one of these farms at one tion from blizzards and cyclones, the before letting go of the old farm or the dollar a day, which is probably all that favorable conditions promising so well old reliable business firms whom they any farmer can pay for your labor, in SPECIAL NOTICE. for future crops, even if at very low are acquainted with and know so well, view of what he gets off- from it, to prices. We should be thankful for the anti accepting the new and untried stick to it, and get that dollar a day THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. progress that has been made in the de­ concerns, that they furnish you with until something better offers? If any velopment of our state, our county and sufficient collaterals necessary to make labor organisation can pay you more our business centers. We should also you reasonably safe here and hereafter. than one dollar per day, of course be be thankful for our churches and our In other words, if you let the old farm thankful and lake it. But when the schools. Even through adversity much go, see that you either get its value order comes to strike, from your Labor —OF— has been accomplished, yet much re­ down, or an iron clad mortgage upon King, or one of his subordinates; or, mains to be done. Let us one and all. it that will make you safe hereafter. when an organisation demand that Yamhill County. instead of constantly complaining of Following this thought farther, would you become a member when their hard times, the depression in values, say to the farmers and producers, after practices and actions carry out that and business “ which cannot and will having secured and garnered the gold­ doctrine, is it not an insult to your in­ FFICERS :------ not always exist,” make the best of the en grain, and are ready to store it away telligence? Would it not he as well, surroundings, and with united effort in your own or some one vises granery or probably better for you, when you ........ President J acob W ortman . do what we can to improve the condi­ or warehouse, be sure you are reason­ admit your inability to maintain your Vice-president tion of all. Great good and great events ably safe. If you want information re­ own business affairs to apply to the D. P. T hompson , ............ Cashier can only be achieved by united and garding its safety from tire, go to some court to have a guardian appointed J ohn W ortman . well directed efforts of the many. We | old and reliable insurance company lor you. This is the best known and want you one and all to attend these for such information. Why ; because authorized source for relief in such churches, to patronize these schools, they have had the largest and most ex­ cases. In all seriousness are you not MoMINNVTLLE, - - - - OREGON because they are the best known and tended experience, and are the beat drifting out into that condition which Transacts a general Banking Busi- ■best rated institutions for the impart­ I judges of the risks from fire, from the you denounced so bitterly on this ing of that information and knowledge surroundings. If their rate of insur­ Coast, to wit: the six Chinese com­ ness. which is so necessary, and calculated ance is high, it is because the risks are panies who were importing Chinese to advance progressive ideas. Their considered great, no matter whether its here under the contract system. How to check. Accounts received subject mission is a high and exalted one, and surrounded by stone, brick or wood. long will it be before your leaders will Collections for Yamhill County a is not, or ought not to be, a selfish or The best thing todo in such case is to be contracting your services in the seclusive one. It is here, as well as at | insure, or move that wheat to a safer same or like manner. Business is one specialty. our homes, that our boys and girls are I place, and keep yourself as safe as thing, sentimentality another. These Buy and sells Foreign and Domestic to be taught in those theories that they ¡»ossible from loss. If you want infor­ two will not unite nr harmonize. It at some future time must of necessity mation in relation to the standing or has been tried and discarded. Exchange. U vclb E zra . apply practically to the various rela- reliability of the parties you are deal­ Telegraph Transfers on all principal I tions in life. In fact, the future of this ing with, go to your bank, or business men, your mercantile agency, Brad­ LAFAYETTE. Eastern Cities. San Francisco, and state and this nation depends upon the streets, I)un A Co., or Pickens, Fulton proper education and development of Jan. McCain’s little girls have been the children. These institutions were ' A Co., the best known authorities on quite sick the past few week« with Portland, Or. built for use, not mere ornaments ; they such subjects, and inquire into these are not infallible or perfect? Whose matters. Let the investigation be far scarlitina and throat troubles, but are E. E. COUCHER, M. D fault is it if they are not! Have we reaching and searching ; not only as now on the mend. been dealing with them in such man­ to the financial conditions of the firm A public school entertainment will ner as to make them just what we or persons, but also as to their record be held in Littlefield’s hall on Friday PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. would like? Have we not mistaken, in and rating for fair and honest dealing- McMunrviuji - • • O bboow . many instances parsimony for econo­ If you find they have no rating, or if evening, Dec. the 10th. An admit­ they are absconding debtors, coming tance fee of 25 cents will be charged, Offioe and residenoe, oorner of Third and my? Are we not getting from these here from abroad without standi ng,you and the proceeds used to buy singing sources good value for the money in ­ D streets, next to the poetoffioe. vested? Can you rightfully expect the better stick to your old reliable institu­ books for the school. best of latent in teachers at the salar­ tions until they make rating for them, sab . m ’ oain . sriLir, ies you pay? Can you expect the •elves. Until you one and all do this, SPECIAL NOTICE. McCain &. Hurley, best results from poor farmers or pe<>r you may expect to be caught dealing with irresponsible and bankrupt men farm implements’ If not why should attobmets - at . law you complain so much of them when anti concerns, and sooner or later you AND NOTARIES PtBLIC, you refuse or fail to provide apparatus Trill be the losers thereby. Have not Yamhill County Bank. Lafayette, Oregon,! i in vour schools so necessary in order this community had enough of such Eapeoial attention paid to abstracts of title that they may properly instruct and experiences, and paid enough for it? and settlement of estates in probate. OKNGON. If you want You cannot judge of the business abil­ McMINNVlLLK Offioe—Jail (raiding. up stairs. ________ advance their pupils better teachers and better apparatus ity of the man by hie plug hat or kid in your schools, furnish your directors gloves, or the clothes he wears. You Mrs. M. Shadden with the necessary funds to accom will I m - affiictod and the loeer by them J. C. B ralt .............. . so long as you expect or exact plish »'- n results H your farm is ton just W.D. M< D onald , J r ..............Secretary poor ,,r vour machinery is bad, do the , mething for nothing, and deal with C lark B ralt ........................... Caahier Fashionable Dressmaker, ' » it until such time* th» *e who are irresponsible in their r rsnsseta a renerai Bankin* Buo in era OoL agreements with you. Among shrewd 1 „ leoUona mads oa favorable terms. M y'.u you can get better. - ---- When . you i c -eiul business men he who contracta on ladd A Tilton, Portland. Os. have g .f*.'**>ach on the road to t. build a house, to store your train, Kisbange Interest allowsd on tima depot enable y u to ’-termine definitely a thia vm. suggest to - | or perform any service for you for noth- Tbs Rank of « aliforata m oar L s ot these met nd t ’ .e only remedy 1 ing. or who wiU recklessly buy town Tkird street, Next to Bishop A Key's -t ore, The Pioneer Bank MsMinavilto. Or. ad intol Í *