MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. MISCELLANEOUS. “Pa, what sort of a house is that?” “That, my son, is the Texas blind Asy­ THE GREAT lum. ’ “Blind people live in theie?” “Y< , Johnny.” “I hey can’t see, can they? "No, my boy.” "Then what has the house got windows for, if they can t TIME IS MONEY! •ee?” .. .......................................................................... ........ “Charley will soon be home again fresh from his studies, won’t he!" said a fund ( incipnati mother to her spouse. SAVE “I don’t think, my dear, that Charley's SHOREST! »MM*********************** 0**********************««, studies can have the effect of making lUltltHUIUItTHE DINING CAB LINEWMMMMM NtE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TBAMll him any fresher than he was when he Time and Money by ------- o-------- left,” was the old gentleman’s unfeeling T ___ T5.1s- T o CHICACO and all points EAST (*alling at reply. LiOWSSti XLXL u S Tickets sold to all PKOTIINF.NT POUhi ■■w VV Wwv ■ Throughout the East and Soutkeau. The deacon’s wife wanted to jot down VV. REDMONDS. the text, and, leaning over to her F. TO EAST BO LAD PASSENGERS! scapegrace nephew, , she whispered: rF- BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE-BUT BE SUkl ------ TO TAKE THE------ “Have you got a < card about you?” “You can’t play in < church!" was his THE solemn, reproving i answer; and the good woman was so flustered that she Goods are going off forgot all about the text. And see that your ticket reads via Portland and To get rid of rats feed them well at LIKE HOT CAKES, a certain place until you have gather­ To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Throurt ed their confidence. After a while Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full the whole lot will come and eat. Then Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! QUICKEST TIMU give them a dose of poison, enough to And Time ------- o-------- do the business effectually. If any es­ GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, cape being killed they will not trust for Bargains is short No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. the food on those premises again, but A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. will betake themselves elsewhere. An inquirer asks: 1. What ia the ailroad, ORV" P'piíl« OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA oute. CALL TO-DAY, depth and cost of W. S. Ladd’s ar- anges. VIA uver icturesque hwian well. 2. Has a contract been The Oregon and California R. R, let lor the Rctzville well. Answers: For no man knoweth Fast Time, Sure Couection, New Equipment And Connections. 1. la to be 2000 feet, has cost about TIME, DAY8. 225 Miles Shortest $22.000 (I iun far 2. Grey 4 Co., of Fare from Portland to San Franoisoo WHAT 20 Hours Less Time. to Sacramento, $80. Chicago, got the contract at the fol­ Close connections made at Ashland with Aocommooations unsurpassed for comfort lowing price : First 500 feet, 5.50 per safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho Conies to-morrow and LESS than by any other route between all stage company. foot; next 300 feet, $6; next 200 feet, in Willamette valley and San Franoisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) $7 ; next 200 feet, $8. For the last Eaaet Side Divikien. F. W. REDMOND. A ASHLAR 600 feet it will cost $2750, 800 feet, Only Route via Yaquina Bay BETWEEN PORTLAND Hail Train. $4550; and to sink it 1000 feet will ABBITI. LEAVE. .4:00 a .» 8:00 a . m . Ashland. To Saxx Francisco. Portland.... cost $51150. There is only flood »r 3:4ó ». a Ashland.... 8:45p. m . Portland preprinted. UAILT PAMSENUER TRAINS Albany Expree« Train. ABBITI. LEAVE. “Yes,” said a Kentuckian who had Portland....4:00 p. m . Lebanon .9:30 H (Except Sundays.) Lebanon....4:45 a . m . Portland 10« A.» been in the far west, “ Indians are |x>w- Japanese Cleansing Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya- Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars erful fond of wiskey. Let ’em once get quina at 7:10 a. m. daily between Portland and Ashland. the taste of wiskey and they'll give up Oregon and California, West side, trains The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes connects oonnect at Corvallis. everything for it. An old chcif out in with all the regular trains on the east adi division from foot of F street. II. ('. Vi AN EE, Manufacturer and The » >regon Development Company ’ s Western I >akota offered me a pony, Sole Proprietor. Went Side Division. FINE Al saddle, bridle, blanket, and 1 don’t BET. PORTLAND AND COKVALL» MoMinnville ... Oregon. Mail Train. know what else, for a pint of wiskey I Thia preparation ia unequalled for cleans­ AMIVB. LEAVE. Steamship Yaquina City Portland... 7:30 a . m . MoM’nville. 10:12 a .» had with me.” “And you wouldn’t ing garments of all soiled spots. Paint. Tar. Grease, etc . eradicated instantly. Give it a MoM’nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. -12-J5»-» MAILS give it to him?*' “Not much, That trial. (vTlt may be had of your druggist, Corvallis. .. 1:30 p. M. MoM’nville. 343».» From Yaquina, From San Franoisoo, Portland... 6:15».» looal agent, or bv addressing the undersign­ Sunday............ Oct. 10 Monday ... * ' Oct. 4 MoM’nville 3:44 p . m . was the last pint 1 had left, But it ed. 44 Agents Wanted. H. C. M ANEE. At Corvallis oonnect with trains of the Friday ............. “ 22 Saturday... 16 44 MoMinnville, Oregon Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.. shows how fond Indians are of whiskey. Oregon Pacific for 28 Monday............ “ 15 Wednesday Noy. 10 A method of keeping potatoes is lVr/jHi/i« Bay. 44 Saturday.... “ 27 Monday.... 22 Exprew Train. thus described in a French paper: A WT. CIIAKLKM HOTEL, The < ompany reserves the I ' right to change LEAVE. I ABBITB« large vessel of water is placed over the sailing days. Fares, between __ _____ ____ ween Corvallis and Portland....4:50 p. M. .MoM’nville..»^'»» T MULTNER. Prop.. San Franoisoo. Rail and Cabin, $14; Kail MoM’nville .5:45 a . M.IPortland fwc and its contents raised to the boil­ and Steerage. $9.88. Corner Third and B streets. Looal tickets for sale and baggss , For information apply to ing |xnnt. Washed potatoes are placed at the company's up-town offioe. o»rn«r < HAS. C. HOGUE, VH'MINNVILLE . . •■EGON Pine and Seoond street«. Tickets for P in a basket or net and quickly dropped Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. cipal points in California oan only t* PT New house! New fnmitnre! Unsurpassed Corvallis, Oregon into the water, where they are kept in the oountry Rates—$1 to $2 per day ao cured at oompany’s offioe, Corner r Front streets Portland. Or- .. to room. Single meals 25 cents. for four secuds. Before a fresh lot of oordtng Frieght will not be received for sb'P Ltalging. 35 to 50 oenta aooording to room. after five o’olook p. m. on either the potatoes is immersed the water must be Board and Lodging. $4 to $6. per week. Two west side divisions. E. P- Fine Samp]« Rooms for commercial tnen. allowed to rise to the boiling point Give me a call and see for yourself. R. KOEHLER, Manager. again. Faich lot of tubers, as soon as lifted out, is spread on the floor of a HENDERSON BROS., well aired place to dry. When all have beer twated in this wav they are stored away in a dry, cool place. There TEAMS AO TBLXK* is no .tendency to germinate. and the potatoes will remain sound and well Of Logan Bros. A Henderson, U flavored all through winter, spring and eervioee in that line to the pnblie. aMnMHer, uatti tie next crop comes in. Cwnarantee Mnfotacl** Choice coffee and tea (Folgvr'a To all who favor him with tbeir^ I brand») direct from San Francisco, He will keep a wagon specially ' adept and all kind» of groceries at C. Gria Ample room to care for honwe. Livery delivery of pare* la. trunks Mtcbe team- at ae reasonable rateen* any where in the aoeomodation of the public- •an'a. w * TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE N oktheo ZZ= St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, R CREAM Oregon. New «table Third St.. McMinnville. at the stable will be promptly atta