TH® Dwiiy W®port®r. NEWS AND NOTES. gained his stoical demeanor. He is ordered to plead Monday next. M hen returned to the jail he gave evidence of weakening: he began to realize that his positions is not a second at­ tempt to interview him, but he was asleep. Morgan told under Sheriff Witherell that we traveled 240 miles in a box car with nothing to sustain him but a little whiskey which he pro­ cured befoie leaving the city. So your wife weighs three hundred pounds?’ “Yes Smith.” “I should think you’d exhibit herjat the dime niuseum?'i miscellaneous . E. B. Fellows put a modern front into his Third street store yesterday, hMbnrriptIon Hole«. which will greatly’ add to the attrac­ By Carrier per week............................ ><> oenta tive display of his stock. (Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy - J. B. Fuson has a pair of large sized, By Mail io oenta per Month ( In Advanoe. > brown colored, matched Clydesdale Ratea for Adserllain* V ill Im uiade aatiafaetory to all applicant*. gelding colts, four years old next spring, which he will sell cheap for Nov. 24. 1HB« cash. Address at Dayton. Oregon. Mc Minnville, Or. The drama, “Past Redemption.” drew a crowded house Friday evening, According to official estimate it will cost about $><50 per month to main­ many persons from a distance being tain the light in Liberty’s torch on present. It was finely rendered, some “I would, only people would laugh.” splendid acting being done. By re­ Bedloes island. The United States A Grand Ball will be given under the ant quest the play will be repeated Satur­ “Why so?” “Oh, she has such a ridic­ pioes of the McMinnville Fire De­ may well hesitate before accepting any partment, at ulous weigh about her. ” day evening the 26th. more magnificent presents from for In addressing a jury, the other day, eigners. Having accepted this one, Roscoe Conkling thus alluded to a Produce Price Current. however, and with much ado in the red nosed witness who, he thought had matter of penny subscriptions and pub­ lied in the witness chair: “Gentle­ Wheat per cental in Portland sk’d ..............»122* @125 66 «5 lic apjieals got it set up, it will not men I think I can see that witness Wheat per bushel in MoM. . .‘<5 40 Oats . do to lose the effect of the whole en­ now—his mouth stretching across the Wool per lb 20 18 Thursday Evening, Nov. 25, 1886. 4 15 4 20 Flour per barrel terprise by failing to light the torch. wide desolation of his face, a fountain Bacon sides 10 9 12 ............. ’. 10 The command “Let there be light’* of falsehood and a sepulcher of rum.” Hams 8 6 Shoulders A. J. Apperson ’ s Thanksgiving tur ­ is about to be enforced to the letter in 8 7 Lard ............... MU8TC BI .... 50 40 Portland. Twenty thousand poles key Hew high in an effort to escape, Butter, fresh rolls Eggs per doz 30 .. 30 50 and forty miles of wire will soon be and after alighting upon the roof of Apples, green per box Dried apples, Plummer.... 6 7 Mayor Cowles ’ house, started off in agencies in flashing electric light at a 3 son 4 .............. 7 8 highth of thirty-live feet over every the direction of the Central hotel. Its Plums, pitless o . 2 00 2 50 Ctyokens per doz flight was intercepted by Clarence Hides, dry flint 15 . 10 bl«w k. (.’nine will then with difficulty —TICKETS— green 5 7 l'tirner, and it was captured and re­ find a place in the city dark enough Potatoes 45 50 turned to its cage to await its fate at Geese, tame, per doz..... —O ne D ollar P er C ouple ._ 5 00 for its purposes. East Portland also Duoks, “ “ “ .. 5 00 6 00 the appointed hour. Hogs, dressed struggles to the front with numerous 8* 4* The WCTI hud intended to discon­ gas jets and more numerous coal oil tinue their Sunday evening entertain­ —S upper at C ook ’ s H otel — NEW TO-DAY. lamps, and hopes, in the course of hu­ ments forthe next few months, but ------ o------ man events, to succeed these with elec­ by special request of a number of *11 III III Oil«. A cordial welcome extended to all. tric lights. friends, have reconsidered the ques­ Justice’s Court for South McMinnville Pre­ cinct. Yamhill County, Oregon. I he tllobe Democrat of St. Louis tion. and will hold them once a month, J ohn C labk . Plaintiff, ) has been crowded with column after as heretofore, using the thin! Sunday vs. -Summons. A l . Y oung , Defendent. ) evening instead of the first column of a controversy. In answer lo Al. Young, defendent above named: In Have a Few A limited number only of this mam­ the name of the State of Oregon, you are <0 a writer who complained that his hereby required to appear and answer italics were disregaided, it informs linn moth edition, have been retained on plaintiffs complaint in said cauee.on or be­ fore Friday, .Jan. 7, 1887, before the under­ that his communication was cut into hand. Parties who have the welfare signed. a justice of the peace for said pre­ forty parts or“takes” for as many type of the community at heart,should se­ cinct, at lo o clock in the forenoon of said day. at the office of said justice in said pre­ setters, while there were only three cure on«* or more copies and send to cinct. to a civil action. will take notice that if he fail to italic cases, and to suppress the nat­ friends abroad. Owing to the large ex­ Defendant answer said oomplaint. John Clark will pens«* incident in th«* production, we take judgment against him for $227 and ural, it not justifiable, profanity arising That they will have placed the pric«* at 10 cents per the costs and disbursements of this order, from the situation, the order was given I an wmvivi order of nuiv sale UI of LliVUlUlUl the attached property’ copy, or three for a quarter, It is tilt* 1 H im stimino! is to «.? be i.e published sjx wee)-8 -y to “disregard italics.” In its protest greatest achievement in country jour-1 the tamhill Conntv Reporter, by order of | said justice made Nov. 22, 1887. that it takes occasion to make against nalism yet produced, east or west. F enton A F enton . S. F. H arming , the habit which many writers have of ... Att’ys. forPlff. Justice of the Peace. J. B. Fuson called yesterday while 37. They also have a SMALL LOT of (>t. trvmg to give strength to a weak style in the city. From him we learned Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., bv profuse use of italics, the Globe further particulars concerning the That will also be sold Dmn.H r,it in entitled to the support of Dayton fire. The mill belonged to the editorial profession generally. It Mr. Ball, of North Yamhill, and lie says: “It is by no means a proof of had bargained it to a Mr. Byres outlie Hair Cutting, and Mlam. They have a few pooing Parlor. the strength of an arti« k to see the day previous to the fire. He, (Byres) PLOW*, HARROW*, smoothness and regularity of its ap had gon«1 then* to remove the machin­ *11:DLR* And pearamr thus destroyed and defaced. ! ery. and while there the mill was C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. Perhaps it would not be overstating burned along with his team. He claims BAI\ W’A<-OX* (Snocessor to A. C. Wyndham.) to have been robbeii of $71 th«* same the case to say that italics bear the That will be sold Ladies and children’s work a specialty. same relation to writing that profanity night, hence he concludes that it was have just added to my parlor the dose to speech, oaths are the italics fired by some on«* for the purpose of largest and finest stock of < igars ever in thL plunder. The loss is about $1.000. oity. fry them. When yon want anything in that line yon of the ignorant in conversation: ami will consult vour own interest as well a» The bridge across the river was in italic» are the oaths of the weak in ours to call and see us. We think we can suit danger, but prompt effort saved it. you. fry it. A, H. A O <1. HODSON. writing. Mr. F. and others left their farms and An exchange tells a story of a boy went to the rescue. who was sent to market with a sack of Dan Morgan has been captured and roasting ears, and after lingering about safely lodged in his old quarters in town all day, came home without sell­ the Multumah county jail. The two ing them. \\ lien asked by his mother important points of difference in his why he had mx sold the corn, he said case now and then are that he has no one asked him what was in the not got ex-Jailer Doughtety for a sack. How many of our merchants kee|>er. and he is held under indict­ are like the boy? They have goods ment foj murder instead of witness on >o | CITY TRICK. ----- PROPRIETORS----- tor sale but they fail to tell what is in a charge pending against appeal for Having purchased the Strain property, and their sack. If you expec t to aell goods the same crime. He knew nothing rille< arrian. Hack» and permanently located in McMinnville, am ready to do all kinds of Truck and DsliV” in this day and age of the world, you about the indictment before he was Saddle Horst», ,ry Work at abort notice. All goods en must open the sack and show the mer­ confronted by judge Stearns. This true ted to our oare will be carefully handled, And everything in the Livery hire. its of your stock in trade, by judicious and promptly delivered.. Also keep on hand completely overwhelmed him for a in good shape Wood of all kinds aa cheap ns the cheapest advertising. moment, but in a few seconds he re- Orders left at the City Drug store will bs b* At Kranonable Rate«. promptly attended to. J. J. COLLARD- D. C. IBKLAMD 4 CO. PUBLI8HKKH. —o----- FIREMEN’S THANKSGIVING BALI Garrison Opera House, -+GOACH WHIP STRING BAND* A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON HEATING & COOK Stoves SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. Low for Cash.. 15c SHA\ ING 15c. fW^l UVERÏ,FEED AND SALE STABLES LOGAN BROS. 4 HENDERSON. Low for Cash.