The Daily Reporter. Public bciiool Exhibition. Jones, gave the young men present MlSC ELLA NEOUS The exhibition last Friday evening some good advice. Cora Baker made drew an immense crowd of friends and « bewitching bride. Anna Bynum a p. c. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. First National Bank. jfcMiutiville, Or. - Nov 23. 1886 patrons of the school to the Opera good mother-in-law, and Gw. Clark house. The exercises opened with a Mr. Over Due, did well. Ralph Brown - OREGON “Song of welcome" by the school. The being a minister just suited him. “Kit­ McMlNNVIuLE, Band of Hope pic-nic at Grange programme was then followed out with ty’s Funeral" brought down the house. J acob W oriman .................... President h*ll. Saturday p. m. D- P. T iiorchon ........... Vice president few exceptions. Elon Wallace has a J The weather yesterday was a regu- good voice and did well in his recita­ and Gracie Stuart, as the orator, was ohn W ortman ....................... Cashier jar webfooter’s delight. tion entitled ‘ Recollections.’’ Maud too funny for anything The following TraiiMcU a Geusral Banking buamsM It isn’t tea that’s intoxicating it’s Washburne was the sweetest little girls composed tin* funeral procession, Interest allow«'.! on tone «iepuait«. ftillsetion« made on favorable terms. the gif' peurs it out. “Milk maid” we ever saw. Lester Lena Baker, Ines F.ecleston, Georgia Siji'ht Exchange and T«l»l A Giube, North British A Mercantile. (Amiuieroinl Vnion big bargain at the McMinnville jew­ Galloway was well executed, and they proud of it. Fire Aaaoointion, Germini Anierioen. Fir«- lu.ufs Fund. Hartford, Commercial. Anglo elry store. were also heartily applauded. Maud Grissen is enlarging his store room Nevada, State Inveatment. Knight A Hiatt have as nice a Randall. Irene Rummell, Laura Miller. to double capacity. Wheat insurance a specialty. place of business as any on Third Ambie M right and Lizzie Cline recited Spectators will be admitted to the street Give them a call. nicely. Ray Satchwell could not have gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ Watch This Art QaUtry. A nice lunch for 25 cents at the St. done better in his recitation entitled giving evening. Charles hotel on the 25th, from ten o’­ “What is a minority.” Forest Narver The ladies society of the C. P. church clock p in. till two in the morning. has a good voice and could be heard will give an entertainment Friday The McMinnville Business College distinctly all over the hall. Cyntitha evening, Dec. 10, 1886. ig open every evening at 7 o’clock for Fellows always does well, but last even­ The Guild of St. James (Episcopal) students in writing, drawing and book­ ing she really excelled all former ef­ church will hold a fair on Wednesday forts in rendering the recitation enti­ evening, December 1st. keeping. tled “Would you?** The quaitet by All firemen who expect to attend An attractive part of the Episcopal Mesdames Campbell and Tucker. the ball Thursday evening, are re­ church fair, will be a Japanese table, quested to appear in uniform, by order Messrs. Rogers and Price was greatly containing handsome articles for sale. enjoyed. We are sorry we could not of the committee. A special Thanksgiving service will Friends and relatives of R., S. Cook, earn the names of the four little girls be held at St. Janies church on Thurs­ met at his house on Sunday and cele­ that spoke ‘‘In the morning.” “The day at 10 o’clock a. in., Rev. John C. brated his 68th birth day anniversary ittle Philosophers" was splendid. These little girls have good voices, and Fair officiating, at which time an of- in right social way. ’ering will be made for the benefit of If you want your business repre­ surprised all present by doing more Good Samaritan Hospital. sented in the Thanksgiving 20-page than well. In the song, “Our Baby” Union services will be held at the edition of the Daily Reporter, hand the alto singing by little Florence This is the time ot venr when Hamnett was beautiful. She possesses C. P. church on Thanksgiving, at in your copy early. Merchants all begin to show McMinnville jewelery store is now a wonderful voice for one so young. which time a sermon will be preached low prices. We realize that the biggest and largest west of Port­ The dialogue of Ralph Story and Wirt by Rev. Mr. Satchwell, of the M. Gardner was received and created lots permanent trade cannot be church. land and the cheapest in Oregon. of fun. Ina Gooper and Gracie Stuart made unless one has the cor» Wm. Holl, proprietor. Singular but True. in their recitations did splendidly, and rect styles and correct prices. A First Class Thanksgiving Dinner their many friends have just reason to People are terribly forgetful some ­ We are selling goods at aston* will be served at the Central Hotel on the 25th. by the prince of good cater- be proud of them. Cora Baker has a times. We once heard of a man so ishingly low prices on the mer­ sweet voice’ and Eva Baxter was inde­ forgetful that he forgot his own name. ' its of our wares. trs. mine host L. H. Cook. We know If you want a stuffed jrig, fattened pendent to perfection. In “Jarley’s But there is one remarkable thing that there are no better styles wax works,” Mrs. Jarley was repre­ about people who go to Bi«hop & Kay 's , upon pure wholesome feed, call at the sented by Miss Mary Clemmins ; Chi­ to buy their clothing. They get such of Clothing, no better fitting, Enrisko market. Unless specially nese giant, Morris Sweet; Welsh goods tits and fine goods and low ' no better made than ours, and ordered it will not be killed. Dwarf, Gracie Stuart; Martha Bangs, prices, that they do no forget it, but go i we believe that no one in Me- L. P. Pond, of Corvallis, father of Lizzie Cline; Mrs. 8. A. Winslow, round regularly every year to lay in Minnville is selling Clothing Mrs. D. Wallace, was in the city yes­ Cyntitha Fellows; Blue Beard, Hallie another supply. When you read this | as cheaply as we are. terday en route to Portland upon Powell; Lord Ryron, John Manee: you will never forget it. It will make We only ask an inspection business. We acknowledge a call. Capt. Kidd. Walter Baker ; Lady Blou- indellible impressions on your mind, | of our goods and a comparison The Firemen’s ball will be the finest sabella, Eva Baxter; Mermaid, Ola and when you want anything in the ot prices. affair of the year. Music by coachwhip Burt; The Boy stood on the burning clothing line you will go straight to BISHOP A KAY. string band, and supper by the popu- deck, Forest Narver; The sleeping Bishop A Kay’« and buy it. lar caterer L. H. Cook. The program FASHIONABLE Beauty. Josie Gardner ; Siamese Twins is fine. 4 IlHrKiiln Perry Leabo and Xerxes Gant. All Why do you pay for inferior silver The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ sustained their character« well. Katie plated table ware big prices, if hill, containing twenty-two rooms in Gorman as “Little Nell” deserves you get at the McMinnville jewelry much credit and praise. Little Helen all, two stories high, is offered for «ale ’tore, Wm. Holl, the best and finest Galbreath won the heart of every one for cash, or exchange for real estate. tan be had for the same price. present. The dialogue entitled “We The house is well known to the travel­ Buy Fashionable Goods From the The young people who attended the are four” reflects great credit on those ing public, and doing a gixal business. Head-quarters of Fashion. birth day anniversary party at the resi­ little girls. The song “Now we are The present proprietor’« reason for dence of W. C. Hembree last evening, happy children” was very good The selling is that he is too far advanced FALL STOCK RECEIVED. in honor of Miss Marie, report having dialogue entitled “That naughty boy," in age to attend to it, and is determin­ MISS r. K. Hl ’KN, •’•ad a very fine and enjoyable time. Wr.Hinn villa. Or Daisy Young as Widow Blinker, 8am- ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, From one who was present we are mie Symons as Cyrus, her naughty even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound informed that the party at Dr. A. K. boy. and so he was, Nora Cooper as to sell it if • customer comes. North Olds bv the young folk, was a splen­ » C. IBBLAND A CO., Sally Hafl^m. and Nellie Gardner as Yamhill if as rapidly improving town did art r. Three set were on the floor Kitty.waa greeted |rith nij?rry laughter. a* any <»a the west side, is the ceuter at odp ie. Music and collation fine. Mr. John Knight then point for thenljSh'ed favored tHe the au- qf a huge , , tradl, the starting . 8ul»s i >e for the Rejwrter. and pay dience with a song and as he so capti ] Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters lor it w’ 11 yon Bubscribe, and we wil ,’’ he was not allowed to j and sp< rteiiun in the summer season, Htdgr nrselvea to rive you more vated ’unt all, rest until he recited tn the most con»i-|anrt.i i* . tin best chance for a gtxxl r 1 c ’J De*», f. * ess * money :l «1 whole state. For further , than any óther cal manner. ‘ My Mother-in-law.” The| map Jones, ” waa very I pa U •«><* ress this offi« e,or apply ir m Willamette valley. The dialogue, “Mrs. Jons McMinnville, Oregnn. Hodson, as Jonas | p, J. D- »i N rth Yamhill, Oregon. Daily . ielp the weekly 100 per cent. interesting Charlos FIRE INSURANCE.