The D«ily Reporter. D. C. IKkl.ASU 4 CO. PUBLISHERS. <»ub*----------- H should be well covered, so that sur­ face drainage cannot get into it, for you want to drink the water that has come into the well from the bottom, j after it has been purified by filtration through the earth. MISCELLANEOUS NEW TO-DAY A Grand Rill will be given under the a«», To day we pieeenl an interesting pioes of the McMinnville Fire De­ partment, at column of paragraphs titled “Maver­ icks.” We do this because it is not convenient for us to tell the source of es< h separate item In a literary SEE THAT THE i r 4 rXAOT LA0LE IS OH m - iim * they are Mavericks, and this EAOH OMIMNCV AS .VEH* /I VP NOTES. term expresse« it bettei than any that shown im picture could I m * select»- I The word “maver- The Northren Pacific directory is a Thursday Evening, Nov. 25, 1886. jek" is derived from a mm of that rifle late in its proposition for a "joint name. A few years since Sam Mav­ lease ” erick went from Massachusetts to Tex­ Many perished in the late storms on MUSIC BY as. where he entered largely into stock the northwestern lakes. It was the buaiuess. After buying several herds fiercest gale on record. -«-COACH WHIP STRING BAND+- he neglected his range and left his Just because people neglect to keep slock to shift for themselves. Mr run f their business property holders T- MTH • 1I o- Marverick, with humanitarian feeling in Portland paid for dressing the refrained from branding his young «treats with rotten rock, which was —TICKETS— FAOTURED ONI? slock, believing in the implicit honesty ground up into dust and carted off —O ne D ollar P er C ouple .— GEO. of In* neighbors. When the genuine at another expense. ITTSSURG o EALERS FDR SA stockmen of the region ran across an WHERE. \V(> have made the Daily Reporter unbranded animal on the round up —S upper at C ook ’ s H otel — such a mammoth paper, we deemed it they would nay, “There’s one of Mar- best to publish Orna, the Child of Produce Price Current. O' verick’s; let's brand it." The word Sorrow, in t« entirety. the Wheat ]>er cental in Portland A cordial welcome extended to all. •prang into popularity, and its limited sk’d ....... .. fl 22% (i 1 25 Thanksgiving edition, so those Wheat per bushel in MoM. meaning was broadened and enlargi'd who receive but one copy have Oats.. by constant use throughout the cattle Wool per lb the benefit of everything. Flour per barrel ranges and mining camps of the iron Thai mule colt owned by Henry R: until aides........................ tier. The word ha* not yet been in­ Have a Few Hams.................. .......... Gee, which made such a fine appear­ Shoulders ............... troduced into the language, but we ance in the horse show procession in Lard Butter, fresh rolls .... ex|>eet it will be soon after thia; it ia this city last summer is getting to be Eggs per doz nicer than chestnuts: so much a big mule now. Henry says the Apples, green ner box Dried apples. 1’1 unimer... next time the colt comes to town he “ •* sun .... Moves in the highest circle*- will wear a harness, and help pull the Plums, pities* Chickens per doz turn. load. Hides, dry flint That they will green .. ... that Piaui English—The iemales of The French chaml»er of deputies Potatoes Country. 5 00 take the liberty of enlightening the (Teese, tame, per doz....... * • “ “ “ 5 00 The ocean is like a good house wife world that the have decided in favor Ducks. Hogs, dressed —very udy. of the bill raising duty on foreign They »I bo have a SMALL LOT of A hard thing to ahar|>en—the wat wheat from 3 to 5 francs. This is in NEW er's edge Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc., line with the protectionist policy A sole stiring subject—a nail in which is just now in favor there. That will also be sold your shoe. Whatever else <>ur French friends in­ Low for Cash. It takes an Irishman to pick his tend that liberty should mean, this ane Muim. -way through the world. They have a few certainly does not include commercial Hitir » iiuiiig. pooing Parlor. The idea of Boston I m * mg the hub, liberty between the two countries. PLOWS, HARROWS, lire* us W<- have sftoke, American pork products having been SEEDERS And The age that women desire to ap­ boycotted, it is now the turn of wheat C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. BAIS WA«0^ proach ia marriage. and corn. Our western farmer will (Snooessor to A. C. Wyndharu.) The largest room in the world— lie unable to appreciate the compli­ That will be sold Ladies and children's work a specialty. room for improvement. ment. Low fcr Cash. 1 have just added to my parlor the A recent comic song is called ”Boap.” The Annals of Hygiene says that largest and finest sv-ck of < ignrs ever in thi- It comes in bars When you want anything in that line you well water in such citiea should never city. Try them will consult your own interest a6 well m Always on tune—wings in the pict­ >e used ; but what can we do to help onrsto call and see us. We think weoanaolt Al <• Alimi vil les ures of the aged scythist. von. Try it. A. H. A O O. HOIWN. ourselves in this place at present? Molasses is sometimes put on the lx»t us remember that a well will LIVERY,FEED AND SALE STABLES table syrup dishes-ly. drain an area with a diameter equal The old cha|»s who wore armor were to twice its depth, Therefore, a well the first mail carriers. twelve feet deep will drain an area A printer never wants to have his the diameter of which is twenty-four finger* in another man's pie. feet; that is to say that it will drain A fair exchange is no robbery, hut the surrounding soil for twelve feet in the bucket shop is full of danger. direction. Obviously, then, the privy Cleveland wifi please stuff the va­ should be more than the depth of the cancy in Turkey before Thanksgiving wdl away from it. and more than this LAGAN BROS. « HENOERSON — proprietors --- ' ’ ‘ ’I ■ The professor of a swimming school again if it is proposed ■ to ■ place it on a Having purchased the Strain property, • is very properly a doctor of <|hm-in-ity. ngher level, which, however, should > inr Carriage«, Haclo and permanently located in McMainviIIe. ready to do all kinds of Truck and IM There ia oue thing to be mid in fa-1 •ry Saddle Harwell, never be done. The well should he wry Work won at short snort notroe AIF .-»o tebed* —.. . vor of cider. Il works right along ined inside thoroughly with mortar trusted to our oare will be carefully hand band And everything in the Livery hire, and promptly dAlFVftM.’ Also keep on haoo wtlhoul striding. in good shape Wood of all kinds as oheap as the cheapo* so that percolation cannot occur be­ The ages of spring chickens and tween the crevices of the bricks, and | Orders left at the Ort? Drag At Reasonable Rates. Garrison Opera House, A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON I HEATIN6 & COOK SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. 15c SHAVING 15c. t ■ to. promptly attended to. >■ ¡-1 OLLAKU-