VOL. 1. NOVEMBER The Daily Reporter Weasel vs. Hat. The little weasel at Campbell A Jones' Entered in the Postoffice at McMinnville for warehouse is attracting much attention transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ says the Macon. Ga.. Telegraph. A ond Class Matter. WEEKLY REPORTER Sixteenth Year of Publication. 1 ■ - - M c M innville orei . ok o E. L. E. WHITE. D. C. IRELAND. D. C. I RELAX» A Co.. PIHL1NHLKN. . -------------- < )«■ 1 ' Weekly Subscription Kate«. One copy per year in advance - - - $2, f.oO If not paid in advanoe - - - - 2.50 To clubs of three or five, when accompanied with the oash, $1.50 per year each. Two names for six months each to count as one yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. 1' hb D aily R epobteb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 4o oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . Advertising Kates. SPACE. One inch ................. ♦ 1 00 2 Five inches............ 1 75 2 Eleven in................... 2 75 5 Twenty-two inches 5 50 11 oo 50 50 00 4 7 16 3d 00 7 50 15 50 33 00 66 00 00 00 00 Above rates slightly advanced for pre ferred positions: “Top of Column,-' “Next to Beading Matter,” “Seoond Page,” or “Third Page.” J^"Local notices in reading column on Third page: One insertion, per line lOoents Two insertions per line 15 “ Three insertions per line 20 “ By the month per line 25 “ ‘^»“Obituary notices, resolutions of con- dolement. etc., to insure publication in the Reporter, must be accompanied With instruc­ tions; and the name of the proper person or persons to whom oharges for the same are to be made. Btok & Jeb Printing. We beg leave to announce to the public that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads. Note Heads. Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes. Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con vinoed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. E. E. COUCHER. M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McMnorvmu - O bbgon . Offioe and resident», oorner of Third and D streets; next to the postoftice. jas . m ’ oain . h . hvblev . McCain & Hurley, iTTOHKEYS.AT.LAW AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, Lafayette, Oregon, Especial attention paid to abstracts of title •nd settlement of estates in probate. Offioe—Jail buiding, up stairs. Fashionable Dressmaker« Fashionable Dressmaking. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. RING THE CHANGES. dozen traps are set in various portions of the city to supply it with rats, and Hing Out (hr Old - Ring in every now and then it is treated to an I lie New. English sparrow or a pigeon, all of In view of some changes in the busi­ which it mattes short work of. A large crowd witnessed its tight with ness world, as well as among produc­ its thirty-seventh rat yesterday. The rat was caught at the city hall by Punch ers and laborers, it is well that we Blue, and weighed a tride over tifteeu should one and all think of our own ounces. He was fat and ugly, and the chances were that he would eat up the interests as well as That of others, and weasel, which did not weigh much more once in a while call a halt, take ac­ than half as much. The weasel had eaten its breakfast ofl count of what stock we have on hand, a pigeon and a half-grown rat, and whether it be in cattle, horses, mvr- could not have been very hungry when the old rat was pitted against him, but I ehandise or farms, and ascertain for he did not like the idea of sharing quar­ i ourselves our present condition and ters with any other animal. The tight took place in the large cage, | future prospects, and make such which measures four by tive feel and is two feet high. It is made of wire, anti changes from time to time as each of thus afforded a full view. At 9 o’clock I us, after mature deliberations, find our the door of the cage was opened and the rat turned in. The weasel always j better judgments may indicate. In fights on the defensive, and never at­ view of these things I shall introduce tacks. The rat was somewhat coward­ ly and did not seem to want to tackle to you on or about New Years. New its diminutive adversary. After some maneuvering the rat approached the ‘ Styles, New Goods, and a Radical weasel, when the latter sprang upon change in the management of the him and succeeded in getting his needle­ like teeth in the rat’s nose, cutting out a ' Business which 1 trust may prove to big chunk of that member. The rat our mutual advantage. It is with this acted then more cowardly than ever, cringing away into a corner. The wea­ object in view that it to t>e adopted. sel, with movements quick as lightning, ( It will, upon investigation, lit found ran up and down the cage as if tjying to get out, but now and then nearing , I simple and just to one and all the panting rat, rearing its head to i time is past when a man can sell goods strike him on the back of the neck. The rat, however, seemed to know what . on one year or for an indefinite period, the weasel was after, and kept aloof. This was kept up for an hour, the pur­ i and compete with those who sell ex­ pose of the weasel being perhaps to tire clusively for cash. I shall on or about the rati Finally tiie crowd grew impa­ tient, and by poking the rat with pieces [Jan. 1st introduce to von a system of wire caused him to get near the wea­ possessing all the advantages of both sel, which would strike at him with lightning-like rapidity, each time caus- the credit and the cash sytenis, and ing him to squeal. none of the disadvantages of either. By this time the spectators were A. J. A pfekson . wrought up to a high pitch of excite­ ment, and the rat aroused much sym­ pathy, although his superiority in size Special Notice. and strength was fully admitted. The In view of the change soon to take rat finally became desperate and made an attack. This was exactly what the place, I desire »11 accounts to be set­ weasel wanted, and when the opportun­ tled by the 1st of Jan. A word to the ity came, made a spring and fastened his teeth in the back of his neck, plac­ wise is sufficient. Call and settle. ing his fore legs just back of its shoul­ A. J. A pperhon . ders. And thus, while sucking the rat's blood, he crushed his bones, and the M c M innville rat dropped over limp and dead. Later in the day three more rats were Elaced in the cage, but as they were alf grown only, they lasted but a min­ ute or so. Each time the weasel’s meth­ Cor. :id and C Streets. od of idling was the same. OVER YAMHILL (X)UN’TY BANK, Business College, ♦ ◄ M. Paul de C'assagnac, the moat belligerent editor of Pay», was recently accused of having been struck with a broomstick. He replied in his own journal: “I may. with disdain, serve as a target, as happened to me the other dav, to men who aim at tn«' from a dis­ tance with revolvers; but 1 should kill as 1 would a dog the man who oarne to •trike me within the reach of a broom­ stick. Therefore, as the hero of the MTThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ broomstick is still alive, his story is a ting employed. falsehood and he is a braffgaft” An Eastern composer ties written a Third street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, serenade entitled ske Not, but Hear MoMinnville. Or. Me. Love," which is described as being very sweet and full of pathetic tender­ Maa. A. M c D onald . M im K. T bobmt s ness. It occurs to one. however, that »love" would have a hard time endeav­ oring to hear her Alonzo if she did not wake up. It would seem that even a oomposer might nave sense enough to know that- in Mrs. H. P. Stuart's Millinery Store, Look out for the 20-page Daily Re OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL, McMnnrnxAB . Oaaooa. porter Thursday morning. Mrs. M. Shaddeii PRICE I WO CENTS I m \ ow Open. Attention is respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. ------ (’» THE CLOTHIERS —or---- I Y AM HILLCO Third St., ( ipposite lér*. IWF YAMHILL CO. D on i HANK. F orget th > 1’1.ACK, — Where yon will— LATEST STYLES Furnishing Goods of all kind, and above all I’HE LOW ES I PRICES. Also agente for the Ilrow ii « v ill<* IVooh*II Hill ( arrymu a n full line of nil uo <>nr tnoneyN worth in Beef, Pork, Mutton, Saunago. Tripe, and everything in the line of meats, of th« lieat quality the oonntry affords. Also Best of Bolognas. Give me noall and be aatmtled. w. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. < New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At th« New Htore of Basier & Marlin ta tai tan H uccmmmih « to Al. HUHHEY, Third street. .McMinnville. Gregos Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ A new, neat and clean stock. Every article tion: aotual business department s specialty A No. 1. Fruit Jara, Butter (’rock., Colored where currency, bank check, drafts, etc., are Glaaaware, Cutlery, Caao