The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 22, 1886, Image 3

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    Th© Daily Reporter.
Grissen is enlarging his store room
Wherever they appear, in spite of
double capacity.
bad weather, a cultured and critical Genuine California honey 15 cts.
First National Bank.
McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 22. 1886 audience always welcome the MeGib- per lb., at the bakery.
enys. 1 he family is a remarkable one,
Elsia Wright talks of establishing a
not only as musicians, but in number. regular wood yard in this city.
W. H. Fletcher lost a $250 horse by It consists of Mr. and Mrs. McGibeny,
Won im in
Spectators will be admitted to the J D. acob
I*. lilOMCSON,
distemper last week.
Mrs. Frank McGibney, wife of the eld gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ J ohn W oktman
The stock of dolls in this city in the est son, and twelve children, seven giving evening.
hands of little Misses is tine.
I'mi.-wt» a G. »oral Hanking bu»ii><Mu
boys and five gfrls, and every one of
l'he ladies society of the C. P. church
iiii.' ist nlkovetl ui. time J«-|xuil«.
Senator Dolph passed through the them musicians from the parents down will give an entertainment Friday Coltivi
ion.« ni«.I,» on tsvomMo
citv on Saturday, bound south.
Sight Kxohami. ami loh-.; rapine T noi «fat»
to the little 3-year-old Leo. A Mon­ evening. Dec. 10, 1886.
OU Now f. s.Suti K: Hl. .M <> .uni l'r i.u, 1.
Hon. A. R. Burbank called on Sat­ tana paper thus refers to them at
The Guild of St. James (Episcopal! Ottico hour.—from i> a. m. to I p, >n.
urday, as he was in town on business. Butte: The programme last evening church will hold a fair<on Wednesday I
Little Tommy Browne is a sufferer included solos, duetts, quartets, and evening, December 1st.
with very painful effects from tooth- lull orchestra, each commanding an
An attractive part of the Episcopal
applause as generous as it was hearty. church fair, will be a Japanese tabic, Represents the following sterling com mm-
Mikado hair pins and Astracan If the merit of the entertainment be containing handsome articles for sale. j ies: London A Liverpool A Globe. North
British A Mercantile, Coiunieri’ial t'uiou
trimmings at the store of Miss F. E. measured by the demonstrations of
Hon. Geo. Dorsey, of Dayton, one of I Fire Xswwmtion, German Amenosn. Firs-
innu's Fund Hartford, Commercial, \nglo
favor exhibited by the large audience, the stalwart commissioners of old N'evuda. State ’uvoHtment.
Dr. Watts will lecture at the open we would be safe in asserting it was Yamhill. A solid man and farmei
Wheat insnranoe s specialty.
temperance meeting at Grange hall the best that has been presented here, himself, paid us a visit yesterday, and
and the audience the nest pleased as­ added his mite to reduce the friction
Watch This Art Gallery.
Fletcher Bros, chop mill is up and semblage of people that ever tilled the of tight times hereabout.
in working order. It is a first class house all did so well it would seem,
Mrs. Elsia Wright was called to
roller mill.
invidious to discriminate, but one Portland on account of the little boy
W. T. Booth was the only man cannot refrain from mentioning the of Mr. Spencers, whose ankle was op­
with a carriage at the opera house really artistic performance of Mr. and erated upon, and bone removed. The ’■
Friday night.
Mrs. Frank in their cornet duett, the hope is that the child may recover, as i
A small locomotive, the Alsea, masterly playing of Mr. Hugh, the he is young, and the operation per­
passed up Saturday for the govern- violinist, the excellent rendition of a formed in the most skillful manner.,
ment works at Newport.
choice selection by Miss Viola, violin­ We do not blame the Portland pol-1
We shall give a nice report of the ist, the “Peekaboo”bv
• Miss McGibenv • ice for kicking at the manner their
school entertainment
to-morrow. and little Leo, the fine and most pleas­ movements in the Kenealy murder
Could not prepare the copy for to-day. ing recitation by the beautiful Miss case are being dogged by a certain
Mrs. Frank Morrison presented her Allie, the character sketch by Florence class of so-called journalists. The Ta­
husband with a fine boy last week. and Grace, the comic song of Master coma Ledger, in particular, come-1 in
Mrs. M. was formerly Miss May Buker Jamie, and the grand march by the for a good share of criticism for the
whole troupe. The performance oc­ publicity it is giving the movements
of this city.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ cupied two hours and a half, and of Detective Simmons, who is now >n
sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ throughout was conducted with a natu­ the sound working up the ca e.
ville college. Residence corner of ralness and regard for proprieties that “Hard to make much headway in the
were not among the least of its charm­ matter of solving any criminal prob­
Second and C Streets.
This is the time of veor when
Sales of wheat the last few days in­ ing features. Mrs. McGibeny is a su­ lem with a lot of Paul Prying report­ Merchants all bejyin to show
clude 5,000 bushels McMinnville to perb singer and a finished artist, ers always at your heels!” indignantly
low prices. We realize that
Hon. Win. Galloway at 66 cents qualities which are prominent in every observes the detective.
permanent trade cannot be
sicked, about 5,000 bushels on board one of her interesting children. Music­
Singular bill True.
made unless one has the cor’
cars at Sheridan to the same buyer at loving people will have an opportunity
rent styles and correct prices.
of hearing this most remarkable family
69 cents.
We are selling goods at aston­
Have we a Rosa Bonheur among us? at Garrison opera house early in De­
ishingly low prices on the mer­
The many nice pictures from the cember.
But there is one remarkable thing
We know
pencil of Miss Edith Martin would
Hon. J. L. Ferguson has been ap­ about people who goto Bishop A Kay’s its of our wares.
seem to affirm that we have. Her pointed administrator of the estate of
that there are no better styles
to buy their nothing. They get such
latest is a dog head, presented to Mrs. D. I. Corker, the murdered man.
goods tits and fine goods and low of Clothing, no better fitting,
Uncle Lafe Bristow has got hold of prices, that they do no forget it, but go no better made than ours, and
Capt. W. S. Powell’s Dayton saw
the helm at the Salem Talk. He is a round regularly every year to I ay in we believe that no one in Me-
mill was destroyed by tire about three
good newspaper man, and, if be con­ another supply, When you read this Minnville is selling Clothing
o’clock Saturday morning. The build­
tinues in his present position, he will you will never forget it. 11 will make a< <•! eaplv as we are.
ing was used by G. F. Brower as a
i n<> doubt greatly widen the influence indellible impressions on your mind,
stable. He lost a pair of horses, har­
and extend the circulation of that and when yon want anything in the ot
ness and wagon. The loss of the mill
clothing line you will go straight to ol
was about $1,200. There was no ma­ paper.
An alarm of fire at the Central on Bishop A Kay's and buy it.
chinery in the mill. It was undoubt­
the evening of the 19th, caused quite
% Kiirgiiin.
edly set on fire.
a flurry for awhile. Fortunately the
Dayton, Lafayette and vicinity is
fire was squelched in its incipience by
undoubtedly infested by a gang of
prompt work. Some of the boarders, hill, containing twenty-two rooms in
murderous, villainous traiups, and
I’rof. Price, et al., thought it was a all, two stories high, is offered for Hale
Direct from New York.
there is not the least doubt in the
ruse to choke them off from the supper for caali. or exchange for real estate.
world but they are a portion of a gang
The house is well known to the travel­
table, but Bro. Cook says it was not
to which Marple belonged. It is evi­
I I m » likes Iwwtrders who have good ap- ing public, and doing a good business. Buy Fashionable Goods From the
dent they tired Powell’s mill, Satur­
The present proprietor’s reason for
Head-quarters of Fashion.
day morning, and stole $71 from G. F. |
Uncle Jeptha Garrison had a curi­ selling is that he M too far advanced
Brower. The people are determined
osity in nature on exhibition at the in age to attend to it, and isdet< rinin-
now to scour that part of the country
ed to »-ell if an opportunity is offered,
Eurisko market Saturday. It was a
n IS* F. K. Hl M,
-acrifiee. In fact he is bound
and get rid of the rascals.
Sr Sitmtlll«, Or.
tuft of biwr adhering to the innermost even at a
Mesara. Gault and Wright are at or skinny side of a b»«ef hide, atol a to «ell it if a customer mine« North
work raising the bell tower to accom­ mat of leo« hair surr winding it, all Yamhill is a» rapidly improving loan
I» C. IKELAftB A C O.,
modate the new bell for the depart­ between the flesh and the hide. The aa my on the west «Ide, is the renter
ment. The new bell would not swing beef was white, abut this hair was of >< large trade, tin* starting |«snl fur
Tillamook bay, the report for hunters
in the tower without this work. It is
neither white nor red. a sort of aubnm
and sportsmen in the summer season,
thought that the contract wifi be com­
color. The cow was pure, _ _ 4 _ tft7
• anu .’hi» i® the l»eat chance for a good
pleted no that the bell may be heard
¿M eno^tiy man in/the whole stale. For further
and fat. The hair
on thanksgiving morning, sunuUaue-
nr»’.' ulars address this oihee, or apply
with tlie appearance oif the Daily , grown an>
J. vXlap. North Yamhill,Oregon.
mb . i porter Thursday morning.
Tlic MiG U h ii) lamily.
M illinery ,
Fine Job Printers,