V The Daily Reporter, D. c. IRELAND A CO..PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 20, 1886 Church ilaiicr«. Genuine California honey 15 Band of Hope meeting this after­ per lb., at the hakerv. noon at two o’clock. Spectators will be admitted to the Social meeting at 11 o’clock a. m. to­ gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ morrow. at the Christian church. giving evening. ---- OK— McMlNNVU.I.E, OREGON Bro. Burchett lias been to Portland The ladies society of the C. P. church taking notes, and will speak to-mor­ will give an entertainment Fridav .1 Al Uli \\ UK I'M \N . . ... !'resident D. I*. rilOMVHOX, Vie» t'aident row night upon topics suggested by evening. Dec. 10. 1886 J ohn W ortman ............ Cashier the Salvation Army. 1 he Guild of St. Janies (Episcopal) rnui i •!< General bunking ImaineA- M. E. church. H. P. Satchwell pastor church will hold a fair on Wednesday Interest allowtsi on time ilepmiu. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. evening. December 1st. Col loot ions made on fttvorable terms. m., Sunday school at 9:30. All are Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ Sicht Exchange and Telrcraphio TranslWa on Now York, San Famciaco and Portland. cordially invited to attend. Seats free. sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ Oftiee hours—from a. m. to I p tn. Union services will be held at the ville college. Residence corner of C. P. church on Thanksgiving, at Second and C Streets. which time a sermon will be preached I he fund started by the San Fran­ JOHN WORTMAN by Rev. Mr. Satchwell. of the M. E. cisco Post to aid in proscuting the ease Represents the following ster'mg oor.ipan- ljotuion A Liverpool A Globe. North church. against Golden son. murderer of Min­ les: British A Mercantile, Comm erm ni t'nioa St. Jam«-« (Catholic) church. Mass nie Kelly, has reached $82e held at St. James church on Thurs­ $1 50 to l>oot. he thought he had a day at 10 o’clock a. m., Rev. John C. right to make the trade. It would Fair officiating, at which time an of- seem from this showing that our for­ ering will be made for the benefit of eign missionary societieaareovershoot­ ing mark widely when they train Good Samaritan Hospital. C. P. Church. T. H. Henderson pas­ their guns on China and Hindoostnn. tor. Services Sunday forenoon and Advertisers can take their choice, Thin is thr time of year when evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. ni. either daily or weekly, at the same old Merchants itll begin to show All are cordially invited to attend. rate No advance in the price. We’ve low prices. We realize that Subject for forenoon : “Some very come to stay, if you say so. Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay permanent trade cannot be desirable things that can be hail only for it when you subscribe, and we will made unless one has the cor­ by those who seek after and labor for pledge ourselves to give von more them.” Subject for evening : “Con­ news, for less money, than any other rect styles and correct prices. science—what is it? And it is a suffi­ paper in the .Willamette valley. The We are selling goods at aston* cient guide?” Daily will help the weekly 100 per cent. ¡shingly low prices on the mer­ First National Bank Eggs 30 cents. Can you stand it? If not, go to laying. Safe prediction. Don’t look for big rain till the weather changes. The school exhibition last evening was in every way a perfect success. The new fire bell tapped three strokes at 9:30 a. m. yesterday. Make a note of this for Bancroft’s history. Hoes are no good on our city side walks. The mud is too obstinate. It needs hose with water works to fit it. There is a little stronger feeling in the wheat market this week, probably owing to the extreme cold weather in the east. They are selling thirteen postage itamps at the postoffice for a cent and a quarter. Don’t rush after a stock until you have read this item twice. Mrs. M. H. Janies of Tacoma, is in the city, a guest of Mrs. and Rev. J. C. Fair. Miss Hepburn, a sister of Mrs. Fair is also on a visit to them here from New York city. The baby doll pitch has struck such aslant in Portland that one man ha. imported one which produces music, bows politely and carries a basket in which is a lamb. On opening the basket lid the lamb bleats as naturally as if alive. A baby weighing twenty-one pounds is the latest boast of Tacoma, and the mother .s congratulated on having given birth to the “biggest baby on the Pacific coast.” The special merit in the case is not pointed out. The Multnomah grand jury is in­ vestigating charges of libel against J. B. Fithian and Sidney Dell, of the Democrat, growing out of articles published relative to the Merlotin murder case, in connection with which some prominent city officials are handled without gloves. its of our wart's. We know If you want your business repre­ Pocket Hook f.o«f. Among our visitors yesterday was that there are no better styles an old pioneer of 1848, Levi Bennett, sented in the Thanksgiving 12-page On the road between McMinnville of Clothing, no letter fitting, of Dayton. Mr. B. met with an acci­ edition of the Daily Reporter, hand and Sheridan, on Sunday, Nov. lltli, a leather covered pocket memoran­ no better made than ours, and dent about two weeks since, when his in your copy early. team ran away, dislocating his shoul­ The McMinnville Business College dum book, containing several notes we believe that no one in Mc­ der, but is rapidly recovering. He was is open every evening at 7 o’clock for and papers of no value to anybody Minnville IS selling Clothing a succesaful miner in Coeur d’Alene, students in writing, draw ing and book­ but myself, and also one $5 bill green­ as c! euplv us we are back. The owner will be suitably re­ We onl\ ask ;iu inspection and still has some fine specimens from keeping. It is guite refreshing to read of warded on leaving the same at this of our goods iin C. HWLAM! A < ©. years she did not find more disagree- body is touche«!. Two men with these as any on the west side, is the center •bl customers to wait upon than she machines will clean thirty horses ¡>er of a large trade, the starting |K»int for found in her experience as clerk in a hour, while caring for twelve horses a Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters large book and stationary store for a day is considered good work for a and sportsmen in the summer season, like period. In the first employment grooni on this coast The »team brush and this is the best chance for a good ! glossy, and1 al 1 man in the whole state. For further j her customers were women, almost keeps the h wpr es the’health of particulars address this office, or %j>ply exclusively. In the last, nine-tenths most invan YfrYlinnville, Orrg«a J to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. the animal. were men. FIRE INSURANCE. Fine Job Printers, t *11 Aim <• I l IMWH WWW................... -- - 1 » s :r 4 B r ?