PRESIDENT ARTHUR DEAD. The Daily Reporter. and found to contain strychnine suffi­ cient to Kill at least twelve families. The package was delivered to the house by a boy who said he was sent by two men. In conversation over­ heard between two men not far from Amour's residence it was shown that theirs was a conspiracy to poison Ar mour and other packers who had been prominent in resisting the demand of the Strickers at the stock yards. A il- MISCELLANEOUS. Ex-President Chester A. Arthur died at his home in New York city at The 5 o'clock Thu «day morning, news of his sudden death came a? a . great surprise. Notwithstanding the alarming runioYs to his health during the summer months it was supposed an improvement in hi* condition wn* Nov. 2»». 1'''»<» ' n ted during hi* «tay in New London. McMinnville, < >r Conn,, and the apparent confidence THE &>MIKG WIXTER I expressed by friends who remained lains who would do such an act are none too good to poison the pack of The Future, devoted I«» predicting I ch‘»eto him created the impression the establishment, and send death weather ahead of the limes, says that that his health had been radically im- «talking abroad over the land. from December 2Dui 1H*4», to April lx I proved, giving him promise of a re­ A Grand Ba'I will be given under the ’W1. th«- Pirifi«- N-»rthwe*t. which in­ newed lease of life. His disease was pices c the McMinnville Fire De U Subscribe for The Reporter. partment. at clude* u*, will !»e snowed und«*r, so to one affecting his kidneys. and those Floor managers have been selected •peak. The f ¿lowing from the States near him had no faith in his recovery : for the Firemen s ball who are of them­ mail yesterday is to th«- jMMpt: "In but his sudden demise was not spoken selves a guarantee that perfect satis­ 1MJ2 we bad no rains, or at least not of. He began to sink shortly after faction may be assured to all partici­ 1 enough to start the mountain streams midnight, and at 3 o’clock it was pants. running, before Christmas, and I be­ known that death was approaching. An attractive part of the Episcopal lieve this will lie another a inter like He passed away without apparent Thursday Evening, Nov. 25,1886. The funeral will take place on church fair, will be a Japanese table, that—the sky and air are *• similar pain Containing handsome articles for sale. o—---- to the condition of the atmosphere at Monday. The annual meeting of the Oregon that time." This came from the MVH1C Wt .VEHS j.vp .Vo TEN state agricultural hoard will be held mouth of one <4 the o)d tinier» in this Virginia electe«! a Knight of Labor in Salem on the 30th. cjQ'. yesterday, and certainly, if the candidate for congress who will prob­ next two or four week* ar»* to be There will be an attraction for the ably vote with the republicans judged bv the pa«t. the aforesaid d children, in the shape of a fish pond o- The first democratic administration timer* prediction m.«v b«* f iitilled. at the Episcopal church fair. with which the nation has been afflict­ —TICKETS— Thattl«« we it her recen’l exp» i r, ed The Firemen’.* ball will beTlic finest ed since democratic statesmen plotted ha* a very wintry app »rance : »r Ore­ —O ne D ollar P er C ouple _ again«t the old flag in the cabinet of affair of the year. Music by coachwhip gon, I- f.«' t and ltd«»«* not pleas«- the James Buchanan ha- l>een tried for string band, and supper by the popu­ ■o average weWoot either. However, lar caterer L. H Cook. The program twenty months, and the country says, is fine. the approach of winter ha* been her —S upper at C ook ’ s H otel - "enough." ahl«-d in many ways, to thus»- who o Last week Bradstreets agency re­ have given attention to such thing- Produce Price ( tirreni. ported business all over the country A cordial welcome extended to all. The leave* falling from the trees, the as slack and dull, the reasons being Wheat per cental in Portland sk'd absence of «one birds, ami passage of 41 22W (3 1 25 the elections ami the warm weather. Whtiat per bushel in McM. Ü5 wild fowl to th»* south, the presence of SS 58 Since the blizzard of the 17th snowed Oats . Wool per lb 18 90 the liny snow bird, and the general in a large slice of the northwestern Flour per barrel 4 15 4 90 Have air «»I l^rrenn«-»«' that |•er« a« Ua aU na­ Bacon sides 9 10 statesand territories, reasoning froiii Hama 12W 15 ture. all the*e point toward tbe ap­ 6 ’ the analysis, business ought to be >houlders R Lard proach of winter. In the inland em­ brisk S Butter, fresh rolls . .. 40 50 pire. the ea-lern |u»rt of this state an«I The SkiJmore fountain to be erect- • Eggs per doz 30 Washington territ«»ry the ¡«ecnliar led hi Portland.will be the finest in the Apples, green per box .. 30 50 Dried apples. Plummer.... 6 i point regi»ier»*d by the mercury in a United State.«. As the Oregonian " sun 3 4 Fahrenheit thermometer. if nothing [suggests 8 It is a little remarkable Plums, pitless Chickens per doz . 2 i« 2 50 That they will else, would indicate the seasoua. On I that Portland. with the fir wools Hides, dry dint . 10 15 ‘ green 5 Monday the following condition of the almost within the city limits, is to Potatoes 45 .50 quicksilver was report«*«! from there po*«e«a a fountain pronounced by <«ee*e. tame, per dos.. ., 5 00 “ •- “ .. 5 00 6 00 Riparia 23 degrees, Pomeroy 25. Dav- the New York critics as the "finest in Ducks. H>>es. dressed • 3K They also have a SMALL LOT of Ion Walla Walla 23. Wallula 21. the I nite«! States" The fountain lai Grande 20 Baker City .’fr* Willow- was designed for an unlimited supply Hardware, Tinware, Etc.. Etc., 20. Celilo 29 The Halles 27 H««od- I of waler, and the greater the head the That will also be sold River 2b Th«- prevailing weather i- b»*tter it will look. If Bull Run is calm, cloudy , a nd foggy. Il«-re the placed at the disposal of the city, mercury ii»» varied, ranging from 24 ! Portland may rival Rome in having Hair tuning They have a few and to 4■» degrees f« r the past »ok the mountain «treanis brought to her !><><>ing Parlor. D C. IRELAM» 4 CO. Pt BLISMERS, o----- »■Bacripiiww Hale». 1" ernte By Carrier per werk ................... I Payable <>u Saturday. ) •# ** AMogie Com . ................ By Mail JO omt* per Month In Advance.! Kam far l«1» en i.inr Will be made *M1M « »ry t > all spplMMnte. FIREMEN'S THANKSGIVING BAIL Garrison Opera House -+C0ACH WHIP STRING BAND*- A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON HEATING & COOK SELL FOR CASH VERY LOW. Lc^z for Cash. SHAVING 15c. A social Mud« nt daclan*-* that the street« and eternally beautiful art to I’ m - decorate them meu «¡MAtl niorv» for hats than the C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor. The employ e- of one Charles Baum w<>ni«*ii do for l»>nnct* Surprising Sncoesaor to A. (’. Wyndham.) gave their fifth annua! ball in Mas>>n- aa thia may in-ein there ta little doubt p • >• w on the * . Ladies and children's work a specialtv. that the »••• urn. <»i Indian wlu«at from of refined and st tidied elegance is a Calcutta has l>een landed in Australia banner with double-E-S in large let ax a I< nm to the ahippera. The sample U*rs heralding information of the oc­ waa weevilv and dirty, containing casion on a background of gauze, in gram, linaeed. a kind of vetch, and a mid air. The pre*tentionsno«a of the proportion of peiceaof small handclap, parade was fully revealed by the die pnev rcwluci was equal to about I ignorant use of the letters employed. 3 | H |»er bushel duty paid, and the But perhapa he was simply not a good Iwilk of it has been retame«i for fowl writer who did it. aon. to Armour’s cook, who did not use it, everythin« in the Livery hire. TA. J. Mï€*<»nnell is erecting a private a«- there was suspicion aa to its con-1 in good shape residence, to coat >10.(10.) tents, h wu analyzed by a chemist j •’ ID -on able Rate». PLOW* HARROW*. ^LUIIR* And BA1X W AWOXS That will be sold Low for Cash. "hen you want anything in that line you will consult your own interest as well »* ours to call and see us. We think we can suit you. Try it. A. H. A O <-. HOD*»- INERT, FEEO AND SALE STABLES LOGAN BROS, i HENDERSON. I I <1TI TRICK- Hann« purchased the Strain property. permanently looated in McMinnviUr. » ready to do all kinds of Truck and ©•* •ry Worte at abort notice. All ß«*»’.i®. trusted to our care will be carefully handw* and promptlv delivered. llto keep ¡>c & Wood of all kinds as cheap as the Orders left at the Citv Drug store " promptly attended to. J. J. tXJLLA»*’-