VOL. 1. NO. 66. M c M innville , O regon , S aturday The Daily Reporter, •VEH’S l.V/> Xo/T.s As we stated some time since, the press knew more about intended lease of the ORN to the UPR than did Presi­ dent Smith. The telegraph informs us that the lease has been perfected through the OSL, according to the Sixteenth Year of Publication. plans of 1881, when the UPR began gcMHSVILLE - - OREGON work of construction in this direction. o. c. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. This will not hasten work upon the Boise city to Albany line. D. C. IRELAND A Co., PIBL1SHERS, In these piping times of horrid ■—o-------- butcheries in Oregon, it is a little re­ Weekly Subscription Rates. One copy per year in adyanoe - - - $2.00 freshing, and out of the usual order of If not paid in advanoe - . - . 2.50 To olubs of three or five, when aooompanied things, to have a man drive up to with the oash, $1.50 per year each. Two your office door and voluntarily sur­ names for six months each to oount as one render his sack, as S. M. Ross did to yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. us last Wednesday. He is in pork Tv» D aily R jlpobteb is issued every day business this fall, has killed thirty-five in the week exoept Sundays, and is delivered in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail, 4o and expects to kill a hundred head. cents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . The sack left with us was filled with splendid sausage meat, and we rec- Advertising Rates. | lw. | lm. 18m. | 6m. | ltois ommeiyl it to all who want something SPACE |1 00 2 00 4 00 7 00 10 IM) One inch ... 1 75 2 SO 7 50 15 00 30 00 fine for the holidays. Five Inches 2 ...................... 75 5 50 10 50 33 00 66 00 Eleven in................... That terrible blizzard which passed Twenty-two inches _5 50 11 oo 33 oo 66 00 132 to over the northwestern states, extend­ ¡¿J“ Above rates slightly advanced for pre ferred positions: “Top of Column," “Next ing to the territories, last Wednesday, to Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or was a paralyzer. From Tuesday morn­ “Third Page.” tafLocal notices in reading oolnmn on ing till Thursday night it showed no Third page: One insertion, per line lOoents signs of abatement, during which Two insertions per line 15 “ Three insertions per line 20 <• time, in many places more snow fell By the month per line 25 ^•»“Obituary notices, resolutions of con- than all last winter put together. dolement, etc., to insure publication in the Won’t Bro. Hodson and Uncle Jim Reporter, must be aooompanied with instruo tions; and the name of the proper person or Fletcher have lots to talk about when persons to whom oharges for the same are to they get home? But they are not be made. home yet, are they ; besides, the weath­ Boek a Jek PritilBffe er is a little wintry like here this morn­ We beg leave to announoe to the public ing. Entered in the Postoftioe ftt McMinnville for TrHiisiiMHHion Through the Mails as Sec­ ond Class Matter. WEEKLY REPORTER. that we have just added a large stock of new novelties to our business, and make a special­ ty of Ijetter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Business Cards, Ladies Calling Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro- grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ vinced. D. C. IRELAND A CO. E. E. COUCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND McMnmvnxB - - SURGEON. ® O bboob . Offloe and residence, oorner of Third and D streets, next to the postoffioe. N ovember 20, issg PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELI. KN EOUS. RING THE CHANGES. King Out the Ohl - King tlie Xew. i In In view of some changes in the busi­ ness world, as well as among produc­ ers and laborers, it is well that we should one and all think of our own interests as well as that of others, and Third St., Opposite once in a while call a halt, take ac­ YAMHILL CO. BANK. count of what stock we have on hand, whether it be in cattle, horses, mer­ D on ’ t F orget the P lack , chandise or farms, and ascertain for — Where you will— ourselves our present condition and future prospects, and make such changes from time to time as each of us, after mature deliberations, find our better judgments may indicate. In view of these things I shall introduce to you on or about New Years, New IM THB - Styles, New Goods, and a Radical change in the management of the Business which I trust may prove to Furnishing O. hm I s of all kind, and above our mutual advantage. It is with this all THE LOWEST PRICES. Aino agento for the object in view that it to be adopted. It will, upon investigation, be found HrowiiNvillc Woolen Mill, a full line of nil Hoods made by simple and just to one and all. The (lnrryins them« celebrated mills. time is past when a man can sell goods on one year or for an indefinite period, and compete with those who sell ex­ clusively for cash. I shall on or about Jan. 1st introduce to you a system FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., HuooeRAor to W F. Hangaaaer, Ulcerated l.e*. possessing all the advantages of both Bangaaser'a building, een troubled with liver complaint, M rs . A. M c D onald . M iss K. T homtt >■ ■ kidney disease and bail blood for a longtime. I have used Simmons Liver Fashionable Regulator, and it has done me more Dressmaking. good than all th- medicine I ever took. In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store. I would not be w tbout it.” Geo. H. Pratt. U. s e; 111 • Collector, 2d Dis­ OPPOSITE GRANGE HALL. trict, Ga. MrMnrm..u . OBBOO*. P. o. Box 101 New Firm, New Goods, New Prices At the New Store of ’ Bazisr S Martin HtiooeMHore to Al. HIJH8KY, Third atreet, McMinnville, Oregon. A new, neat ami clean stock Every arti«** A No. I. Fruit Jara, Butter Crock», Colored Glaaaware, Cutlery, Cased (looda, To­ bacco, Pi, mm and Cigars. Tre«h Trait and Vegetables ia Beata*, (live me a call Inspect mv stock, and I will guarantee prices to suit you. G. R. HIGGINS, I‘ria. w. ». OABKtaoR. a . h . GAtnrr. ---- AT THE----- Family Grocery Store. EUKISKO MARKET. Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. 'Hi J. Harv. Henderson, Where the beat of meat a can always be found (SnooMwor to L. ROOT.) and at the moat reasonable pnoea, where Dealer in the loin of beef ia divided with our custom­ ers. Meats done up In the latent styles, ▲n PMh Qo*K taotriM, H*r, I mm »«4 an.l good weights given. Give ua a os 11. OI mhfoto and Or*ok*ry. Yours truly, W. J. Garrison & Co. l^*Gooda delivered to pu re b see re tn the eHy