The Daily Reporter, Try Willamina flour. Equal to the An attractive part of the Episcopal MISCELLANEO! S best. church fair, will be a Japanese table,1 M ill Kellett moves into his new containing handsome articles forsale. D. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. house to-dav. First National Bank, The McMinnville Business College McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 19, 1886 Spectators will be admitted to the is open every evening at 7 o’clock for —OF— gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ students in writing, drawing and book­ M MINNt li.l.E. . . . OKLOON Freshest Dates at Griesen’s this giving evening. keeping. I J acob W ortman .......... ...... l’reculent morning, by the pound. D. I‘. T hompson ........... V ice-president Senator Dolph, Miss Agnes Dolph, Floor managers have been selected J ohn W ortman .......... .............. Uncle Jim Fletcher will start home and Miss Fanny Odeneal. reached Cashier for the Firemen’s ball who are of them­ from Missouri next Monday. Portland from Washington city on selves a guarantee that perfect satis­ Transacts« General Bankmg I huiiuhm . Mrs. Sarah Savage is fitted up for the 16th. lulercst alli'wtsl ou time n New York. San Franciac«* and l*<>ri!«nd. lamina. health that he will be able to officiate A case of novelties ; new. nice and Oftlce hour»—from a. n>. to 4 p. iu. The ladies society of the 0. P. church at St. James church this evening, and ow priced ; just received for the holi­ will give an entertainment Friday Sunday, as usual. day trade at Mrs. H. P. Stuarts,oppo­ FIltE INSURANCE, evening. Dec. 10, 1886. If you want your business repre­ site Grange store. •loiix WMXMAN There will be an attraction for the sented in the Thanksgiving 12-page Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ Keprwwub« the following sterling uoiupwa- children, in the shape of a fish pond edition of the Daily Reporter, hand sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ 1 m ; Loudon A Liverpool A (hols. North British A Mercantile. Commaroial Lnara st the Episcopal church fair. in your copy early. ville college. Residence corner of Fire Association, German American. r'ira- mtufs Fund. Hartford, Commercial. Anglo Mrs. M. Shadden is now alone in Work of rebuilding the Sax flouring Second and C Streets. Nevada, Ststy Investment, the dressmaking business, Miss Ves- mill in this city, began on Tuesday Wheat lusuranoe a spMtalty. sey having returned to Portland. ast. Three car loads of material ar­ It is rather a significant fact that after all the excitement caused by the The farm to be sold Dy the Warren rived on that day from Portland. executors on the 27th is not the old To \\ m. Turner, the Webfoot scrub, Taylor campaign, the vote in Tenn­ donation claim, but is what is called Who works in a drug store for his grub, essee was quite small. This is to be the Jimmy Warren farm, 132 acres. Works in Sprague, both early and late, explained either by the supposition Miss Rosa McPhillips, on a visit to In M ashington Ter..the coming state. that the Tennesseeans took the frater­ her uncle in Umatilla county, writes Is an inscription which left this city­ nal candidates for an uncorked min­ strel troupe, or that they were unable that the weather and the region is yesterday on a letter. not attractive. She will be glad to get Prof. Price calls our attention to the to fiddle the crowds to the polls on !\o I CITI TRKk. back to old Yamhill again. accidental omission of the name of election day. Having purchased the Strainprowrty,and People may not be aware of the fact, Raymo(nd Satehwell, from the roll of "Orna, the Child of Sorrow," an pemknmtly located in McMinnville, am but it is a fact nevertheless, that when honor of the public school. It was ready to do all kinds of Truck aa«f liv­ original story, will soon be published ery Werk at short uottoe.. All u,K»da an a letter improperly stamped, is put purely accidental, and the youth is to our oar« will be onrotuUv haudlyd. in the Daily Reporter. It is a deeply trqaled and. promptly delivered. Also ke«'|' op hknd into the postoffice, it subjects the entitled to this explanation. interesting tale of the life of an immi­ Wood of all kinds as cheap aa the ahaapAt. render to both fine and imprisonment. Capt. B. B. Tuttle, formerly super­ Orders left at ths Ofty l>rug «trite will be grant girl, and abounds with much promptly attended to. J J. < OLl.ARI», Pay your postage. intendent of the railway mail service that is of a heroic nature, and places Mr. S. C. Force is seriously ill. His for Oregon, has been »¡»pointed Judge before the young ladies of the present head and face was badly swollen yes­ advocate of the state militia, with the day, a strong contrast with the mani- : 1 terday, and as black as an African, rank of Colonel, in place of Hon. fold trials and tribulations of that rov­ but he is getting along splendidly Binger Hermann, M.C., resigned. ing class styled immigrants. The A quince from Mr. Rogers’farm was under the treatment of Dr. Galbreath. publishers of the Reporter omit no ex­ The 16th was the ninteenth anni­ left at our office yesterday which pense of time and money, to place be­ versary of the marriage of Watt. G. weighed twenty two ounces and meas­ fore their readers the best and most Henderson and wife, and although he ured fifteen inches in circumference. attractive family paper published in had forgotten it f<£r the time, his friends It would probably have grown larger, Oregon, and from the manner in had not, and when he went home that but the limbs of the tree got in the which new subscribers are daily added evening he found his house filled with way and it had to force its existence. to our li«t, is a strong approval of our The public school exhibition at the best efforts to please the public. The a jolly crowd, reviving old time recol­ lections in a really social way. It was opera house this, Friday evening, is story will run through several numbers for the benefit of the library and appa­ a very pleasant surprise. of the Daily. Oregon apples are being shipped ratus. There have been so far appa­ Pocket Hook lx>«t. east in large quantities. They are of ratus, books and charts placed in the On the road between McMinnville fine size and excellent flavor, but school to the amount of $125, which most of thetn, unfortunately, carry are certainly almost indispensable to and Sheridan, on Sunday, Nov. 14th, the brand of the codlin moth. The the progress of the school. The teachers a leather covered pocket memoran­ Thia i« the time of year when papers of the state teem with remedies are now in need of maps nnd globes, dum book, containing several notes as the school is entirely devoid of them. and papers of no value to anybody Merchants all begin tn show for the exterpation of this pest. Up to date the one that advises the care­ A nominal fee for admission will be but myself, and also one $5 bill green­ low prices. Wo realize that ful rolling of each individual insect charged. Reserved seats secured at back. The owner will be suitably re­ permanent trade oennot be warded on leaving the same at this made unless one has the cor­ between two smooth blocks prepared Rogers <& Todd’s drug store to-day. You can make the trip overland to office, or with the undersigned in I rect styles and correct prices. for the purpose is about as convenient V ictor G rohs . , and certainly as efficacious, as any. or from San Francisco now, in two Sheridan. We are selling jjoods at aston« 14th, 8PR and a half days On the The only requisite to the success of ishingly low prices oil the mer­ 1 IlHrifHin. this plan is to first catch your moth. trains began running to McCloud’s The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ its of our wares. We know When Mr. Buick, who bad charge siding, 308 miles from San Francisco, hill, containing twentv-two rooms in that there are no better styles of the Oregon exhibit car. returned Passengers bound south will leave all, two stories high, is offered for sale of Clothing, no better fitting, from the east, he was requested by the Portland at 8 o’clock a. m., arriving for cash, or exchange for real estate. no better made than ours, and Mate board to prepare a report which at Ashland at 4 the next morning. The house is well known to the travel­ »as to be submitted for approval. The stage will leave Ashland going ing public, and doing a good business. we believe that no one in Mo- Mr. Buick only remained two days in south at 5 a. m., and arrive at Mc­ The present proprietor’s reason for Min nville is selling Clothing Portland, and then went to his home. Cloud’s 85 miles distant, at 10:30 p. selling is that he is too far advanced as cheaply as we are. We only ask an inspection Complying with the request made by m., the same day. The train will in age to attend to it. and is determin­ leave McClouds at 5 the following the board, he has prepared a some­ ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, of our goods and a comparison what elaborate report of the trip east, morning. Passenger« arriving in the even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound of prices. BISHOP A KAY. ft is quite lengthy, and states in de­ evening can «ecure berths in the to sell it if a customer comes. North sleeping car the same evening at Mc ­ tail all the places visited by the car. Yamhill is a- rapidly improving town I» C. IKELA.W A CO., *nd an estimate is made of the num­ Clouds. The SPRCo will run a sleep­ as any on the west side, is the center ing car through to Redding. Arriv- ber of |»eople who visited it at the of a large trade, the starting ¡xiint (or various places. At Utica. New York there at 9 a. m., this will enable pas­ Tillamook bay, ■the resort for hunters he thinks not less than 20,000 persons sengers to sleep in the I car from the and «|M>rtsmen in the summer season, at McCloud’« visited the car and took a look at the evening of their arr and this is the l>est chance for a good neat morning, man in the whole state. For further n collection. He estimated that at least until breakfast ìlrìlinn ville, Oregon. it ached at 6 :40 particulars address this office, or apply i 200.000 people passed through the car San Francisco w to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. p. m. the same day during the time it was east. Watch Tki« Ait GMltry. I Fine Job Printers, *