VOL. 1. M c M innville -* , » O regon The Daily Reporter Our Farmer« Club. When the more pressi ng work is Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnvillefor Transmission Throngh the Mails as Sec­ over, give horses a good run on grass, ond Class Matter. and give grain enough to keep them I in good heart. Brooding mares and WEEKLY REPORTER young stock must be brought into Sixteenth Year of Publication. good heart for going well through the MCMINNVILLE - - OREGON winter. — o 1 ■ D. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. D. C. IRELAND A. Co., PUBLISHERS. ---------- O---------- Weekly Subscription Kates. One copy per year in advanoe ... $2.00 If not pajd in advanoe .... 2 50 To clubs of three or five, when aooompanied with the oash, $1.50 per year each. Two names for six months each to oount as one yearly subscription. The Daily Reporter. T hb D allt R bpobtkb is issued every day in the week except Sundays, and is delivered A nest of bumble bees, in a big clov er field is worth |20 to th« owner, for these insects are the chief agents in fertilizing the blossoms, thereby in­ suring a heavy crop of seed. In Aus­ tralia there were no bumble bees of our kind, and they could not raise clover seed there untill they imported some bumble bees. The schools of the country, although town and city abler men and M^M Advertising Kate*. women ; and while the citv-bred are. 1 lw. Im. i 3m. 6m. | 12ms SPACE. as a rule, not much heard of in later 11 00 2 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 One inch ... 7 50 IVeOO 30 00 2 50 1 75 Five inches life, the once country boys, who wore 2 75 5 50 16 50 33 00! 66 00 Eleven in. - 33 00|66 00,132 00 11 00 5 50 plain clothes, had few books, but stud­ Twenty-two^ fcif Above rates slightly advanced for pre ied them throughout, and who were ferred positions; “Top of Column.” “Next trained to labor and to wait, are al- to Reading Matter,” "Seoond Page,” or “Third Page.” ways the leaders of thought. • • •<-♦* * t-#-Local notices in reading oolumn on From the scant history of pleu ro­ Third page: One insertion, per line lOcents Two insertions per line 15 “ il pneumonia ’ and the means of its Three insertions per line 20 4« By the month per line 25 spread, we learn that in every case ^•"Obituary notioes, resolutions of con- dolement, etc., to insure publication in the where it has broken out among native Reporter, must be accompanied with instruc­ herds, the cause has been distinctly tions; and the name of the proper person or persons to whom oharges for the same are to traced to some individual cow of for­ be made. eign importation. A report of the state veterinarian of Missouri to the B*#k , Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ into Ireland by a Dutch cow four years grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon- later; into England by both Dutch vinoed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. and Irish cattle in 1833 ; by means of English cattle into Sweden and Den E. E. COUCHER, M. D mark still five years later; into Nor­ way by infected Ayrshire cattle in 1859; was first observed at Cape of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Me ! rSNVILLB - OBKGON. Good Hope in 1854 ¡went to Australia bv means of an English cow in 1858; Offioe and reeidenoe. corner of Third and and it is believed to have made its ap­ D streets, next to the postoffioe. pearance in this country at Brooklyn, Long Island, during the year 1843. be­ JAS. M’ c AIN. H. HUBLKY. ing brought there by an English cow. McCain & Hurley, etc.” This is sufficient evidence to ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW show the caution necessary in the im­ AND NOTARIES PI HI.K portation of breeding cattle from dis­ Lafayette, Oregon, tant countries, and to establish in Especial attention paid to abstracts of titl< the minds of breeders of improved and settlement of estates in probate. Office-Jail buiding. up stairs. stock more reliance on our native i breeds. We have no record of an in- ’ stance of the breaking out of this dread disease among our native stock 1 unless by importation. Let dairymen. therefore, look to their own herds for stock and raise such as prove of go->d- RFThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ I ly promise and by weeding out such ting employed. : as breed back or show defects. and it Third street, Next to Bishop 4 Kay » store, will soon be found that we shall pos­ MoMinnville. Or. sess a breed of home raised cattle free of disease and equal to any other in M rs . A. M c D onald . M iss K. T hobxt "» productiveness. in the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 inferior to graded oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ vertising same as for T hb W eekli K epobtkb . schools, turn out Mrs. M. Shadden Fashionable Dressmaker Fashionable Dressmaking- PRICE TWO CENTS. RING THE CHANGES. King Out the Old - Hing Ihe Sew. MISCELLANEOUS in In view of some changes in the busi­ ness world, a>< well as among produc­ ers and laborer«, it is well that we should one and all think of our own interests as well as that of others, and once in a while call a halt, take ac­ count of what stock we have on hand, whether it be in cattle, horses, mer­ chandise or farms, and ascertain for ourselves our present condition and future prospects, and make such changes from time to time as each of us. after mature deliberations, find our better judgments may indicate. In view of these things I shall introduce to you on or about New Years. New Styles, New Goods, and a Radical change in the management of the Business which I trust may provt to our mutual advantage. It is with this object in view that it to be adopted. It will, upon investigation, be found simple and just to one and all. The time is past when a man can sell goods on one year or for an indefinite |>eri<>d, o THE CLOTHIERS! or — YAM IIILL CO.. Third St.. Opposite YAMHILL CO. D on ’ t F orget the BANK. P lace , - Where you will— ALWAYS EIND CLOTHING ill tot LATESTJÌTYLES. Furnishing Goods of all bind, and abov* all THE LOWEST PRICES. Alan agent* for the Brownsville Woolen Hill, Carrying a full line of all gnode made by these oeiebrated tailla. and compete with those who sell ex­ clusively for cash. I shall on or about Jan. 1st introduce to you a system possessing all the advantages of both FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., the credit and the cash sytems, anil Hacc ei wi>r to W F. Itabgnaaer, none of the disadvantage« of either liHtiguHner'a building, Cor B and Third A. J. A ppkmon . Here to where you Mn gwt your moneys CITY MARKET, worth in Mprclul Mot Beef, Pork. Matton. Saueage. Tripe, In view of the change soon to take •nd everything in the line of ineata. of the place, I desire all accounts to be set­ t-ext quality the ooantry afford*. Also th* Best of Bolognas. t-led by the 1st of Jan. A word to the Give me a o*ll and be wall art rd. wise is sufficient. Call and settle. A. J. A pperbon . W T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTI*. >1 <• ^1 inn vil l<‘ New Firm, New Goods, New Prices LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES At ihe New Htore of Baster £ Martin Ita Ita tane. Huooeaeon to Al. HULSEY, Third street, .McMinnville, Oregon LOGAN BROS, i HENOERSON. ----- PROPRI ETORM — l int* < <*irri;iK< *. Ilai k* and *a. I. Fruit Jan. Butter < 'roeka, (olorsd Olaaawan, ('utlrry, l Good«, To- bacro. Pi|*a and Cigar«. Troah Fruit and Vegetable* ta Seaaeo. Give me a call. In.pe.-t mv Mock, and I will guarantee prma to *uit you. ----- AT THE------ Family Grocery Store, EURISKO MARKET. third Street. MoMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, the best of meats can always be found (Hnewssor to L. ROOT.) The Firemen’s ball will be the finest I Where and at the moat reasonable pnesler in the loin of beef is divided with our en «tocs Music by coach whip affair of t AU Freeh tada, Irocerise. Flour, Bacea, bd 4 •H. Meats done up In the I «te