Produce Price Current. It is certainly inexcusable. It was MISCELLANEOUS. ______3*_ — contemplated that the work should Wheat percental in Portland sk’d . W 22X @ 1 2 D. C. IRELAND 4 CO. PIJRLISHEBS. commence immediately after the ap­ Wheat 64 per bushel in McM. 35 propriation was granted. The funds Oats . feub»< riplion Hate*. 18 Wool per lb .............. By Carrier per week................ 10 06,1 were made available for that purpose. Flour 4 15 4 per barrel (Payable on Saturday.) 9 The work is urgent to save that al­ Bacon sides................ .. Single Copy ........................... . . 7.2 nx Hams ................... By Mail WoenU per Mouth (In Advance.) ready done from destruction. Com­ Shoulders Mate« for Advertising 7 merce is suffering from the delay. The Lard 40 Butter, fresh rolls .... Will be made aatiafaetory to all applicants. weather has been uniformly mild and Eggs per doz 25 Apples, green per box 30 Nov. IS, ISSO pleasant, and yet nothing has been Dried McMinnville, Or. 6 apples. Plummer.. done. There has been no satisfactory *’ 3 " sun ■ ■ — Plums, pitless .... 7 reason given why the work has been Chickens per doz 777.4 IKM/FIliH EDITION. .. 2 00 2 delayed, and when congress meets our Hides, dry fli it 10 5 In order that we may introduce T oe delegation will probably make some “ green....................... Potatoes ............ 45 Geese, tame, per doz..... 5 00 D aily R eporter to readers outside of inquiry concerning the matter. Ducks, “ “ “......... 5 00 A Grand Bali will be given under the this city in Yamhill county, we have ................. 3^ There is no room for a serious doubt Hogs, dressed pices of the McMinnville Fire De “■ -------------------------------------------------- perfected arrangements for publishing that friendship and hospitality were partment, at Wanted an extra large edition of 500 copies, outraged and confidence grossly All persons indebted to me to call ai double the present size. Thanksgiving abused by Julian I(awtliorne in pub­ settle their account immediately. F. W. R edmond . morning We do this not wholly for lishing the so-called interview with Mr. Lowell. The young man’s con­ ourselves, but sha^ also let in regular TO-DAY. duct is utterly indefensible. It is not patrons at a nominal cost, and thus creditable to either Mr. Lowell or Thursday Evening, Nov. 25,1886. make it the representative of McMinn­ Hawthorne. It might be all true ville interests Copy for extra matter enough that Queen Victoria is likely intended for this special edition should to live foi n long time, but when the Hair (Titling, shaving and Minin, MUSIC BY ate minister to St. James’? describes pooine Parlor. be handed in for the printers not later ¡er majesty as being ‘ very tough” he 15c SHAVING 15c. than noon of Monday next After raise- a laugh, to be sure, but he viti­ you have seen the papet. comments ates the courtesies of society and the C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. ------- o------- (Successor to A. C. Wyndham.) will lie in order. \V< inteiuFto serve unwritten code of diplomacy . With —TICKETS— the public well and faithfully, and be regard to what he ha> to say of the Ladies and children’s work a specialty. /4T I have just added to my parlor the Prince of Wales, with whom he is —O ne D ollar P er C ouple .— deserving of all aup|M>rt extended to largest and finest stock of cigars ever in this sUj>po?i“d to have been on friendly city. Try them. D. C. I reland A Co. terms, we are reminded that a Texas cowboy would despise himself for OA-/.OO.V SUTE 7.1 V» —S upper at C ook ’ s H otel — "goin ’ back on a paid. ” The house ’ hi M unlay last th* Ixuird of com- ------- o------- of lords, Mr. Gladstone. Lord Harting- missioners appointed to compute and TIME IS MONEY ! A cordial welcome extended to all. levy the slate taxes, completed their i ton, Prince Leopold, home rule, Eng­ labots to-day. 1 he levy for current lish art literature, and Thorndike Rice ex¡M iise- ¡, (,Ue mill and niueleen- are all treated with scant ceremony, SAVE tweniieths of a mill. They ulmlished and. according to the reported inter­ view. with a contemptuous indiffer ­ Have a Few the halt mill levy for the Oregon war ence which some of the subjects scarce ­ d< l>l; the debt having been paid in Time and Money by full. The entire levy for all state pur­ ly deserve. It i- plain that either Mr. poses, imluidng the one-tenth of a Lowell i- growing very old or that he calling* at ha.- been grievously misrepresented. null toi th<‘ supp> mills and one twentieth of The usual cry of the destitution of F W. REDMONDS. a mill, a deeri «se of one mill and thir- a large numl»er of Indians conics to That they will teen-twentieth of a mill as compared .hand, the only difference being that with the levy of 188., The estimate the wail sets in earlier this year than has been based U|ioii the actual ex­ usual. The plaint conies from a bar­ THE VERY LOW. penses of the state government for the ren stretch of country in Arizona, am They also have a SMALL LOT of last two years, allowing such increase |s»ssibly is from this reason attended Goods are going off Hardware. Tinware, Etc., Etc., As the natural growth of the state in­ with excuse that would not exist if stitutions would demand. The taxable the grounds allotted to the Indians That will also be sold LIKE hot CAKES, propi rl) of Yamhill county is *4 03S.- Mere arable. The cry exposes none Low for Cash. 697. An increase of $14.074 over that the less, however, the total inadequacy, of 188.*» They have a few not to say imbecility, of the policy And Time .MU' tv/» .vor»* that neither gives the Indians a chance PLOWS, HARROWS, to themselves, nor provides with cer ­ 1 exans are preparing fora bonier SEEDER* And tainty for them. Starving one month, for Bargains is short raid U|Hin Mexico BAI\ WAGONS I he I'hicago strikers have nearly lying around like gorged anacondas That will be sold • 11 applied for work at their old places, the next, the athletic buck, the sur- pine sipiaw the helpless pappoose upon the order of Powdeilv Low for Cash. CALL TO-DAY, Dwyer Bros . the somewhat noted treated as alike irres|H»nsible for daily When yon want anything in that Hue yoo food and adequate clothing. Surely Brooklyn turf men, have won will consult yonr own interest as well M ours to call and see us. We think wecuusuit l(i this year 1 he largest winning there is not much in such treatment Forno man knowetli you. Try it. A, H. A O. O. HOPSON. by any one »table in America. Their to develop the latent virtues that are i supposed todwell in the Indian breast. expenses neatly equal winnings. M c M innville WHAT A policy that contents a stalwart, The contractor» of the switchback, over the Cascade mountain*, are cut able bodied human being with his gov- Conies to-morrow. ling a ditch six hundred feet long, j eminent dole of three pounds of beef Cor. lid and C streets. seventy-five feet wide and eight feet and half a pound of Hour per day, F. W. REI »10X1 >. and teaches him not to look beyond OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. deep, so as to drain Green river chan­ the visible supply, is discountenanced nel inorder to obviate the necessity I* AOU Opcil- ©f building a bridge 1 Work on the1 , _ ’IWr?y co™‘n0n *»•** that de- *T. Attention is respectfully invited to this