The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 17, 1886, Image 1

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    vol . 1.
M c M innville , O regon ,
DeLesseps and his ¡»arty of French
Entered in the Postoffioe at MoMinnvillefor
Transmission Through the Mails as Sec- visitors are still ih this country. It
ond Class Matter.
is now announced that they will make
a trip to the Pacfic coast. They will
probably come via. San Francisco and
return through Oregon.
Sixteenth Year of Publication.
Rev. N. Doane delivered an able and
scientific lecture in behalf of the Wil­
lamette University at the M. E. church
D. C. IRELAND & Co.,
in this city Sunday evening. Had it
-------------- 0--------------
been more generally known a larger
Weekly Subscription Rate».
One copy per year in advance . - ■ $2.00 attendance would doubtless have re­
If not paid in advance
- - - -
2.50 sponded.
To clubs of three or five, when accompanied
Ann L. Stephens, one of the most
with the cash, $1.50 per year each. Two
writers of trashy novels left a
names for six months each to count as one
yearly subscription.
snug fortune of something more than
The Daily Reporter.
Tu D ailt R ipostes is issued every day $300,000. She was always an indus­
in the week except Sundays, and is delivered trious worker, but one who lived in a
in the oity at 10 oents per week. By mail, 40
rents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ generous and hospitable way ; besides,
vertising same as for T hs W eeklx K epobtsb . her charities were unbounded.
Advertising Rate«.
Great suffering is said to prevail in
1 lw. 1 lm. 1 8m. 1 «m. | 12ms
Texas where scarcely any
One inch ................... $1 00 2 00 4 00 7 00 10 00
1 75 2 50 7 50 15 00 80 00 rain hps fallen since June of last year.
Five inches.............
2 75 5 50 1« 50 33 00 66 00
Eleven in.....................
Twenty-two inches 5 50 11 00 38 00 06 00 182 00 The crops have been ruined by the
Uff"Above rates slightly advanoed for pre prolonged drought, and many people
ferred positions: “Top of Colainn,” “Next
to Reading Matter,” “Seoond Page,” or are on the point of starvation. ”1 he
“Third Page.”
district of country thus afflicted com
MT Local notioes in reading oolamn on
Third page: One insertion, per line lOoents rises an area equal to the states of
Two insertions per line ...................... 15 “
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela­
Three insertions per line ......... 20 ’*
ware combined.
By the month per line........................ 25 “
^VObituary notioes, resolutions of oon-
James Russell Lowell, according to
dolement, etc., to insure publication in the
dispatch from London, is to
Reporter, must be accompanied with instruc­
tions; and the name of the proper person or marry the Dowager Lady Lyttleton,
persons to whom charges for the same are to
widow of the late, an aunt by marriage
be made.
of the present Lord Lyttleton. She is
Book A
Prbritaff. said to be a fine looking and accom­
We beg leave to announoe to the public plished women, about 40 years of age,
that we have just added a large stock of new
novelties to our business, and make a special­ and, like Lowell, has been twice mar­
ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, ried before. This news throws new-
Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling
Cards, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ light upon Lowell’s excessive vexation
grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of at the publication, by Hawthorne, of
work. Terms favorable. Call and be oon-
his rather free remarks respecting the
queen, the Prince of Wales, and the
nobility generally.
E. E. COUCHER, M. D English
Clapsopcounty clamors for increased
reprr -entation in the legislature. The
people are entitled to it, without a
M c M uitoli
O bxgom .
doubt, but it is a question whether
Offloe and residence, oorner of Third and they would be gainers if it were allow
ed. Multnomah county has plenty of
D streets, next to the postoffioe.
legislators says the Telegram, but gets
jas . m ’ cain .
h . hublky .
very little legislation that the people
McCain & Hurley,
would not be at least as well off with
out, and the same is true of most
attorneyn - at - i , a w
AND NOTARIES PUBLIC, other sections. BetUr not to have
another session of the legislature for
Lafayette, Oregon,
Especial attention paid to abstracts of titl« ten years than to have the blunders of
and settlement of estates in probate.
the last regular and the special ses­
Offioe Jail buiding. up stairs.
sion duplicated.
The Umatilla reservation is a mag­
nificent body of land,containing in the
Shadden & Vessey, aggregate about 165,000 acres. It has
been practically lying waste for all
Fashionable Dressmakers these years, the slipshod method« of
Indian farming amounting to next
MF" The Taylor System of Catting and Fit­ nothing. After e-Ublishmg the In­
ting employed.
dians is thought that
Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’« «tore, there will be 145,000 acres of land re­
McMinnville, Or.
maning,which will be .old at auction,
every dollar of the proceeds re­
A. M c D omau ».
M— K. T mobmto .
served for the Indian«, and expended
for them unde government authority.
Dressmaking. The lands which the Indian, retain
lb ^ve ally will not be patented to
Is lira. H. P. Btaart's Millinery Store,
th«u (or twenty year., and are not
u, be «Aid dnrini that penod
In relation to Col. Frank Parker’s
application for the Walla Walla land
office, Secretary Lamar says Parker’s
endorsements are of so high a charac­
ter as to warrant the president giving
him any position within his gift, and
yet if those opposed to Parker are to be
------ OP-----
believed he ought to be imprisoned in
the penitentiary for life.
We are always willing and ready to
publish announcements for all the
Third 8t.. Opposite
churches without charge. Why they
are not furnished to us we dannot say.
D on ’ t F orget the P lace ,
It is a matter wholly with pastors and
ministers of the several churches We
— Where you will—
have enough to do without running
after the facts concerning Bunday ser­
vices, lodge meetings, and the like.
It is thought the I»a Camas ¡taper
mills will be rebuilt at Oregon city. In
Oregon city there’s plenty of water and
the company tried to obtai n a water
power there before purchasing at La
camas, but were unable to do so. Can
they do so now? Will they try? Will
the people of Oregon city hold out en­
couragement to them to aid them in
obttyning a water power there now? Furnishing Goods of m H kind, and|abov*
These are questions for the considera­ all THE LOWEST PK10EH. Also agent«
for the
tion of the board of trade lately organ­
Brownsville Woolen Will
ized in that old town.
Eastern Oregon furnishes twenty Carrying a full line of all goods made by
per cent, of the beef sold in San Fran­ these celebrated mills.
cisco and Sacramento. They go from
the great pastures of Steins mountain
and camp Harney, in the southern end
of Grant county ; and the herders are
improving their stock all the time by FRED. F. KELLER, Prop
using bulls of Durham and Hereford
MuooMsor to W F. Itangasser,
stock almost entirely, the Jerseys and
Guernseys being better adapted to Bangssner's building, Cor B and Third M—
Here is where you can gat your mousy?«
dairy uses than for the blocks ; while
worth in
tho Galloways' long hair catches and
holds so much water that, in the event Beef, Pork, Kutten, Sausage, Trlpo^
and everything in the liue of meat««, of the
of a freeze, their hides are a continuous i«eat quality the ooontry affords. Also the
sheet of ice, and they are the first to
Best of Bolognas
die from cold and inability to got out
Give me a call and be satisfied.
and rustle for themselves.
A KitrgHln.
The Exchange hotel of North Yam­
hill, containing twenty-two roonm in
all, two stories high, is offered for sale
for cash, or exchange for real estate.
The house is well known to the travel­
ing public, and doing a good business.
The present proprietor’s reason for
selling is that he is too far advanced
in age to attend to it, and is determin­
ed to sell if an opportunity is offered,
even at a sacrifice. In fact he is l»ound
to soil it if a customer comes. North
Yamhill is as rapidly improving town
as any on the west side, is the center
of a large trade, the starting point for
Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters
and sportsmen in the summer season,
and this is the l>est chance for a good
man in the whole state. For further
particulars add re«« this office, or apply
to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon.
New Firm, New Goods, New Prices
Subscribe for the Rejiorter, «nd pay
for it when you eubacribe, «nd we will
pledge ourselves to give you more
news, for less money, than any other
paper in th« Willamett« valley. The
Daily will help the weekly 100 per cent.
J. Harv. Henderson
Sa been bs for The Reporter.
At the New Htore of
Bastar & Martin
Hiioreasors to Al. HIJMHEY,
Third street, MoM .«¿ville, Orr>gon
ta T imi
A new, neat and clean stock. Every article
A No. I. Fruit Jars, Butter ('rocks, Colored
Glaaeware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To-
banco. Pipea and Cigars.
Prweh Trait and ▼ogntnblne la B e««—.
Give me a call. Inspect my stock, and I
will guarantee prices to suit you.
Family Qrocery Stör«
Third Btreet, Me Minn ville, Oregon.
to L. BOOT.)