A Business Proposition Io MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. REPORTER DIRECTORY. Everybody. STATE OEFICEBB. THE GREAT I Jos. N. Dolph United States Senators.... I J. H. Mitchell Representative in Congress ... B. Hermann Governor................................. , ..Z. F. Moody Governor’s Secretary............ .. ,C. B. Moores Secretary of State............ ... .. R. P. Earhart Assistant Secretary................ F. E. Hodgkin State Treasurer...................... ... Ed. Hirsch A. F. Wheeler Assistant Treasurer............. . ...............................................................1^.11...Illi.IIIMI..11. BC MM... ...... Supt. of Publio Instruction E. B MoElrov W. H. Byars State Printer........................... Olerk Sohool Land Board E. P. McCornack ....Dr. Josephi Supt. Insane Asylum.... . Geo. Collins Supt. Penitentiary Warden Penitentiary.... Geo. K. Jackson i W. P. Lord a*************************®******************»»^ IIIIIIIIUII1IIITHK DIMVG CAR LI Supreme Judges............... .. < R. 8. Strahan I W W. Thayer Having the most complete anti best selected stock of goods on the west side, outside of Portland, as conceded by all commercial men, and my fa­ cilities for buying being equal to or better than any house here, I am pre­ pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware and Crockery, at prices as low or DI8TBICT JU1OB8. lower than any house outside of Port­ First District............................ L. R. Webster Second Distriot............................. Robert Bean land, and if you buy upon same terms Third District............................... R. P. Boise District..................... E. D. Shattuok as you do when you go to Portland, Fourth Fifth District.................... Frank J. Taylor buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ Sixth Distriot.................... M. L. Olmstead CITI OFTICEB8 gage to compete with the retail houses Mayor.......................... . Hon. J. W. Cowls ....J..J. Spencer of Portland on tho same class of goods, Recorder ................... ........... J. L. Rogers Treasurer.................. . ............... ... Geo. Kauffman save and except Sugar, Salt and such Marshal Street Commissioner ........C. A. Wallaoe goods as freight figures upon so that COUECILMEM. it cannot be done. This does not ap­ Wm. Campbell, D. C. Narver, W. Jones, J. 8. Nash ply to some cheney houses who would Geo. 8. A. Manning, T. A. Turner. bait you by selling some special arti­ OOÜWTT OFFICEBS. Bird cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on Senator«.... W. Watts iR. R. Laughlin Kimr other articles. I t shall be Representatives .. «F. N. Little YChaa. Lafollett straight business . 1 especially invite Judge L. Loughary purchasers, to call and make an in­ Clerk .Geo. W. Briedwell Sheriff T. J. Harris spection of the goods and price, be­ rreaaurer W. W. Nelson Wyatt Harris fore buying elsewhere. All goods Aueasor jJ. S. Hibbs Commissioners I Geo. Dorsey marked down during clearance sale Sohool Supt J. A. C. Freund Jeff. D. Fenton will be sold at clearance sale prices. Surveyor < oroner D. C. Narver A J. Nelson Prices of all goods will be plainly Sheep Inspector marked on them, and no clerk is au- WEST SIDE STAGE LINES. thoriied to make any cut or deviation McMinnville to Sheridan daily, via Belle­ vue; Sheridan to Willamina and Grand on them, and will be discharged for Ronde Mon. Wed. and Sat.; Grand Ronde doing so before he has authority. to Oretown Tues, and 8at. Carlton via North Yamhill to Nestookton, S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns Hebo. Netarts, Trask and Tillamook. Mon. Wed. and Fri. at 6:30 a. m. is the M otto . CASH IN HAND Parker to Buena Vista, daily at 11:30 a.m. Corvallis to Albany daily, connecting or SHORT CREDITS must be the with OCR: to Monroe and Junotion Tues bilk . A. J. APPERSON. Thur. Sat. at 6 a. m. ir -■ I» C. IRELAND A CO., Fine Job Printers, ilrTliniii illr, Oregon. MoMINNVILLK Business College, OVER Oor. 3d and C Streets, YAMHILL COUNTY ■ * BANK. Open. Attention ia respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. ha t aoilitie* for thorough practical initrne- tion; actual buaineaa department a «iteci a It v where ourrvney. bank check, drafts, eto.. ire naed ( laar. or private instruction day or evening College Journal sent free on ap G. R. HIGGINS, i-nn ****—AT THK---- * " «Atte». EURISKO MARKET. of °*n Nietete be fon ite and at the most reaennable pncte. when ot bete m divided tetb our ihm « • up In the late« Avite *• titea. Gir» «a a eeÌL • Garrison A Co, in IORTHERNnACIFICn AILMjffi SHOREST! 1 THE DIRECT HOITE! T svteAsi* L0 W eSTl MV VV WMV lUO/LCS teVWVV TO EAST J QUICKEST;' BEST! NO I DELAYS! FASTEST TBAHJ! To CHICACO and all points EAST Tickets sold to ail PRoniNENT Pook Throughout the East and South««. BOIAD PASSENGERS! l-FBE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE SV« ------ TO TAKE THE------ Aud see that your ticket reads via Portland anil -------- S t PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Throw) Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Train» FullH Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- UP QUICKEST TOBI ------- o------- GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON, General Wettern Patienger Agent, ailroad, acific oute. P opular icturesque R anges. Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA The Oregon and California R. H And Connections. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. TIME, 2j DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco to Sacramento, $30. Aocommooations unsurpassed for oomfort Close oonneutions made at Ashland nd and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California. Oregonandldite LESS than by any other route between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Franoisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY8.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND A ASHLAII Mail Train. ¿anna. LEAVE. .4.(101.1 Portland.... 8:00 a . m . Ashland .3:151.1 Ashland.... 8;4ór. m . Portland Deny to Dallas daily, 3:30 p. m. To Salem Albany Expresa TraiB to daily, 8 a. m. DAILY PAMENSER TRAINS, AXBIVI. LEAVE. Portland.... 4:00 p. m . Lebanon .930 H Forest Grove to Mountain Dale and In­ (Except Sundays.) Lebanon... .4:45 a . m Portland 10041.1 gles. Saturday 7 a. m To Greenville Mon­ day. Wednesday and Friday, 11 a in. To Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart Gale's creek Saturday, 7 a. m. quina at 7: 10 a. m. daily between Portland and Ashland. Hillsboro to Greenville, Mountain Dale Oregon and California, West side, trains The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes conn«t*x and Ingles, daily at 11 p m. To Gale's creek with all the regular trains on the east te oouneot at Corvallis. daily at 7 a m, division from foot of F street. ¡The Oregon Development Company's Well Side Division. Independence to Monmouth daily. exoeDt >unday, 11.40 a. na. and 2:45 p m. BET. PORTLAND AMD «’ORVALLM FINE Al Mail Train. MoCoys to Linooln and Zena, daily, at 2:30 LEAVE. ABBna. p. m. ' Portland... 7:80 a . m . McM'nville.lO:12H MoM’nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. .12:25rl the abt or ADVEBTtBrNQ. Corvallis... 1:30 p. M. McM'nville. 3.43».t NAILS Here ia a little catechism from a paper de From Yaquina, T ___ Z San Francisco, MoM’nville 3:44*p. m . Portland... From voted to advertiser*. and it oontaina the sum Sunday........... Oot JO Monday At Corvallis connect with trains of tlx ' ’ r .... Oct. 4 and total of the art: << Friday ........... “ 2? 22 Saturday... Oregon Pacific for 16 «4 28 Wh- -s advertising? The art of exoitine Wednesday...Nov, 3 “ Thursda^ 1” id ay.. Bay. curioa y, “ Monday................ “ 16 Wednesday Noy. 10 « What 1« curiosity? A feeling of inquistive- Saturday.... Express Train. “ 27 Monday .... 22 ABBIVl. neaa, which nothing short of an investigation LEAVE. will satisfy. . The Company reserves the right to change Portland.... 4:50 p. M. McM’nville .B^r h What ia the result of creating thia feeline? sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and MoM’nville .5:45 a . m . Portland ...W’1-* 1 rospenty and riches to the advertiser. ban Franoisco, Rail and Cabin, ill; Rail Local tickets for sale and baggage w ho are the moat inquisitive people in the and Steerage, |i*.88. at the company’s up-town „ffioe. oornet world? Americana Therefore, if vou would For information apply to Pine and Second streets. Tickets rorpn* auooeed in advertising, exoite enriositv. and CHAS. C. HOGUE, cipal points in California oan only be I** you will hit the mark every time. Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. cured at company's office. Corner r Corvallis, Oregon Front streets Portland. Or __ __ Frieght will not be received for ship®* Subscribe for the Reporter, and pay after five o’clock p. m. on either the e»« for it when you subscribe, and we will NT. CHARLES HOTE1 LG west E. P ROGERS. side divisions. pledge to give jwu you uivrv more * . ourselves -— n»*« G FA T. MULTNER. Prep.. R. KOEHLER. news, for less uion«y. than any other Manager. Corner Third and B streets. Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San. Francisco. Steamship Yaquina City Crayon Portrait Work a Specialtv. R*’-Tr ‘“J!?*. Wll,aniette valley. The p. IX Boa 101 TRANSCONTINENTAL T3 OUTE. ** J *’ U> P 1 ie week,.v per cent. The Firemen s ball will be the finest afiair of the year. Music by coachwhip string band, and supper by the popu­ lar caterer L. H. Cook. The program ia hue. >ave time and money by hAnding your subscription for Any paper or niag&xine to Chas. Grisacn, he ia the local agent for the American Sub­ scription Co. Subscribe for The Reporter. Mi MISNV1LLK « . OREGON New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed m the country Rstee-«1 to |2 per dav ao ?*>r71U* t?„room' Single meals 25 cents Lodging, 25 to 50 oents according to room. Board and Lodging. $4 to $6. per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a call and see for yourself. % MONTGOMERY WARP*5%