A. Blackburn, of Carlton was in the MISCELLANEOUS. Pupils are preparing for a school city yesterday. exhibition soon to be given in the in ­ Dr. Ira Taylor, an old time resident P C, IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, of Stringtown, was in the city yester­ terest of the library fund. First National Bank, Spectators will be admitted to the cMinnville, Or. - Nov. 16. 1886 day. —or— Geo. P. Colby, the eloquent inspira gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ M o MINNVI l LE, .... OREGON G A. Wilcox is improving steadily. tional speaker, left this place for Cor­ giving evening. The Guild of St. James (Episcopal) .’ acoh W oktman ........................ President Mrs. D. H. Turner has returned to vallis yesterday. ). I*. T hompson .............. Vice-president Rev. J. Hoberg will officiate at a church will hold a fair on Wednesday J ohn W oktman ....................... Cashier ortland. Best job printing in the county at thanksgiving service in Chehalem evening, December 1st. * iieneral Banking bu«in«M Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ TranMot* InU-reat allowed ou lune deposit*. je lowest prices. valley on the 25th. sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ Oollaelion« made on favorable term«. Fine fresh cranberries at the bakery No extra charge for reserved seats Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers ville college. Residence corner of on Sight New York, San Francisco and Portland. his morning. at Rogers dr Todd’s drug store, for the Second and C Streets. Office hour»—from V a. m. to 4 p. m. A sister of Mrs. Fair arrived from school exhibition Friday night. 1 he parties interested in the organ­ he east Saturday. Collards repeating shot gun is a ization of a choral union, also all sub­ Soper Bros, are now at home in their fine success. Price brought in ten scribers, are cordially invited to meet JOHN WORTMAN new store building at Willamina. birds with it yesterday and pronounces at Garrison opera house, this Tuesday Represents the following sterling oorupaa. The Band of Hope is preparing for it a first class gun. Leiudon A Liverpool A Globa, North evening. November 16th. at the tea: British A Meromitile, Commercial Uuioa > picnic at Grange hall Saturday of J. O. Rogers has invented an instan­ hour of 7 o’clock, p. m., sharp. A gen­ Fire Automation, German Amerioan, Fira next week. taneous concave adjuster for thresh­ eral invitation extended to all who de­ man's Fund. Hartford, (\tmmeroial, Angia Nevada, State Investment. The ladies Guild of St. James (Epis­ ing machines which will make him a sire to participate. Wheat insuratioe a specialty. copal) church will meet to-morrow at fortune, and be the means of saving The enormous producing power of Mrs. Dr. Johnson's. thousands of bushels of wheat. this country is testified in figures Rev. Mr. Fair is on the sick list, but The Oregonian tells a tough yarn which show that internal revenue col­ not dangerous, although unable to till yesterday about a wild steer traveling lections from July 1862, to last July, hie appointments. “upon its end over end" to Portland, were sufficient to pay the war debt at The ladies aid society of the M. E. from Chehalem way back in the ’50’s, its highest figure and leave a surplus church will meet to-morrow p. m. at which reminds us of Ike Doane lead­ of more than six hundred millions un­ the residence of Miss Handley. ing a cow while he rode in Put Smith’s expended. The aggregate amounted Will Loughary spent Sunday with dog cart down in Pacific county in the to over three and a half billions, a N«. I CITY TRUCK. “the old folks at home.” He is look­ ’70’s; but ours was “a true story.” sum that staggers the comprehension Having purchased th* Strain property, and ing as though Corvallis agreed with Among the residents of other parts with its vastness. permanently located in MoMuinvill*, am ready to do all kinds of Truck and Doliw- him. of the county whom we met in the From all reports to the contrary not­ •ry Work at short notioe. All goods Wm. Logan was moving yesterday city' yesterday on business, were Hon. withstanding, it is thought that coro­ trustod to our oars will be oarcfully haudl*d. promptly delivered. Also keep on hand into his own house, purchased from R. P. Bird, state senator. Hon. Jas. ner D. C. Narvor is entitled to some and Wood of all kinds ns oh*ap aa th« ohaauMt. Mr. Lynch, lately occupied by Al. McCain, Sheriff Harris, Rev. Hoberg, of the credit which the press of Port­ Orders left at the City Drug store will b* Hussey. Judge Loughary, Editor Westerfield land is bestowing upon detective promptly attended to. J J. <’OI.LARD.fcl Mrs. C. W. Talmage sat up most all from Lafayette; Robt. Baird and Phil Singleton, for the arrest of the assas­ day Sunday. Her many friends will Meaner from North Yamhill, and Mr. sin of D. I. Corker. Before Singleton be pleased to hear that she is fast re­ Waddle from Amity. reached Lafayette, at the time the Hair (’wtiiss*. kkavlac aad fthaas. This is the week of prayer. We wish Daily Reporter announced that a clue covering. peeing Parlwr. Miss Hembree has succeeded in we had room for Talmage’s sermon to had been found which would probably 15c SHAVING 15c. forming a class in crayon and paint­ business men this week. This is the lead to the arrest of the guilty party, C. H. FLEMING, Proprietor. ing, which will meet at Mr. Carlin’s twenty-first call issued by the interna­ our worthy county officials, Narver, (Baooeseor t* A. 0. Wyndham.) tional committee of the YMCA for a Harris et al, had fixed upon Marple, residence to-morrow p. m. Ladies and ohildrcn’s work a specialty. Any Salem firemen expect to turn out special week of prayer, Nov. 15 to 20, from whom the later convincing proofs styl* of Hair Cutting deaired, with noatnasa in force for the Firemen’s Ball to be for young men and the association. were obtained. Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or given by the McMinnville department. For twenty years the observance of cold baths always ready, only 35 eta. Third Wanted They will be cordially welcomed and this season has steadily increased, until street between C and D, McMinnville, Or. All persons indebted to me to call anc at the present time nearly every asso royally treated if they come. settle their account immediately. Prof. Price has been suffering ex- ciation throughout the world is pre­ Japanese Cleansing F. W. R kdmond . crutiating agony with tooth ache. He pared to observe it. The public school exhibition at the ........ CREAM------ was suffering so badly' yesterday that Pocket Hook Lost. he was obliged to dismiss school and opera house next Friday evening, is On the road between McMinnville II, <’. HANEK, yiMuufactwrar a all Mele Proprietär. pay Dr. Tucker a visit. His teeth are for the benefit of the library and appa­ and Sheridan, on Sunday, Nov. 14th, MoMinnville ... Oregon. nearly all gone now, and he feels ratus. There have been so far appa­ a leather covered pocket memoran­ This preparation is unequalled for ole.-tn*- ratus, books and charts placed in the dum book, containing several notes better. ing garments of all soiled spots Paint, Tar, etc , eradicated instantly Give it a Miss Edith Martin is succeeding school to the amount of $125, which and papers of no value to anybody Grease, trial. may l>e had of your druggist, are certainly almost indispensable to admirably’ as an artist. One of her but myself, and also one $•'» bill green­ local agent, or by addressing the undersign­ II. < . MANEF, productions in crayon is her la- the progress of the school. The teachers back. The owner will be suitably re­ ed. Agents Wanted. MoMinnville, Oregon a horse on exhibition in Rogers are now in need of maps and globes, warded on leaving the same at this i Todd’s window. Mr. Higgins may’ as the school is entirely devoid of them. office, or with the undersigned in GOFF, V ictor G rohs . ((‘l a pride in his student, and we pre­ A nominal fee for admission will l>e Sheridan. I .ate of Independents, having purchased the charged. Reserved seats secured at sume he does. A Kurgitln. Booth has had his hands full for a Rogers & Todd s drug store to-day. TKAMM AND TRUCKM *e*k back sharpening plow’s. It was “Orna, the Child of Sorrow,” an The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ Of Ixtgan Bros A Henderson, offers hia most enough to give him a weak original story, will soon be published hill, containing twenty-two rooms in iwrviocH in tbnt line to the publio, and will Gunranlrr NatlMtaction tack, as his helper left for Prineville, in the Daily Reporter. It is a deeply all, two stories high, is offered for sale tat he is fixed to-day, and farmers interesting tale of the life of an immi­ for cash, or exchange for real estate. To all who favor hlin with their |>atrouag*. He will keep a wagon speoially adapted to th* c»n come right along and not wait all grant girl, and abounds with much The house is well known to the travel­ delivery of iMiroela, trunks sntohefs et«., for ing public, ami doing a gotxl business. that is of a heroic nature, and places the aocomodation of the pnbiia. (irdars left tay for their jobs. before the young ladies of tho present The present proprietor’» reason for at the stable will ts< promptly attended to at A letter recently received from tart Scott, Kansas, states that they day, a strong contrast with the mani­ selling is that he is too far advanced FASHIONABLE ____ fold trials and tribulations of that rov­ in age to attend to it, and is determin­ *re enjoying dry, cold weather. Water ing class style«! immigrants. The ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, • to be hauled to the city on publishers of the Reporter omit no ex­ even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound c*rs, and purchased at the rate of 10 pense of time and money, to place be­ to Bell it if a customer comes. North Direct from New York. cents per barrel. Come to Oregon, fore their readers the best and most Yamhill is as rapidly improving town Cr"Ps and water never fail. as any on the west side, is the center Master Henry Bettman informs his attractive family paper published in of a large trade, the starting jioint for But Fashionable Goods From the Oregon, and from the manner in Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters Parents that he expects to spend his which new subscribers are daily added and sportsmen in the summer season, Head-quariers of Fashion. r>atnias holiday in Vienna. He is to our list, is a strong approval of our and this is the best chance for a good ‘• greasing very satisfactorily with his best efforts to plea* the public. The man in the whole state. For further FALL STOCK RECEIVED. ‘tidies in Munich, and his letters particulars address this office, or apply story will run th ’ • veral numbers MINN r. K. ■< NN, r*athe the spirit of true manhood to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. Mc.Mlan v 111*, Wr. P »using well for his future years. of the Daily- Th® J li BWc • FIRE INSURANCE. - McMMle M illxner Y.