The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 16, 1886, Image 2

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The Edison electric light com­
Th« Dally R«port«c. pany may rest assured that newspaper
men talk for their advertisers, but have
little time to waste for simple flourish.
UMbac-'iF***" ••••••’
Watch the country press now and
B, en,« ç.
see how many get caught by the
<■» *<*«"«■1 gilded proposition of the A. 8. M. Co.,
Ratee ter Ad»erti«ing
West 23rd st., New York. A cheap
Will be made wtiafaetory to "U applicants.
The parents of Corker’s accused
1 slayer live in Corvallis. It is said that
the assassin himself wrote up the ac­
count of the murder published in the
Bartholdi’s Liberty is modeled after
Ball will be given under the ...
his mother, pose evidently been taken Fine Carriages, Hacks and A Grand
pioes of the McMinnville Fire De- *
Saddle Horses,
at a time when she was standing in
partment, at
the front hall as she was lighting
And everything in the Livery hire,
in good shape
young Bartholdi up stairs to bed.
At Reasonable Kates.
A citizen who drives a shy team,
begs us to call the attention of super­
Farm For Sale,
visors to the fact that the lumber piled
QWQ ACRES. 125 in cultivation; 6
up on the bridges approaching this
VJmile8 south west of Sheridan.
Thursday Evening, Nov. 25,1886.
city is a fruitful source of very serious
Similar verbal compliment has been danger. Can those piles not be moved?
tendered by the representatives of They certainly should be.
Rural Spirit: The Daily Yamhill
Bradstreets, all of which is duly and
For farther information address R.G. W orth-
truly appreciated.
We sincerely Reporter says if the Rural Spirit will ington,
Sheridan, Or., or Wright A Ellis,
think that not only our farmers, but loan it the picture of Aunt Polly that Dallas, Or.
the business community generally, appeared in these columns it will pub­
would be greatly benefitted by a care­ lish it alongside of Uncle Ezra’s about
ful perusal of the Uncle Ezra papers. Christmas time. We wrote to Aunt
The Rural Spirit says : “The most about it, and here is her answer: “I’ll
O ne D ollar P er C ouple .
ignorant class of men in regard to the be hanged if my foto goes ’long with Dry Good», Clothing, Gro­
ceries, Glass A. Queens-
industries of the country are the eny man’s, if i don’t see his n fust.”
American tradesmen and the profes­
ware, Tinware and
Col. Bob Ingersoll says that he has
sional men. Talk to one of them re­ no time to connect himself in any way
garding the products of the common­ with the case of Chicago anarchists,and WILLAMINA
wealth, and he will tell you in a jiffy therefore would have nothing what­
A cordial weloome extended to ill.
We’ve oome to stay, and brought our
that he has no interest in agriculture, ever to do with it. At the March term knitting
with os, and all we ask is for the
stock growing or anything that per­ of the supreme court the case will be >eople to call, examine our goods, make
mown their wants, and get our prioes.
tains to the general productive wel­ called into consideration, and thus N. B. We deal on a cash basis, and pay
the highest cash prioes for ail kinds of pro­
fare. Visit any of our merchants the condemned men are respited for , duce,
hides, pelts, etc.
that came here from England or Scot­ many months.
land, and every one of them will Lie
Gov. Moody, in view of repressning
found to ¡Missesa practical as well as crime and securing the conviction of
scientific knowledge regarding farm­ persons transgressing the laws, has
ing The way things are there can issued a proclamation offering a re­
never lie any such thing as unity be­ ward, suliject to the approval of the
tween the producers and dealers. In­ legislature, of 1500 each, to be paid
deed, they are more like enemies than upon the conviction of any one not
friends.” And it is for the purpose of yet apprehended or convicted, of the
bringing the two chief claseea closer murder of either Thomas Kenealy,
together that our able correspondent mun ered in PortlandjRoderick Grant
devotes so much of his time to w riting in Wasco county, or D. I. Corker in
But if hie articles are carelessly laid Yamhill county.
aside for the trash and brush wood of
There is little doubt that the pro­
of the hour, which fills moat of the posed railroad to connect Astoria,
newspa]tera of the day, it is time worse |K>int Adams and Tillamook head will
than wasted. Men and women need be built during the coming year. The
to lx* educated in these da vs.
chief business of the road will be in
hauling stone from Tillamook head
and from the hills back of Astoria to
the goverment work at point Adams.
Incidentally it will serve as a carrier
for the Clatsop plains. The cost of
the construction, including the long ‘
bridge across Youngs bay, will be less I
than 1150,000.
The Telegram says that at least 1
half a dozen persons have been “hair ]
hung and breeze shaken” over the ’
awful abyss of uncertainty for the past j
three months, concerning the East j
I ortland post office. In some instances <
it is said, insomnia of an aggravated
type as supervened, and in others bor- (
rowed capital, wherewith it wasexpec- 1
live to keep the wolf from the door 1
until the first quarterly payment of ’
salary became due, has been already *
expended It is to be hoped that the
president will Lw informed of the strin- (
fancy of the case without further de- r
Ample room to care for horse«.
teams at at reasonable rate« «• *nL,__TüB.
Oregon. New stable Third St., M eM
mu o
V I-' í
.icx r s
Garrison Opera House
City Stables.