A Speaker Carlisle. Proposition Buiine»* MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. to Everybody. Mr Carlisle is a very close reaaoner. THE GREAT His strength in congress. when be was Having the most complete and best on the floor ns a debater, consisted in his ability to analyze questions and to selected stock of goods on the west make thoroughly clear, direct state­ menu. He never affected any of the side, outside of Portland, as conceded arU of the rhetorician, nor has he ever by all commercial men, and my fa­ attempted any impassioned style of de­ livery. He rarely used gestures. He ia cilities for buying being equal to or ..... a thoroughly courteous man. and never indulges in personalities. He thinks better than any house here, I am pre­ that argumenu in behalf of public pared to furnish you with Dry Goods, measures are wakening by appeals to Srejudioes or the use of personalities. Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, I **************************®**************» M>MW(( le treats his opponents with almost the Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware" IIII1III1III1IIITHE DINING CAB LIN same courtesy that he extends to his THE DIRECT ROUTE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TB arm friends. He is as unlike the average and Crockery, at prices as low or southern type as one can well imagine. He is never embarrassed. I have never lower than any house outside of Port­ seen him, in the most trying periods in land, and if you buy upon same terms MV VV Wes raw WWW Throughout the East and Soathrui the house, lose his composure. He is a as you do when you go to Portland, man in the neighborhood of six feet in TO LAST BOO'D PASSEAOERS! height. His shoulders sloop slightly. buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ He always dresses in plain black, and YtT BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BEsn his dress is as neat as his habits are pre­ gage to compete with the retail houses ------ TO TAKE THE------ cise. His head is large and very evenly of Portland on the same class of goods, developed. His high forehead is made to seem more high from the fact that -ave and except Sugar, Salt and such his hair is worn away at the corners. He has a black wisp which conies down. g -is as freight figures upon so that Napoleon-like, upon his forehead. His it car.r: t be done. This does not ap­ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and eyebrows are thick and bushy, and are so arc bed as to give a wide-open expres­ ply t< tome cheney houses who would sion to his eyes. His eyes are a clear bait you by selling some special arti­ To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Tl gray and moderately full underneath Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular toe long lids. His cheek-bones are high, cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on D- . rt Express Xpre88 Trains Traini F hll Length of the Line. Berthe Free. with slight depressions at the base, on I t shall be LOWEST----------- RATES! Al each side of a strong, firmly-lined, ex­ some other articles. ty QUICKEST TIM] ------- o-------- pressive mouth. I ds nose is large—a straight business . I especially invite GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, crocs between a Roman and a straight purchasers, to call and make an in ­ —with full, wide nostrila His jaw is heavy, indicating great tenacity of pur- spection of the goods and price, be­ A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent. IK>se. His face is smooth shaven. The -Ill goods due tint of his shaven beard is almost fore buying elsewhere. ailroad, i acific the only color in his pallid countenance. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA marked down during clearance sale OnT" oute. opular He can nearly always be found at his icturesque anges. ver VIA desk in his room at the Riggs house, will be sold at clearance sale prices. | where he lives, when not occupied at Fast Time, Sure Ccunection, New Equipment The Oregon and California R. I the bouse. He is not fond of going out Prices of all goods will be plainly And Connections. into general society, but he is one of the marked on them, and no clerk is au­ TIME, 2| DAY8. 225 Miles Shortest most companionable of men among his Fare from Portland to San Prancuoc (ft 20 Hours Less Time. friends. He has a quaint humor and thorized to make any cut or deviation to Sacramento, |30. appreciation of fun which no stranger on them, and will be discharged for Aocommocations unsurpassed for oomfort Close connections made at Ashland rat would suspect from looking into nis and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregonudldito •«nous, seil-conlained counteuanoe.— doing so before he has authority. LESS than by any other route between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Franoisoo. Cor. New York World. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS) S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns TRANSCONTINENTAL POUTT w..... ORTHEOpACIFICnAILIlOAI IJ SHOREST! X BEST! quickest : Lowest Rates 1“ —=Rt PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, No. 2 Washington St R P M otto . CASH IN HAND inquiry. Why does a horse shyF or SHORT CREDITS must be the A Hhying Horse. To the the National lave Stock Journal re- Clies: Because he sees something which e does not understand, and is tilled with a greater or less degree of fear, something as the boy feels when he shies at the burying ground, and goes around to keep clear of it. It may be some new or unusual object that the horee se< a, or it may be an imperfect view of it. Even a familiar object, if it comes to view suddenly and unexpect­ edly, will cause a horse to shy or jump, just a* an unexpected object or sound causes a nervous person to start When a person is so startled, how much would it improve the matter to be scolded at or given a cut with a whip? Just as much as the same treatment would in the case of the burse. Harshness only aggravates the matter. Hie more the horse is scolded and whipped, the more nervous he gets; and even time he pa-uwe the place where the fright and whipping occurred, he w 11 recollect the unpleasant affair, and he will bagin to prick up his ears and fidget, ready for another jump. Give him the lines, and he will go by in a hurry. 1 he proper way is never to strike or ncold a horse that’is startled or frightened. Speak to him coollv, calm­ ly. and kindly; give him time to see and collect his scattered senses, and make him feel that you are his friend and protector. W hen he sees that all ia right, there is an end to all further trouble. We have seen a bone refuse to cross au unsafe-looking bridge; but when the driver took him by the bit« and wa krd ahead, the horse cautiously followed Next time he required no cvvanngor urging to crews the bridge. He might have been whipped into it at first, but was not the miidsr course, although a little trouble, the better oneP The horee showed his confidence in the driver ever afterward. Fine fresh cranberries at the bakery thia morning. is the A. J. APPERSON. RULE. Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San. Francisco. DAILY PAWBNtiER TRAINS, (Exoept Sundays.) I» C. IKEMMl & CO., Fine Job Printers, Portland, Oregon. Leave Corvallis at 2 p. nt. Leave Ya­ quina at 7: 10 a. m. East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND A ASHLHI .VIail Train. Ajuun. LEAVE. 8:00 ____ a . m . i Ashland....... Portland Ashland.... 8:45r. m . ¡Portland......3451. 1 Albany Express Trail. 4.-00?. m . Lebanon.... 9:20 H 4:45 a . m . Portland... 10«1 1 Pullman Palace Sleeping Can daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. ± C. R. K. Ferry makes connwM Oregon and California, West side, trains with all the regular trains on the eM » oonneot at Corvallis. division from foot of F street. ¡The Oregon Development Company’s West Side Division. FINE Al RET. PORTLAND AND COBVALIA Mail Train. LEAVE. McMinnville, Oregon. MoMINNVILLE Business College, Ck»r. 3d and O Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK. I* Open. Attention is respectfully invited to thia BUSINESS SCHOOL. lta facilities for thorough practical in.trao- tion; actual buameaa department a specialty where currency, bank check, draft«, etc., are need. Claw, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap. plication. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. P. O. Box 101 G. R. HIGGINS, Prin. «. B. O4CTr|. W. ». OABMWOM. -----AT THE----- EURISKO MARKET. Where the beat of meats can at way ba fnn.j and at the moat reasonable pi irioes. vbtn the loin of beef is divided with I our custom era. Meats done u; tn the latest st vira - ------ >ue up an J K"od weigl ;hto _ given. Yours trai*. I Steamship Yaqtitna City KAILS Portland... 7:»» a . m . MoM'nville.lOiUal MoM’nville 10:13 a . m . Corvallis.. J Corvallis... 1:30 p. m .[ MoM'nville. 333’4 McM’nville 3:44 p . m . Portland... EQ s From Yaquina, From San Franoisoo, At Corvallis connect with trama of th Sunday........... Oct. 10 Monday .... Oct. 4 44 Oregon Pacific for Friday ........... “ 22 Saturday........ 16 IS Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.... 28 \7iyuina Bay. 44 Monday........ 15 Wednesdf lay... Noy. 10 Exprtn Train. ii Saturday.... “ 27 Monday . 22 1VK. abbiyl UAVX . .4:50 P. g. i McM’nville »J The Company reserves the right to change Portland------------------ sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and MoM'nville .5:45 a . m . Portland Bocal tickets tickets for j Sau Francisco. Rail and Cabin. $14; Rail Local for sale sale ana and bagg»i? and Steerage, $9.88. company's np-town up-town offioe. Ct eon> at the oompanv's 'nl • ‘ For information apply to Pine and Seoond streets. Tickets Ticket« ro I" mia oan r. CHAS. C HOGUE, cipal points in California can ou.j only - t* rj Aoting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. enred at company’s offioe. office. Corner F» Corvallis, Oregon Front streets Portland. Or. j,10Od Frieght will not be reoeived for f after five o'clock p. m. on either tne^w ST. CHARLES HOTEL, west side divisions. E. P KOGE^. G. F.*?-«* R. KOEHLER. r. MULTNER. Prep., Manager. Corner Third and B street«. nicnii NNVII.I.F . . OREGON New «.w house! uoutw. New new furniture! rnrniture: Unauri Unsurpassed tn the oountry Rates—11 to $2 per day ac­ cording to room. Single meals 25 cents. Lodging, 25 to W oents according to room. 3,600 wkol« PWMUV Board and Lodging. |4 to $6, per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. CI vm Give me a call and see for yourself. dlr«« te «onsernrrs « Brewster's Patent Hein Holder. Tour lin»« art where you put them-not under bom. ftet. On. nr*tit »old li dot tn tdayy, on. dewier .old « do«, in 15 d«yi Sample, worth U..x> ran. Writ, for term» E- K. BREWSTER. Holly, Mich. K” For Mie at thia office Give us a cull. W. J. Garrison A Co. AKBnt. LEAVE. Portland Lebanon psnewel er fc-Dy l c-T orirt, bm 4 givss < tMtw« yew wen 4^wVALf*’ kev« ftew witA. Tbe* V , BOOK1 roeuan l“,orW> „L-uT *• frees Osr eaerksts t ts will esaU a eepy 0^ Arras rraelp« •* exjraM ef raaDiw«- L*» •• yew. V« N. our aotbumed «grata RMpwvtiwily, MONTGOMERY WARD^jJ •n A MD Wekrah