The Daily Rftportoi’. P c. IRELAND * CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or- * ^ov. 15, 1886 , , I Little Carl Tucker is coming through |hii injuries manfully. I jfiss Hembree’s art class will meet [this afternoon at Mrs. Carlin’s. A most enjoyable whist party was Liven at the residence of Ed W. Fuller Friday evening. Spectators will be admitted to the ■ gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks- I giving evening. I The bax mill will be a first class I roller mill when completed in time | for spring milling. Baxter 4 Martin have the finest I line of tea and coffee in the city. Call I gnd sample the lot. The Guild of St. James (.Episcopal) I church will hold a fair on Wednesday I evening, December 1st. The summer lias passed away and I the autumn is fast drifting into winter, I and several delinquents not reported. Mrs. Joel Martin is having a serious » and painful illness, an affection of the ‘ thumb which is now a fully developed I • felon. In consequence of the lateness of the season it has been found necessary I to get the timber for Sax's mill in Portland. Mr. Foster of Sheridan, was in the city Saturday on business. He informs ue thatCapt. Lafollett is still in Salem, but is gradually recovering. Mrs. James Turner is slowly recov­ ering from the accident which befel her last week at her home. The left arm is painfully injured, and has to be carried in a sling. 0. 0. Hodson reached Muncie, In­ diana, on the 4th. On the 6th he »woke to witness six inches of snow covering all out-doors, an incident which will perhaps curtail his visit. Senator Carson, of Multnomah, in­ forms us that he is not a candidate for the presidency of the senate, pre­ ferring younger members for the place. He is grateful however, to those of his friends who have advanced his name for the distinguished honor. A valuable hunting dog belonging to John W. Baker was poisoned on the 12th. Why not take the curs and spare the thoroughbreds. A commun­ ity is judged by the character of its dogs, and there is a plentiful number of curs hereabout that might be sacri­ ficed for the good of the community. -Jehu Baker, the man who beat Mor­ rison for congress in the eighteenth Illinois district, is a brother-in-law of T-B. Wait, of Salem. He is a friend of Oregon and the Pacific coast, the Panama canal scheme, and all other enterprises affecting our interest«, and W|H l»e of service to us in the high councils of the nation. Brother Ireland how about that "atenuelon racket? Did you make d pan? Albany Bulletin, Make it pan’ We sold enough to campers in Sleepy hollow to give us a half inter­ est with Lon. Case in the First Na- -«'ual bank at Newport, and send l-acle Jim FLetobex back to Missouri ‘vr a bigger lot of seeds for 1887. How does your squash scheme pan Porter? ObservHlions. Call and see those new walnut bed MISCELLANEOUS. steads at \\ . H. Bingham's furniture A local reporter observes that: Money procures genius more readily store, direct from Chicago. than does genius command money. Pupils are preparing for a school! First National Bank, OF— It is unsafe to entrust a secret to exhibition soon to be given in the in­ McMINNVItXK, — .... OREGON one having too many confidential terest of the library fund. W ortman ........................ 1’reanieut friends. Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ . X Aeon P. T hompson ,.Vice-president In the wake of the centralization of sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ J ohn W ortman ............................ Cashier wealth follws an augmentation of ville college. Residence corner of Tran Haeta a General Ranking buaineaa crime. Second and C Streets. Interest allowed on time deposits. made on favorable terms. The woman with undisplayed re­ The parties interested in the organ­ Collections Rijht Exchange and Telegraphir Transfer* ligion in her heart makes the best wife ization of a choral union, also all sub­ on New York, San Franciaeo and Portland. and mother. scribers. are cordially invited to meet Office hours—fhrni V a. n>. to 4 p. m. The undegenerate sons of illustri­ at Garrison opera house, on Tuesday ous sires are almost as rare as Kooh-i- evening next, November 16th, at the JOH.V W»HTItO noor diamonds. hour of 7 o’clock, p. tn., sharp. A gen­ Represents the following sterling ooiupa«- The conclusions of a petty jury are eral invitation extended to all who de iea: London A Liverpool A Globe. North as difficult to comprehend as are the sire to participate. British A Mercantile. C’Otnmeroial Uniosi Pire Association, (tanunn American, Fir« whims of a woman. Some person send us a call for a tyHn'n Fund. Hartford. Commercial, Angl« The average Portland Jehu believes meeting of citizens to revise the city Nevada, State Investment. Wheat insurance h specialty. pedestrians have no rights that he is charter. Fix your date, gents ; we will bound to respect. be with you. We would suggest that Only the parvenu element of society citizens and council act together in ventilates the privacy of its hospitality this matter, to prepare for submission in newspaper columns. to the legislature such amendments to Oregon has superseded Illinois and the charter as will remedy existing de Indiana as the banner state for di­ fects. A competent attorney should vorces. Some say the cause is atmos- be employed to assist the committee. pheric. Time is short. The sanitary condition of this city I CITY TKK k W Hiitcd can be improved by the introduction Having purchased th« Btram nropertg, and of healthful drinking water and a su­ All persons indebted to me to call and permaueutly loca Usi in McMinnville, ana ready to do all kinds of Truck and Deliv­ settle their account immediately. perior system of sewerage. ery Work at abort tiotioe All 4<>ods eu F. W. R edmond . trusted to our oare will ba carefully bandied, Society is organized by hypocrisy. and promptly delivered. Mwo keep on band Wood of all kinds as cheap as the cheapeet It is like Dead sea fruit; the crust is lmportaiit Slock Sale. Order* left at the Oity Drug store will bs beautiful and alluring, but bite into it promptly attended to. J. J, COLLARD. and your mouth will fill with bitter Posters are out for an auction sale ashes. of fat ami thoroughbred stock by Mill» The nondescript commonly known 4 Howe at their Mount Stewart farm as the Anglomaniar nude has not yet near North Yamhill on Saturday Nov. II«Mr Cwltlnc, shavlai »n4 MfeMa« paoiai Parlor. made its advent here, however a few­ 13th. The sale includes sixty head of base imitators of this genuine thing of all ages including fifteen head suitable 15c SHAVING 15c. a neuter gender may flatter themselves for the butcher. Terms cash, or ap­ C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor. proved notes at 10 per cent. to the contrary notwithstanding. I Suooeeaor te A. 0. Wyndham.) As long as the plutocrats of Oregon Ladies and children** work a specialty.' Any A BitrKHin. can command eight and ten per cent, style of HairOnttin« desired,with neatnnea. The Exchange hotel of North Yam ­ per annum, so long will the state lan­ Hair dyeing of all descriptions warranted. Fancy hair dreaaing a specialty. Hot or guish for the encouragement of such hill, containing twenty-two rooms in cold l»atha always ready, only S5 cts. Third industries as to make it great. Heavy all, two stories high, is ottered for sale street between C and D, McMinnville, Or. ruling rates of interest are “fun for the for cash, or exchange for real estate. The house is well known to the travel­ boys, but death to the frogs.” Japanese Cleansing ing public, and doing a good business. -CREAM----- The County Pre«». The present proprietor’s reason for selling is that he is too far advancod ■a. c. IVIANKK, ffanufartaror u«d From the Register. Mole I’roprielnr. Levi Bennett, of Dayton, came to in age to attend to it, and ¡8 determin­ McMinnville ... Oregon. ed to sell if an opportunity is ottered, see us the fore part of the week. Thia preparation is niiM|anllml for cleans­ Wm. Merchant, of North Yamhill, even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound ing garmanta of all soiled spots. Paint, Tar, to sell it if a customer comes. North GriMia««, etc , eriulmniml instantly diva it • was at this place during the fore part irmi. may be had of yest chance for a good I Lal» of Independence, having purchased tbs school house is nice and will remain man in the whole state. For further TKYY1* i\l> TRUCK* so, as it is locked by two different men. particular* address this office, or apply Of Logan Bro* A Bandonion, offer* bis Seth Moore and Marion Lady, broth­ Hcrvioo* in thnt line to th* public, and will to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. ers-in-law, who left for California last (Guarantee **aH«ia<*tion fall, have returned. Marion got his To all who favor him with their patronna«. boy in California and Seth was made He will k<-«-p a wagon H|x1 22^ (à> 1 ak’d FIRE INSURANCE. McMMlle Satin= An open letter to whom it may con­ cern ought to be addressed to the Yan­ kee Blade, Teledo Blade, Mayflower» et. ah, from the press of these United States, something after this : We have so many applications from dead beats for space in our advertising columns for which no equivalent is returned to either us or tl public whom you.are T'Ai. 'Ime' your last thus enal ed - igjreà ko our want« proposition w ea ’ mbroken. “Let it basket with rett. r. i. p.g • Wheat per bnahel in MoM. Oats . W. h .I per lb Floor per barrel Baoon aide«.... Hana sbonlder* Lard Batter, fresh rolls .... Eire* j»*r d<»z A pples. green per box .. .. Dried apple«. Plummer.... • •• " ran Pin ma, pitlera .... , tokens per dor. . Ridra. dry flint • green Potato«* O*es«, tame, per dos..... .. Du«.ta,.................. * Hug», dreraed .......... ♦H :i5 1» 4 15 9 12# 6 7 40 25 30 9 or. at the Ntable will tie promptly attended to at w 3* FASHIONABLE 4 3i 10 15 I) 5 So Direct from New York. 2 «I 10 5 15 5 00 5 00 2 50 15 / 50 » 7 M illiner y , 50 7 4 a 6 OO Buy Fashionable Goods From the Head-quarters of Fashion. FALL STOCK RECEIVED. num r. at. hi ««, W c HI hhville, Or.