A li usine»» Preposition Everybody. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Our Farmers Club. to Butter, butter, nice and fair; How I wonder what you are ; Having the most complete and best Are you really what you seem? •elected stock of goods on the west Were you made of grease or cream? Exchange your scrubs for thorough­ •ide, outside of Portland, as conceded by all commercial men, and my fa­ bred or high grade farm stock. Deep tillage means enlarged re­ cilities for buying being equal to or sources when practiced in heavy lands. better than any house here, I am pre­ A week of exposure to the weather pared to furnilh you with Dry Goods, will injure the horse rake, mower and Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, reaper more than a whole season’s use. It is a good plan to have two sets of Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware roosting poles for the hens and change and Crockery, at prices as low or lower than any house outside of Port­ them each week, setting them outside when not in use. land, and if you buy upon same terms A mixture of several kinds of grain as you do when you go to Portland, for feeding stock is always better than buy in quanities paving cash, I en­ one kind alone. Variety in grain is gage to compete with the retail houses as important as variety in a bulky of Portland on the same class of goods, ood. Select one tree in your orchard and save and except Sugar, Balt and such give it an ample dressing of manure goods as freight figures upon so that and wood ashes. -Then compare its it cannot be done. This does not ap­ growth and productiveness with others ply to some cheney houses who would not thus fertilized. Why will not the owners of worth- bait you by selling some special arti­ ess orchards destroy them and remove cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on some other articles. I t shall be a nuisance? Such old orchards breed destructive insects, which scatter in straight business . I especially invite all directions. purchasers, to call and make an in­ When an outlay of a dollar in fit­ spection of the goods and price, be­ ting land for seed will return two dol- fore buying elsewhere. All goods ars, it will be folly to refuse the ex­ marked down during clearance sale penditure, but that is what many armers do when they sow on land im­ will be sold at clearance sale prices. perfectly fitted. Prices of all goods will be plainly Dead limbs on fruit trees should be marked on them, and no clerk is au­ promptly removed. The cutting thorized to make any cut or deviation should be below any diseased part, or on them, and will be discharged for it will spread the infection. The saw doing so before he has authority. and other tools used should not be applied to healthy trees unless first S mall P rofits anp Q uick R eturns washed with carbolic acid and water. is the M otto . CASH IN HAND or SHORT CREDITS must be the bulb . A. J. APPERBON. I» C. IRELAND A CO., Fine Job Printers, IVI ell in n ville, Oregon. MoMINNVILLE Business College, Cor. 3d and 0 Streets, OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, I* \ om Open. Attention in respectfully invited to this BUSINESS SCHOOL. It* facilities for thorough practical instruc­ tion; actual business department a specialty where outrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are used. Class, or private instruction day or evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ plication. Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty, r. O. Box 101 G. R. HIGGINS, Pria. w. ». QAUMoM. «. g. oauitt . ----- AT THE----- Posters are out for an auction sale I of fat and thoroughbred stock by Mills ! EUR1SKO MARKET. A Howe at their Mount Stewart farm near North Yamhill on Saturday Nov. the best of meats can always be found 13th. The »ale includes sixty head of Where and at the moat reasonable price«, when all ages including fifteen head suitable the loin of beef is divided with our oastoos- McMtta done up In the latest stvles for the butcher. Terms cash, or ap­ •r*. and Rood weight« given. Give us a call. Your« truly. proved notes at 10 per cent. W. J. Garrison A Co. UaiHnl F. W. R mpmond . ADVERTISERS . •* *p*<* *R*n •* C»<«Ce *’• •’"<* •» *"• 1 «tXXXr. LORDA TROUS T3 OUTF JORTHERlfflACIFICn AILROAJl p""""""""... * is ............11 I SHOREST! X BEST! XI QUICKEST.; it i ti 11 ni ai i mi i mu it i ti i mi I lllll I 111 IIIIII the dining THE DIRECT ROUTE! Lowest Rates TO EAST car *’ lineoh WWWH NO DELAYS! ------- o FASTEST TRAlNgj Throughout the East and Southeast. BOIA» PASSEAGERS! I3T BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE-BUT BE SURE ------ TO TAKE THE------ And see that your ticket reads via Portland and ZZZZ St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS,^=- To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned bv other routes ThronA Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full * Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! ------- UT QUICKEST TIME! GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent* acific ailroad, oute. P opular icturesque R anges. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Fast Time, Sure Connection, New Equipment The Oregon and California R. R. And Connections. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. TIME, DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco $32-, to Sacramento, $30. Aocommocations unsurpassed for oomfort Close connections made at Ashland with and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon and Idaho LESS than by any other ronte between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Francisco. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY8.) Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco. 4Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya- quina at 7: 10 a. m. East Side Division. RE TWEEN PORTLANDA ASHLAMB Rail Train. , ARRIVE. LEAVE. Portland... .8.00 a . m . Ashland ,4:00 a . m . Ashland.... 8:45 f . m . Portland...... i 3:45 r.M. Albany Express Train 1. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland... .4?D p, m . Lebanon Lebanon... .4:45 a . m . Portland .9:20 r.M. io.06 A.M. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cari daily between Portland and Ashland. Oregon and California, West side, trains Th© O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes connection oonneot at Corvallis. with all the regular trains on the east side division from foot of F street. ¡The < >regon Development Company’s West Side Division. BET. PORTLAND AND CORVALI.H, viaii Train. FINE Al liiiportnni Mock Sale. All }*>raone indebted u» me to call and settle their account immediately. TRANSCONTINENTAL DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, A liargitln. The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ hill, containing twenty-two rooms in all, two Stories high, is offered for sale for cash, or exchange for real estate. The house is well known to the travel­ ing public, and doing a good business. The present proprietor’s reason for selling is that lie is too far advanced Hi age to attend to it, and is determin­ ed to sell if all opportunity is offered, even at a sacrifice. In fact lie is bouud to sell it if a customer comes. North Yamhill is as rapidly improving town as any on the west side, is the center of a large trade, the starting point for rillamojik bay, the resort for hunters and s|M»rtannin in the summer season, and this is the |>est chance for a gvtlle .5:45 a . m . Portland ... .9.00 a . M. ban Iranoisoo, Kail and Cabin. Bu- and Steerage. $9.88. * ’ nau o«VkCid *’°kets for sale and baggage checked For information apply to Pi,, °°™P,iny’s up-town offioe, oorner of ni,«n ni!d Second streets. Tickets for prin- < HAS. C. HOGUE Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. cnr.. I1”31.1148 ln California can only be pro- *)™P«ny'8 office. Comer F and Corvallis. Oregon Frnn» F h L t.rfet?Portland- Or. aft .»-A.. not be reoeived for shipment MT. < TIAREE n ROTEI west «i i° »E r Í oa BROS. to for honte«. Livwy Dragón. rat<*M wh«r« *■ is ^^*gon. NewÜ?kialíJS rate« a« any where ew Third St., MeMinuviUa