The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 13, 1886, Image 3

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    The DaHy Reporter,
McMinnville, Or.
Nov. 13, 1886
The brick work on the rebuilding
of Sax’s mill will probably be done by
days work.
The retail stores of Third street were
never more attractive than now. They
make such beautiful displays that it
is positively painful for busy people to
pass without stopping to educate their
taste by gazing in at the show windows.
The parties interested in the organ­
ization of a choral union, also all sub­
scribers, are cordially' invited to meet
at Garrison opera house, on Tuesday
evening next, November 16th, at the
hour of 7 o’clock, p. m., sharp. A gen­
eral invitation extended to all who de
sire to participate.
Subscribers to both the Daily and
M eekly Reporter continue to reach
us in numbers satisfactory. Among
those added yesterday were Wiu.
Kapus, Portland, Dr. G. H. Smith,
Amity, W. H. Renfro, Pullman, and
Miles Hendricks, Astoria.
If you
have friends abroad send them the
Reporter. It is better than a letter
from home in many ways.
■pie tire bell has arrived and will be
mounted next week.
j- F. Mayer of Sheridan, has been
appointed notary public.
The days are getting too short at
both ends to do much business.
The corporation cow has been sta­
bled until the city gardens are more
The supreme court of Oregon says
the Portland water committee is a
legal body.
H oil C. B. Watson has fallen into a
good practice at Astoria. He is de­
serving of it.
W. H. Renfro, with McConnell,
Chambers, & Co., Pullman, reports
good times in that region.
The east Oregonian does not speak
in very complimentary terms of Dr. G.
H. Davis, located in Yamhill county.
The Weekly Reporter, a faithful
As fine a job of work as has been
and complete compendium of the
out of any shop in Oregon, is
week’s news, is furnished for 16j cents
that done by W. F. Collard on the
a month.
of Postmaster Wisecarver. The
Miss Esther Hash and Miss Lena
Curl of Dayton, were in the city on stock was broken off and iron work
Tuesday, and paid the Reporter office damaged, but Collard has put in a
splendid English walnut stock, and it
a welcome call.
Blackburn A Peckham made an as- is about as nice, and equally as good
iignment for the benefit of their cred­ as new, He is now at work on a re­
itors. It is thcught they will be able peating shot gun of his own inven­
to pay 50 cents on the dollar.
Dr. F. A. Baily, T. H. Tongue, J. H.
It is mooted about that a neck-tie
party is seriously contemplated in La­
r.’ *• and e M. Collins
“. t : about com-
pleted their new creamery at Hillsboro. fayette, at which Sheriff Harris will
It will have a capacity for 200 milch not be present, if an angry multitude
can by strategy prevent it. But that
Dr. G. H. Smith of Amity, was in
Marple will be. We hope not. As wq
the city yesterday. He reports Amity
have said before so we urge now, let
flourishing, with but few on the sick
the law take its proper course. This
list. Old lady Goucher was not so well
man may possibly be innocent, al­
This evening and to-morrow, at the though the very strongest circum­
opera house, Geo. P. Colby, the elo­ stances fix the guilt upon him and he
quent inspirational speaker, of Orange stands accused as the assassin, the
city, Florida, will lecture. The public brutal slayer of D. I. Corker. As the
Telegram says : ‘‘Evidence that there
sre very cordially invited to attend.
In Astoria a dozen of eggs sell for is a sturdy and full crop of desperadoes
fifty-five cents now. The hen that in this state, ripe for the gallows, is
lsid them, dressed and ready to cook, made apparent by the record of every
•ells for forty’ cents. Moral—Don’t week. Ex-convicts, many of whom
kill the hen that lays the golden egg. are at liberty, not because of expired
I ncle Richard Cook has distributed sentence but through mistaken clem­
•bout a barrel of as fine sour krout as ency, abound. Marple >• one of them.
was ever made, among the good peo­ He only escaped the penitentiary a
ple of this city. He will fill orders for few years ago by that most villianous
•ny amount from a gallon up to a cask of all acts—turning state’s evidence.
The mawkish sentiment that insists
By gosh ; here’s cheek. Lum Smith upon considering the criminal under
hw got to calling us Dear Editor. sentence the abused party in the case
"Iiat gall. No, Lum; no; none of has much to do with this state of af­
those you refer to gall us half as badly fairs. Humanity tempered with com­
••your devilish Herald. Send our copy mon sense and guided by a strict sense
of justice toward society should rule
to Buick, or to—anybody I
The public school exercises were our prison system. The penitentiary
interesting yesterday. Among the might and should be made so excel­
'isitors present we noticed Mesdamcs lent a place to keep out of, that a
H A. Loughary, S. A. Manning, J. W. crimimT would hesitate loi
bault, M. J. Washburne and E. L. E. exposing himself to a second term
" bite, also Messrs. Loughary, Bur- within its walls. Certain hanging for
willful murder, and a sentence served
“ett, Pond and C. Hussey.
"onderful, isn’t it, how very care- to the full limit in a place that is not
people are. Three letters were put made more homelike than a prison
tn the post office this week, two with- should be for leaser crimes, would put
Out stanqts upon them one for Mr. such a restraint open criminal pro­
society im­
kelson, Portland, very indefinite : and pensities as
* that ia to it a
one for A. M. Harrison, Cottage Grove. munity iroto
• downright
Also one addressed to "Station 15, O,”
»herever that may be.
Fine fresh cranberries at the bakery
this morning.
Best job printing in the county at!
the lowest prices.
First National Bank,
Spectators will be admitted to the
gallery at the firemen’s ball thanks­ VoMINNVIULB......................
giving evening.
J acob W ortman .................... President
P. T hompson ............ Vice-president
Baxter A Martin have the finest J D. ohn
W ortman ....................... Cashier
line of tea and coffee in tin' city. Call
Transact« a General Banking business.
and sample the lot.
Interest allowed on tone deposits.
Call and see those new walnut bed Collections made on favorable tortus.
steads at \\ . H. Bingham's furniture Bi^ht Exchange and Telegraphic Tranatau
on New York, San Francisoo and Portland.
store, direct from Chicago.
Office hours—from 8 a. in. tot p. in.
Pupils are preparing for a school
exhibition soon to be given in the in­ FlllE INSURANCE.
terest of the library fund.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ Repreaenta the following sterling ooiupan-
London A Liverpool A Globe, North
sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ iee:
British A Mercantile, Commercial Union
ville college. Residence corner of Fire Amooiation, German American, Fire-
man’s Fund, Hartford, ('onimeroinl, Angle
Second and C Streets.
Nevada, State Investment.
The Firemen’s ball will be the finest Wheat insumnoe a specialty.
afiair of the year. Music by coach whip
string band, and supper by the popu­
lar caterer L. H. Cook. The program
is fine.
A brother of Hon. J. A. C. Freund is
here on a visit from Tulare, California,
where they raise wheat by irrigation.
Yesterday he felt as if he was going
to be caught by a dew, and as a dry
climate suits his health better, will bid
Having purchased the Strain property, sad
his friends adieu and b« off on the permanently
looated in McMinnville, san
next steamer. We were pleased to ready to do all kinds of Truck an« Deliv­
ery Work at short uotioe. All Roods en­
make his acquaintance.
trusted to our care will be oarefuiiy handled.
■ ■■
And promptly delivered. Also keep oa baud
Wood of all kinds as aheap as the oboe pest.
Orders loft at the City Drag store will be
promptly attended to.
Band of Hope meeting thia after­
noon at two o’clock.
M. E, church, H. P. Satchwell pastor
Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m., Sunday school at 9i30. Ail are Hair Cwttlwg, MMavimg ant rttou—i
peeMng Parlar.
cordially invited to attend. Seats free.
15e SHAVING 15c.
St. James (Catholic) church. Mass
at 10: 30a. m.on the second and fourth
C. H. FLEM1WC, Pfoprlitffr.
Sundays of each month. Sunday
I Beoeeaeor «e A. C. Wyndham A
school at 2: 30 p. m. every Sunday. J. Ladies and ehikdseo'a work a specialty, Any
stylo of Hair Cutting desired, with neetaoea
S. White, rector.
dyeing of ell >ieeery>Uens warranted.
Services at the St. James church, Hair
Fancy hair dressing a specialty. Hot or
John C. Fair rector, at 11 a. m, and cold baths always ready, only 15 cts. Third
street between O and D, McMinnville, Or.
7.00 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 •
Friday evening service at 700. Seals
Oregon Kidney Tea.
free ; all are cordially invited.
Baptist Church, G. J. Burchett pas­
Nature's own Remedy
tor. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a
Will speedily relieve a nd per­
manently oure all the varrows
m and 7 00 p in ; Sunday school at 9:30
difficulties nriaing from a disor­
am, all are cordially invited to attend.
dered condition of the
Eld. F. Dillard Holman, who is en
route to Forest Grove and Hillsboro,
It ia perfectly harm lees and
oan be given to the rnoet deli­
where he has engaged to preach the
cate woman or ohild. For sale
ensuing year, will preach in the Chris­
by all drugged*.
tian church of thia city Sunday,
H msix , Hsrrawr A W oodwasd ,
Wholesale Agente,
morning and evening.
Portland, Oregon.
C. P. Church, T. H. Henderson paa-
tor. Services Sunday forenoon and
Japanese Cleanffng
evening. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
All are cordially invited to attend.
...... CREAM-----
Subject for forenoon: "Success we H. C. WANKK, Tlanufarturer aaS
cannot, and success we can afford.” Iselc Hreprieter.
Subject for evening: “Some reason«
why people should liecome Christians
11118 preparation is nneq ns lied for cleans­
while they are young.’’
ing garments of all soiled spots. Paint, Tar,
Greece, etc . eraduxi'ed instantly Give it a
trial. J4<"lt may be had of your Iruggist,
looal agent, or by addressing the undersign­
ed Agents Wanted.
McMinnville, 1 »regon
Late of Independence, having purchased the
Of Logan Bros A Henderson, offers hie
services in that line to the public, end will
4>iuaraMlce Matinlactia«
To all who favor him with their patronage.
He will keep a wagon specially adapted to the
delivery of paresis, trunks setebefa etc., for
the aoeomodstion of the public. Orders toft
at the stable will be promptly attended to at