The Daily Reporter. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS. Subscription Hales, Hy Carrier j»er week......................... 10 oents i Payable on Saturday.) Single Copy...................................... 2 “ By Mail KIoents per Month (In Advance.) Hates fur Advertising Will lie made aatiafaciory to all applicant!«. 77// NUM CONGRHSti. president shall act as president, and the constitution devolves the duty of electing a vice-president, in the event of failure by the people to elect, upon the senate. A narrow margin will divide the two parties in the next senate. That body will stand thirty­ seven democrats to thirty-nine re­ publicans. The democrats would have the advantage of a party majority in the house, and could, it is intimated, should party exigencies require it, resort to the extremity of unseating a republican and seating a democrat in his place. A change of one member in the Indiana delegation, for instance and one in Michigan would give the democrats the twenty votes necessary, and parties are sometimes ready to resort to extremes to win a presidency. Edward McPherson, secretary of the republican congressional commit­ tee makes the following computation from returns received of the political complection of the house of represen­ tative« of the fiftieth congress: Re turns so far as received indicate the election of 154 republicans, 159 demo­ crats, five labor and independent, six 7 HA NKSG1 1 ING PROCL .1 MA TION. doubtful, and one vacancy—32.>. The In accordance with a custom estab­ doubtful are in Illinois, Kentucky, lished by our forefathers of setting Ohio, Missouri, Florida. Indiana, Wis­ apart one day in the year in remem­ consin, Iowa, and Virginia. If the brance of the blessings vouchsafed by democrats get four of the doubtful the Divine Ruler’ and in conformity they will have toward the present ad- minstration a house similar to that of with the recommendation of the presi­ dent of the United States, Governor the republicans toward the administra­ tion of Hayes. Many dissatisfied Moody has fixed Thursday, Nov. 25th, 1886, as a day of praise and thanks­ democrats voted the labor ticket. La­ giving, and lie recommends that bor, he thinks, will be an organized upon that day the people of factor in the political contest of the Oregon desist from there usual avoca­ future, and the labor vote must be tions, and repair to their respective taken into serious consideration here­ places of worship, and and give thanks after. Dispatches say there is every to the Ruler of the Universe for the indication of a feverish and exciting ■«‘Minn of congress. Indeed, the re­ blessings of the past. He further rec­ commends as a fitting observance of sult of the next presidential election the day, that out of our abundance may entirely depend upon the action of Che house this winter regarding cer­ we remember the poor and destitute tain coutested election cases. It ia among us, and that by deeds of mercy not improbable . that the next presi­ and charity, we make it an occasion dential election may be thrown into of comfort and happiuness to them. So mote it be. congress, should there be a labor ticket in the field, when the house of repre­ Some person sends us a call for a sentative« would, under the constitu­ meeting of citizens to revise the city tion, be required to choose immediate­ charter. Fix your date, gents ; we will ly by ballot a president. In making be with you. We would suggest that that choice, votes shall be taken by citizens and council act together in states, the representation from each this matter, to prepare for submission state having one vote ; so that in order to the legislature such amendments to to carry the election one ¡»arty or the the charter as will remedy existing de other must control the delegations feels. A competent attorney should from a majority of the states. There be employed to assist the committee. are thirty-eight states, but New Hamp­ Time is short. shire has a delegation equally divided The Daily Reporter lifts its hat to politically, one republican and one the Farmer, the Appeal, the Independ­ democrat. Hence the voice of that state would ba silent in the choice of ent, The Bulletin, and a score of gen­ a president by the house. Rhode tlemen in private walks of life besides, Island has elected one republican, and including Capt. Geo. Flavel, Judge in her other district there is a vacancy Dendy, Senators Mitchell and Dolph, which will be filled by the election of a Hon. U. H. Dodd, J. H. Lambert, Mr. republican. Conceding Rhode Island Walker and many others, for kindly Ui the republicans, that party will con­ mention. We strive to merit the es­ trol the following states: California, teem of all true men, but feel some­ Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Mains, times like the prophet who is not with­ Massac husetts, Michigan, Nebraska, out fame except at home. It is too Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, true that the Reporter is not sustained Oregon, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania. in McMinnville as well as it deserves. Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin— The McGibney family, which made 19. The democrats will control Alai« a stir here a few yearn ago as a mu­ ma, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut. sical wonder, is not the same family Delaware. Florida, Georgia. Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mis­ now. The children are grown up and sissippi, Missouri, North Carolina, most of them are married, and the South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and old folks are along in years. But there West Virginia But the constitution are many of us who await the pleasure reqiliras that a niajuiily of all th« of taking them by the hand in cordial grasp, and hope to find them much as states shall be necessary to elect a of jrore. , president, as there are thirty eight states. Should the house fail to elect The Guild of Nt. James (Episcopal) a president before the 4th day of church will hold a fairxm Wednesday March next following, than th« vic«- evening, December let. NEW TO-DAY. Farm > miscellaneous . For Male ACRES. 125 gn cultivation: 6 - ""miles south west of Sheridan. PRICE firemens THANKSGIVING Bill >5.000 For further information addresslt.G Worth­ ington, Sheridan, Or., or Wright