Y J3 VOL. 1. NO. 60. The Daily Reporter, 11 i I « ' I i*; M c M innville , O regon . S aturday , N ovember I 13, isso o PRICE TWO CENTS. Tin- Detectives Story. MISCELLANEOUS. portion of the right sleeve. Obeying Dectective A. B. Singleton, who further orders he took off his vest, Entered in the Postoffioe at McMinnville for Transmission Through the Mails as Sec­ was sent to Lafayette by Chief Parrish which, together with the shirt, were ond Class Matter.______________________ to ferret out the murderer of D. I. found to be covered with blood. At it Corker has returned to Portland, his moment s notice he failed to explain WEEKLY REPORTER. work accomplished. Soon after Mr. away this horrible evidence against Sixteenth Year of Publication. Singleton’s arrival at Lafayette, Mar­ him. In the left hand pocket of the ¡Be JIINN VILLE - » OREGON ble, the man now under arrest and coat blood also ------ 09----- was found, as if a -------- o-------- 0 C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. charged with the crime, came to bloody hand had been placed into it. him with the statement that he From one of the pockets of his pants D. C. IRELAND A Co., PI BL.1SHEHS. was a detective and offering his a small bit of newspaper, besmeared Third St., Opposite ------------- O-------------- services. Marple said that he was a with blood, was taken. Further on YAMHILL CO. BANK. Weekly Subscription Rates. One copy per year in advance - - - $2.00 member of the Eureka detective Marple’s foot wear was measured with D on ’ t F orget the P lace , If not paid in advance - - . . 2.50 association of West Virginia and also the imprint on the clean clothing in To clubs of three or five, when aooompanied with the oash, $1.50 per year eaoh. Two a member of the secret service bureau, Corkers room stepped upon by the as­ names for six months each to oount as one Walnut street, Cincinnati. Marple, in —Where you will— sassin,and the tracks in the street, and yearly subscription. order to throw the Portland detective it fitted like a glove. The circumstan­ The Daily Reporter. T hi D aily R epobteb is issued every day off his scent, wanted to fasten suspic­ tial proof against him was convincing in the week except Sundays, and is delivered in the oity at 10 oents per "week. By mail, 40 ion upon Burt Eastman, a 20-year old and so overwhelming that the officers oents per month in advanoe. Rates for ad­ boy, raised in Lafayette, His hypothe­ considered themselves justified in ar­ vertising same as for T he W eekly R epobteb . sis was baised upon the fact that fresh resting Marple, against whom a Advertising Hates. The SPACE. _____ | lw, | lm. | 3m. | 6m. | 12m9 boot or shoe tracks led from the win­ charge of murder was booked. One Inch................ «1 50 3 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 dow of Corker’s house, where the mur- evening of his arrest the sheriff spoke Five inches ii Col. 3 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 5 00 6 00 IS 00 36 00 Eleven in. X “ to Marple through a wicket leading Twenty-two inches 10 00 12 00 30 00 60 00 132 oo : ^erer had made his entrance and exit, , to the barn in which Eastman was into his cell and said : “The old man Above rates slightly advanoed for pre­ ferred positions: “Top of Column,” “Next stopping. Marple’s officiousnefls and has picked up something in the room to Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or anxiety soon aroused Singleton’s sus­ of the murdered man as evidence “Third Page.” HF Local notices in reading column on picion» and he told him that he would ugainstjyou.” To which Marple absent­ Furnishing Goods of all kind, an his thoughtless observation away. be made. sense, he’s on the wrong track, better During the same interview Marple : “That old man is going to try « B*»k & Job Printing, send him back.” The sheriff communi­ said to scare me ; he will make me believe We beg leave to anDonnoe to the public cated this fact to Singleton, who grew that he is Corker’s ghost. If I had a FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., that we have just added a large stock of new ! more and more suspicious of Marple novelties to our business, and make a special­ SaocoMor to W F. ItangaMar, ty of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, as he thought over the spontaneous chance I could make him look like Statements, Business Cards, Ladies' Calling offer of his services, and he suggested Corker in fifteen minute«.” Whenever Bangnseer’s building, Cor It and Third SR» Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ grammes, Posters, and all descriptions of to the sheriff that no harm could re­ the detective approached Marple after Here is where you can get your moneys work. Terms favorable. Call and be con­ sult from making a search of the his arrest he would tremble like an worth in vinced. D. C. IRELAND & CO. I house occupied, by Marple, his wife aspen leaf. Ho regarded him with Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage. Tripe, mother, and the suggestion was a look and feeling of horror. and everything in the line of meats, of the E. E. COUCHER, M. D. and practically carried out. When the The report that a quantity of jewd- beet quality the country affords. Alao the officers entered the house Marple was erv, supposed to have been the prop­ Bost of Bolognas. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. at home ; he gave them permission to I erty of Emma Merlotin, murdered in Give me aoall and be aatiafled. M c M inn Vitu - - - O begon . search the house and said that he Portland about a year ago, was found r. J. MARTIN. would stop with -the women while in his possession, is untrue. In re­ W. T. BAXTER. Office and residence, corner of Third and gard to lynching the culprit, we in ­ ' they made their investigation. Sin­ D streets, next to the postoffioe. gleton remarked, “No, you better go dorse the Telegram, that it is not New Firm, New Goods, New Prices us. m ’ cain . h . hublev . with the sheriff and I’ll stop with the likely that such rash measures will At the New Store of McCain & Hurley, women.” In the absence of the two prevail in a locality where honest men the detective’s eyes were search- men have ever been found to pass up- ATTORNEYN-AT-EAW I on the guilt of criminals and coin|>e- AN» NOTARIES PVBLIE. ingly engaged, and his alertness was rewarded by the finding of a chisel tent officers to carry out the decrees Lafayette, Oregon, Huootvmors to Al. HUSSEY, Rashness that would be Especial attention paid to abstracts of title lying on the mantle-piece, which he of the law. Third street, MoM inn ville, Oregon, md settlement of estates in probate. picked up. Upon the re-entrance to in a manner excusable in a commun­ ta tai tarn Office Jail binding, up stairs. the room of the sheriff and Marple, ity where slack administration oí jus­ Ml 88 MAT VE881Y. the latter seeing the chisel in the de­ tice had long been the rule would be M. 8HADHEM. tective’s hand, Voluntary remarked : i inexcusable in steady old Yamhill. A new, neat and dean atock. Every art eU Shadden & Vessey, “I’ve been using that chisel,” to A Ku. 1. Fruit Jara, Butler«’rock v, Colored Glassware, Cutlery, C«*«<1 Goods, To­ which Mr. Singleton responded : “Yes, Family Grocery Store. bacco, Pipe» and Cigar». Fashionable Dressmakers I see you have.” Subsequent investi­ Freab Fruit and Vegatablas la Soaeaa. gation proved that the chisel fitted ex­ Giva me a call. In«jiwt mv an wk, and I WTbe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit actly in the marks in the window will guarantee prices to suit you. employed. Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. sash out of which the glass had been riard street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, pried to effect an entrance for the L. BETTMAN __ McMinnville. Or. murderer. While engaged in further A. M c D onald . M iss K. T mobmt "! conversation with Marple, the detec­ tive observed what he supposed to be Fashionable a spot of blood on the Moulder of the Dressmaking. former's coat, Mr -mgleton ordered At MoMinnviUs, Or. Aelf ut the coat, hit him to divest In Mrs. H. P. Stuart's Millinery Store. Houthcsst Corner of Third and B himh and upon ix- talion a targe quanti- OPP< >8IT» GRANGE HALL, GIVE HIM A CALL. ty of blood waa found on the lower YAMHILL CO., ALWAYS FIND CITY MARKET, Basler i Martin J. Harv. Henderson, BUSINESS