The Daily Reporter. tz C I kf. 1.^90 t ftLltHkltf feat toMrtpll*« •*■•*«. B* Gwner pw »*** ■■ ■ Bt /»»'"i/) IjkiilWesU i** I 30 Mai*» far »4«erli»l»< Will •*» im »» a»mrf»enufy to «U «pplMwnt». lit Minnviil*. Or - Xn>>m n. wtk * An*nt th* artnl* in Munday'» Or*- gumxn *»titJ*d Th* name Oregon Mft'i «|/ropoe uf pre»* < rrticutfua of Edi- U»> Ireland for »landing by Judge Deady in «aying "Waiiamel. Col. Kidney Defl rise* toe»y that Washing­ ton Irving«' Astoria, written fifty year» and mor» ago, called our valley Wgliamet Of th* eleven daily newspaper» pub­ lished in Oregon. the A etori an i« the ooh on* out»>d* of Portland that get* a daily new« report by telegraph Bro. ffalhfa» COnteiQplafe* arrgU£*niei>Ui which will enabl* him to prewent h » r*4pl»r* with a fuller teleg.-sphi* re- poyt. aud ft wj|| eorue >n very bagdy wi»rn the mail» are «hut off by a fr'/ten n*gc Wro T Coleman 4 Co. recently jrabkaned a hand» m* exhibit of the •ever», diversified indu»tn«a for whitb they are agent» It contain« large eol'/red maj«a of lite coaat, view« of pTo»Uin«ut eiU»a mj 1 of the LocaUon of aeeeral of th* iaa|*?rtant Industrie«, M'mou fishing wine making orange grove» borax work». etc The draw Mega and DptsmlUiMu are oorrecl and finished in an artistic manner, the aUtieUui arg ent and aulhaotjc, and the hook as-worthy 'd preserva­ tion Send ua one, dam When John Ks-iiy died, the New York hoard of »¡dertuan paa»ed Ap­ propriate r*eoluti»/ua and ordered them to b* engrossed lor proven tat ton to th* family Th* wort 1» no» !'•/• tin» tribute to |J 1. Corker "A man ol lair inusllx-iual a» «-«mplialimentv, good information, keen olMi-rvation. and a lively appre­ ciation upon all public questions of the day. Ha wa» a writ*/ of no mean ability, aud not long befw* hia death had contributed an mu-resting geolog­ ical article concerning the Par ilk- Northwest to the Scientific American He wa* our correspondent "Nat” ui day« gone by For years, a« such, we funned the type« to the tracings of his pen, always with the ounaciouaneM that tliof* pho al>ould n-a«l wpre sure of gutting thoughts worthy their at- 'lentiMii and appreciation from “Nat." W» arc ampere^ paired ip hear of fit« dgal><, dld friend, though » •t ran ger h»reahouU, thia last little tribute of regard. He haa “paid the NEW TO-DAY- debt, paid it ¡ h ‘ m ' Let peace and rest forever l>e the portion of bon- e*t, fatbful old Nat.” Best, Corker, and farewell. The Sunday Welcome sound# the slogan for H*-witt and Pennoyer fur IS'»’! which, by th* way. is not far off, Mr Cleveland. ro far a- Pennoyer is concerned. -»ay» the Evening Demo­ crat. it i« worthy of the highest con­ sideration of eastern democratic irta'"«man ; for h* is recognized a» th* foremost champion of labor on thir Pacific coast and yet beyond any sus­ picion of sympathy with anarchist*. He could carry Oregon a> easy as fall­ ing off a log, and we believe the same aa Ur California and Nevada. His name would ensure three otherwise republican electorial votes and proba­ bly fourteen Peunoyer s name would Ire a v>wer of strength with the labor­ ing mawe» in every state. 1’. appear» that the danger at Cpr- valiis from a change in the channel of the Wallamet river is more senou- than it was supposed to be. The t.'hrorncle reports that Major Jo tier- sent an engineer from hi» office to itjvewtigaie the matter last week, when it sm found that the river had ixen making considerable inroads, and that the eaet bank just below the fa/mer’s ferry hail been so was tied out that it is d«xibtful if the breach can be repaired without a great expense. From a thorough study of the land, the ertgiua«r thought the best plan probably would be to change the main channel of Um river into the old course formerly occupied by it which would be alzoyt a mile U> the west of the pre­ sent channel. He was of the opinion this would be the cheapest plan, though he wg« not prepared to give tins a* »decisive decision. The whois matter will b» submitted to Major Jone« and some courae undoubtedly datermumd on at an ea/iy data. One «eri>AM obstacle in the way of remedy is the fact that there is not sufficient Hipropnalion to carry on the work. The Chronicle suggavu that the atten­ tion of our representatives in congress i* called to this subject by a memorial «tgued by all lb* taxpayer» of Benton county, and that private subscriptions, if n* ui to commit the body of their fwllow-liuniaii b> the earth, one of hi» companions came moaning from the woki u»*’ poor dug who haI o 31 in ii vill» LB EBY. feed and sale •table. We are prepared at all hoar» to furnish Fiue Carriages, Hacks and Saddle Hcr*pv. Ball will be gnen under th.... pioes of the McMinnville Fire Dt- U partment. at Garrison Opera House. Thursday Evening, Nov. 25,18ft. ------- O------- And everything in the Livery hire, in good shape «me BI At Krasonablc Kate».- LKANSIENI STOCK LEFT with tu will reoeive the best of care and at­ tention. Loggn grog. 4 Beaienion. ■+COACH WHIP STRING MNh — — TICKETS — - . » t - > , ■ SOPER BROS., ■ —O ne D ollar P er C ouple — ------o----- —UB1LM6S » — Ifrj (kood*. Clothing, bro- ccrieu, GlaxxA Queenti- ware, Tinware and Aotionu. . . . OREGON. ----- o—— v °?Lue *° 8ta>,• anr. ¿*»1 J That will also be Hold X»ow for Gash. They have a few PLOWS, KARHOWS SEEDLKS And BA 13 WAGOM That will be sold Low for Cash. " hen yon want anything in that line W>11 consult your own interest a» well M ours to call and see ue. We think wecans»11 Foo- Try it. A. H. A O. 0. HOD**- This is th? time of year when Merchants all be^in to show low prices. We realize that permanent trade cannot be made unless one has the cor- rect styles and correct prices Direct from New York. We are selling goods at aston­ ishingly low prices on the men Buy Fashionable Goods From * its of our wares. We know Head-quarters of Fashion. that there are no better style» of Clothing, no better fitting, fall stock received no better made than ours, and *ne r. f . hi »»* we believe that no one in Me- UlcIWiwwvill«* **’ Mmnville is selling Clothing SEYMO as cheaply as we are We only an inspection of our goods and a comparison of prioM. bishop K ay