The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 10, 1886, Image 2

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The McMinnville baths and shaving
parlors of C. H. Fleming is a progres­
D. C. IRfM-ANO A <*
>• mM.Ii+HEtS.
sive place. Mr- F has lately added
Interesting exercises will be held in
another modern, piece of neiM furni­ our public school on Friday afternoon
Nil»« r
By Carrier per week........................... 1® cents ture to the adornment of the main of this week. Visitors will be made
(Payable on Saturday.)
room in the shape of a cup rack, and welcome.
Hngle Copy ..............................
By Mail W cents per Month (In Advance.) counter, the work of our skilled me­
The drama in course of preparation
Ka.tra for Advortielng
Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. chanic Mr. Clark, with E. B. Fellows. to be presented at Littlefield's hall on
The cocaine treatment by those the 19th, is highly spoken of, and we
M< Minnvill«-, Oi
KOV 10, 18W Parisians at Portland is said to be bespeak for it a full house.
speedy death to the patient. It will
The excitement over the murder of
(It EDIT 7 0 IH.AlXE.
Cure tooth aeLe "and sicli like ail­ I). I. Corker has in no wise abated.
That they will
That tliejestili in Pennsylvania, to ‘ ments,” but is liable to create a habit Every effort is being made to bring
say nothing of other states, is in con­ ten thousand times worse than mor­ the murderer to justice. It is hoped
sequence of the appearance of Mr. phine and opium. It is the worst con­ that such efforts will be successful, as
Blaine in that ritnvi«
is very certain. stitution w-recker ever-known. It ruins no community is safe with such a fiend
They also have a SMALL LOT of
He, liettei ibtui any other man, can the liver and kidneys in half a yeai, at large.
handle the tariff question ho as to im­ and when this work is done, the strong­ M rs. M. F. Cooke has returned from Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc.
That will also be bold
press the necessity of protection even est constitution succumbs.
her eastern trip. »She had an enjoya­
on the dullest and most prejudiced
James B. Upton’s salmon well, at ble time visiting relatives and friends
Low for Cash,,
minds, and the tariff is almost the the mouth of the Nestucca is a paying in her native state, Ill., and, while
They have a few
sole question of interest among the I institution. At the junction of tw'o fully appreciating the beauties and
Working men of that state. In Pitts» streams there is a natural basin in the points of interest along the route, is PLOWS, HAAMOW n ,
burg Mr. Blaine made his most effect­ rocks, the rim being above water deep nevertheless glad to return to Oregon,
ive speech. He confined himself almost enough for the fish to swim in. JuBt for she realizes more fully than ever
entirely to an elucidation of taxation over this basin is a fall. By putting that “there is no place like home.”
That will ba sold
problems, and he showed so clearly up a false work of canvas the fish at»
S elina .
Low for Oftsh.
the advantages of the republican policy tempting to leap the falls drop back
and the ruinous effects of free trade and are caught in the basin why re
When yon want anything in that line voa
will consult your own interest as well u
that many a man whir had been who I tlrey remain alive until wanted for
oars to call and sea «a. We think we can suit
deceived by the glittering generalities suiting.
you. Try it.
A . H. & O 0. HODSON
-* — ---- -* »w —- - -
of dftiniM-ratic stumpers made up their
He was not Hwift enough. Bartlett
minds to vote with the party that tries
to be governor of California.
to keep otit the products of European
Miss Annie Dielshineider had a
pauper lalmr. In our opinion Mr.
gathering of her youug
Blaine's visit to Pennsylvania was
Direct from New York.
worth ten or fifteen thousand votes to friends at tier father’s reaidatice, last
the party. No man in the country Fribav evening. Music, games and a
can draw larger crowds, no man is social time was indulged in.
Buy Fashionable Goods From Hit
It is said that Marble, the suspected
listened to with more attention, and no
Head-quarters of Fashion.
man can tire the heart more effec­ mu tderer of Corker, has jewelry in his
poccssion belonging to the unfortunate
tively, and he did it this time.
Emma Merloaen, who was murdered
NMWs zlAp AV) T EX
in Portland lust December and is sus­
Rte IVl inn rille, Or.
Mr. Villard was a bidder for f5.000,- pected of that crime also.
Americans of all parties will be glad
000 of ORN’ bonds last Monday. He is
Ball will be given ondar the aua-
learn that Justin McCarty has been A Grand
now negotiating for the final transfer
pnxw of the MoM innvilla Fira De-
Justice’s Court for South McMinnville Pr»-
partaient, at
ofthellCR to Huntington U’lm says awarded the contested seat for London­
einat, Yamhill County, Oregon.
derry. Mr McCarty claimed this seat
W. H B ingham , Plaintiff,
Villard will not yet land on top?
Miss Marie Hembree will be pleased on the ground of frauds committed in
An. Y oung , Defendant.
U) meet those desiring art lessons the interest of his competitor, and
To Al. Youug, defendant above named: In
the name of the State pf • »regon, you aw
Friday Nov. 12(h, at the residence of
hereby required to appear and aatwer
Mrs. John Carlin. Terms, oil paint­ ford county he determined to insist on
plaintiffs complaint in said oauae.on or be
Thursday Evening, Nov. 25, 1886.
fore Friday, I)ee. 34, 18.«. befort the u-
ing, 35 cents ; crayon, 30 cents ; china his claim to the other seat. The speak­
dersigned, a justice of the peaoe tor said
—-- O-—.
pwuiting, »0 cents
precinct, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of
er ruled that he could not sit in Parlia­
said day; at the offloe of said justioe in
Mr Wilcox, agent for OCR at this ment from Ixxigford, and at the same
said precinct, to a civil action.
Defendant will take notioe that if be fail to
place, who has been quite ill with fever, time contest the seat for Londonderry.
-«-COACH WHIP STRING BANO-v- answer said complaint, plaintiff will take
it slowly recovering, and is now, as we Mr. McCarty thereupon withdrew and
judgment against him for $40 and the
eueta and disbursements of thia order, and
all trust, ,»a»t danger Don't be in a sailed for this country. He was last
order of sale of the attached property
burry George thia ia a case where it week awarded the seat he claimed,
lois summons to be published 6 weeks m
the Yamhill County Reporter, by order of
and his Americans frieuda will rejoice
is beat to be alow ‘and sure
said justice made Nov. 8, 1886.
—O ne D oi . ear P er C ouple ,__
bKNTON 4 F knton ,
S. F. H abmno .
Mr. Hohnan sold bis hogs off ves- in the result of his plockv contest.
35 ft Att*8 for Plff-
Justice of the Peaoe.
But little is known of Marble, The
terday nt three cent
Sixteen of them
averaged 202 lbs . then live acvenleenth Oregonian says he is the fallow who
—S upper at C ook ’ s H otel —
.Notice tor Final Proof
one. wdiivh had friakrd alsmt so that some nine years since, in connection
‘•AND Ornci: at Oregon City, Or , I
he couldn't lx
* counted, pulled the
.. .
November Sd, 1886. 1
beam at 200 They were Poland China of daring and extensive robla'ries
namJd°Lwihe?b-T I* ’*”1 that the fo»0*“«
A oordial welootae ex tei »dad to all.
to mnkp iT *T hRR
notioeof his intention
along the river from Eola bown to
ami Berkshire mixed,! tine drove
«dialZ\l pronf in support of his claim.
rk W..Wil,be
‘*fore “*
lien. Stiiison A t'o.,anyde publishers Uham|s»eg. When they were caught
rt Tilhioik f<iUla“0^k 0o°nty- Aire8Ts’
of Portland, Maine, have made an im­ Marble turned stale s eveidence, his
ls*;, Viz JiMvL'.on Saturday, Dec. W.
mense fortune off the people never partner Barnes was convicted and
I).N. go
1? the Nkn?8bwr,<*e W 'i u
’♦ oi *
once returning an equivalent foi ' sent to the iH>niteutiary. Marble told
'♦ of ae/i? t ^ of seo 13, " nd NE1* ° f
mfttMty seat t»» them ; all aitaply lie­ where the plunder was concealed and
his continuon.
.1° »"wlnR witnesses to prove
cause the country press do their ad- officers from Portland secured a large
•t** 11 oh sai.i ,r**’Je’»oe upon, and caltivs-
F F. Hama, of
At MeM uvuvUle. Or.
vertising for them frt«e gratia or foi aniouul of gtaals. Barner got out. of
*«id Samuel i,fnau Hsrria. of Nestoctun.
the penitentiary some years since and Southeast Comer of Third and B Streets. tsrts, all of Tin
worse than nothing
1 RU l
D- R
of Ne-
*«niook county, Oregon.
The Overland Monthly ta one of the two years ago was sent up again for
w T. BVfiNEY, KewisMr.
Marble has been rambling
Pacific caial aucceasea for 1HS6. We rape.
Farm Far Mair.
have always been proud of The Over- about «nice. Itvutg in Manoa au<l Hen­
*CREK 1(B m errisiration; <
Bind , though many of its early pro­
ft ^^'uulea -unit;
¡■«.ulfi-A»». -------------------- ------ -
motor« baw retired to the mysterious came to I^afavette He hws worked
cleaning wells and such
bwyond. in its present qianagenient at tald job
Hand Book sboa
wtfhri ft PH (bodying 41 m IhtiggTOewr
tinn Tartfri In Portland who kuow
iftg M the Trite «lying, * Nothing Ruc- him feel MiMswd that the Murder of
cerds like Hucceea."
Corker will b« brought home to I uhi ,
The Daily Reporter.
A. H. & Q. Q. HODSON
Garrison Opera House,