The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 09, 1886, Image 2

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Hon. C. Leinenweber is preparing A Business PropooHloii to
to build a cannery at big Nestucca.
The United Stites steamer, Manhat­
Having the most complete and befit
Subscription Kates.
tan with all her crew, sunk off the
selected stock of goods on the west
By Carrier per w«ek ......................... 10 oents New Haven coast last Saturday.
i Payable on Saturday.)
Have a Few
Bingle Copy........................................ 2
Bradstreets predictions based upon side, outside of Portland, as conceded
By Mail K) oenta per Mouth Un Advance.)
actual reports are favorable to a more by all commercial men. and my fa­
Matra for Advertiaing
Will I m - made satiafactory to ail applicants. prosjierous future in business circles. cilities for buying being equal to or
The OCR trestle work south of Ore­ better than any house here, I am pre­
McMinnville, Dr. - Nov. 9, lbbfi
gon city is s<N>n to be substituted by pared to furnish you with Dry Goods,
a solid wall four hundred feet long Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
twenty feet high. Much blasting
That they will
The following from the Oregonian
Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware
explains the situation in this office ex­
Among the exchanges w-hlch we and Crockery, at prices as low or
actly :
The Oregonian receives many long find useless are the Goldendale Trib­ lower than any house outside of Port­
obituary uitides, testimonials of re- une and Roseburg Pliundealer. About land, and if you buy upon same terms
lj>ect, resolutions of condolence, etc., a« useless to us as the St. Helen Mist
They also have a SMALL LOT of
Ìhich it is unable to publish m full, and Chehalis Nugget. But when we as you do when you go to Portland,
o attempt to publish all mutter of
buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc,
this kind that is offered it would make do not get our Hillsboro Independent,
That will also be sold
• demand upon it* space which it and three from Corvallis regularly, gage to compete with the retail houses
could not possibly meet. It will pub­ there is fire in the old man’s eye.
of Portland on the same class of goods,
Low for Cash.
lish in brief form all notices of deaths
Job Conner, the Polk county grand
that may I m * requested, but it cannot
They have a few
do more. Within the lust ten days juror in the United States court who goods as freight figures up on so that
there bus been sent to the Oregonian wandered away in delirium, was until it cannot be done. This does not ap­ PLOWS, HARROW*,
SI EDI R’* And
from different parts of the northwest, Saturday last, at the home of T. E
an aiiipunt of obituary matter that
ply to some cheney houses who would
would fill many columns. We make Conrtor, near this city, where Dr. Cal- bait you by selling some special arti­
That will be sold
this statement in order that it may be bteath attended him. His relatives
Understood why the articles have not believe that he will fully recover in a cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on
Low for Cash.
been printed. It is impossible to short time.
some other articles. I t shall be
print all matter of this kind, and
When yon want anything in that line vot
It has been suggested, and very straight business . I especially invite will
theA-fore it heroines necessttry to make
consult your own interest as weliu
a gehtrftl rule
phuperiy to<> pet hope, in view of vol­ purchasers, to call and make an in­ ours to call and see us. We think weeanwt
you. Try it.
A. H. A O. 0. HOW
We tnay add that observation tcAches umes of the unwritten history of that
spection of the goods and price, be­
us that since a nominal charge has much abused and greatly misjudged
been the custom to secure insertion, class called editors, that they will be fore buying elsewhere. All goods
obituary matter has fallen off 7<M) per rewarded in Heaven. 8o mote it be. marked down during clearance sale
— dkalebs in —
cèrti, front for hi et demands in thia Inasmuch as their lot is to be unre­ will be sold at clearance sale prices.
warded upon earth, except they be of Prices of all goods will be plainly
Dry Goode, Clothing, (ire«
the mercenary brigade, let Heaven be
marked on them, and no clerk is au­
eerie«, Gia»* A Quern*«
EDITOR! Al. N otes .
•ought. In Heaven there will be no
thorized to make any cut or deviation
ware, Tinware and
Chaix es are more favoarble to the more tears. It is tearless because it
election of Carlisle. It may run from is sorrowless; it is sorrowless because on them, and will be discharged for
doubtful to democratic, aa in the case it is sinless ; it is sinless because it is doing so before he has authority.
----- 0—
of D. V. White, third New York dis­ the dwelling place of the Holy Lord S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns
We’ve oom« to atay, and brought our
trict, who got there by 176 majority. and of the “spirit* of just men made is the M otto . CASH IN HAND knitting with us, and all we ask it for thi
people to call, examine our goods, tnakt
Shad will soon clean the salmon out iwrfect.”
or SHORT CREDITS must be the known their wants, and get our prioes.
of lire Columbia. A fish commissioner
N. B. We deal on a cash basis, and pay
A lady holding a rea|K>nsible posi­
A. J. APPERSON. the highest cash prices for all kinds of pro­
for Oregon ia scarcely needed at this tion in a dr)* goods house, in which rule .
duce, hides, pelts, etc.
late day, in view of the gracious ucts •be ia oblidged to come into business
of Mr. Spencer F. Baird the past few association with the fashionable ladies
Oregon Kidney Tea.
of Philadelphia, said that it was incom­
Nature's own Remedy
The Salem Statesman ia holding prehensible to her how they could be
speedily relieve and per­
Hon. John C. Carson up prominently I so incorrect in their speech and sloven­
manently oure all the various
Direct from New York.
in connection with the presidency of ly in their grammar as compared with
difficulties arising from a disor­
dered condition of the
the state senate. Mr. ('arson ia a thor­ the same class of ladie* in New York
ough republican, ami would preside | and Boston. In Boston, for instance,
It is perfectly harmless and
over that body with credit.
it had been her experience that many
can be given to the most deli­
The November Century marks a of the salesgirls, through the excellent
cate woman ot ohild. For sale
by all drnggeata.
new era in the history of that maga influence of the public schools of that
N nsix . Hrmiir A W oodwabi *.
sine, in Iw-ginning the publication of, city, spoke English with much more
Wholesale .Agents,
•'The Life of Lincoln,*’ by his private simplicity, directness ami purity than
McMinnville, Or.
Portland, Oregon.
secret* ries, Jonh G Nicolay and Col. not a few ladies in Philadelphia who
John Hay. Two preface*, one editorial were proud of their sooial distinction
Japanese Cleansing
•nd the other by writers, gave ample and their education.
account of the work, and cull atten­ The world says the moat serious loss
...... CREAM-----
tion to the exceptional opportunities that the democracy ami the nation H. C. MANFK, M Htiufncturer and Hair Cutting, shaving and Miaa-
sole P aprietor,
which these gentlemen have had to 1 sustains is the defeat of Morrison, and
peeing Parlor.
prepare what i* certain to l»e the fullest the possible defeat of Carlisle that “it
This preparation is unequalled for oleana-
•nd moat authoritative work on the is a matter of alarming regret that ing garments of all soiled spots. Paint, Tar.
15c SHAVING 15c.
Grt-aae, etc . eradioated instantly Give it a
these two men should have been sacri­ trial. i«r . may be had of your druggist,
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor
Mrs J P. Alexander reads the baby ficed in order that mugwump tactics local agent, or by addressing the undersign­
committee a tearful lecture for tlieir and snivil service should have a Ro­
iSfooessor to A. C. Wyndham.)
MoMinuville, < »regon
doings at the mechanics fair Count man holiday. It is hoped that Presi­
Ladies and children’s work a specialty-
Arthur Wilson has sold or raffled Ins dent Cleveland has now felt the demo­
style of Hair Cutting desired, with neatnea
Hair dyeing of all descriptions warrant«!.
hots«- and buggy since then, and others cratic pulis- and that in the future he
Fancy hair dreasing a specialty. Hot *
of the committee think of moving out w ill display those sterling Jeffersonian Late of b dependence, baring purchased the cold
baths always ready, only 25 <’*a'
of Multnomah county. Mr* Alexan­ democratic qualities that his anient
street between C'and D. McMinnville. Or.
der says "I do not wish to criticise admirers claim him to be the possessor TKAMN AMD TRICK*
any otic, bnl eiatply hold to justice. of. What hath it profited the demo­
If the association can not get three cracy or the nation to gain a few Of Logan Bros A Hendenoti. nten his
MUNN a CO., of the soxrmrx- Xii—KA'y-S
bdlter ’judges, I Would recommend vole« in such republican stronghold service« in that line to the publie. and will tin«« to act a« Solicitor» for f-atetit». Csv^ivAua
Guarantee Matinlartion Marko i ..p»rt<bta for the l nlte-1 State*
tbeu> to secure the «ortlces ol three •a Miclngau. HSMSChUMll* aud New
tail in for the uMt -law, WcM might Hampshire, and lose Indiana. Con­
the judge« exclaim, may the Lord have necticut, and auch eminent reform«
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
M illineb Y,
Buy Fashionable Goods From Hit
Head-quarters oi Fashion.
msrt^oo r»
HriwtertWHI Worrteon*“
teas sent free AddreeaMUNN *
Awnssoan osca m Broedwar. ns « re*-