The Dai’y Reporter. the standard required for the British Important Stock Sale. armv. A good horse, fifteen to sixteen Posters are out for an auction sale hands high, will bring $150 in almost p. c. IRELAND A CO. PVBLISHEBS, of fat and thoroughbred stock by Mills any part of Oregon. A Howe at their Mount Stewart farm McMinnville, Or. - Nov 8, 1886 Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ nea: North Yamhill on Saturday N.v McMINNVIuLE. T* * OREGON sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ 13th. The sale includes sixty head of ^»«enable Su<«e»tlon». ville college. Residence corner of all age> including fifteen head suitable i J acob W ortman . ....... Prvaidrnt D. I‘. T hompson , Vico president Second and C Streets. for the butcher. Terms cash, or ap­ J ohn W ortman Brvant’s lines might almost have ............... Cashier Advertisers can take their choice, proved notes at 10 per cent. been written for such a season as ours : Transact»» General Ranking bimiiMi either daily or weekly, at the same old “Let in through all the trees. Interest allowed ou time deperii» A Bargain. ¿one the strange rays; the forest depths are rate. No advance in the price. We’ve Collections made on tavorable term*. The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfert bright, come to stay, if you say so. New York. San Francisco and IVrtland. Tbeir sunny oolored foliage, in the breeze, hill, containing twenty-tv^ rooms in on Office hour»—from 9 a. m io 4 p. m. Ever since we came here we have Twinkles like beams of light. all, two stories high, is offered for sale begged the farmers to write for the “0, Autumn! why so soon for cash, or exchange for real estate. D»part the trees that make thy forests glad. Reporter. A county paper to be com­ JOHN WORTHAX Thr gentle wind and thy fair sonny noon, plete should have news for all inter­ The house is well known to the travel­ ing public, and doing a good business. And leave thee wild and sad? Represents the following sterliug ooiupna- ested, and pray who in this county iee: Ixnidon A Liverpool A Globe, North The present proprietor ’ s reason for -Ah! ’t were a lot too blest, are more interested for what is en­ British A Mercantile. Ommneroial Unica selling is that he is too far advanced Fire Asaocintion, German American, Fire­ Forever in thy oolored shades to stray; lightening to them in their calling Fund. Hartford, t’-ommercial, Aug Io inud the kisses of the soft south west in age to attend to it, and is determin­ man's than the farmers’ Nevada, State Investment To roam and dream fo* aye; ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, Wheat insurance a specialty. We learn that about 300 head of even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound "And leave the vain low life I.. <•. MITKH. H. H. D4X1KL That makes men mad -the tug for wealth scabby sheep from Polk county wft-e to sell it if a customer comes. North and power, SUITER & DANIEL, sized near Amity on Thursday by In­ Yamhill is as rapidly improving town The passions and the cares that wither life, Proprietor* of the spector Nelson. It is hoped that now as any on the west side, is the center And waste its little hour.” this business will receive official atten- of a large trade, the starting point for LAFAYETTE MILLS Dealers in County court will resume its session tention, that no further complaints Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters may be heard. Mr. Nelson says the and sportsmen in the summer season, to-morrow. C. R. Cook is one of the builders sheep are in bad condition, and will and this is the best chance for a good have to be thoroughly cured before he man in the whole state. For further upon Cook’s hotel. LAFAYETTE, Yamhill Co.. OREGON. The death of Samuel McCutcheon will allow them to be driven any furth­ particulars address this office, or apply We desire to inform the public that we have er. Wonder if these are samples of to J. Delap. North Yamhill, Oregon. lately added a line of Rolla to our Mill,to­ of Carlton is noted. gether with the iieoemary machinery to the mutton consumed in Portland? Thanks of the ladies’ Guild, though make an uneserved, are accepted. A Corvallis man has received from A No. I Article of Flour, The inquest will be convened again Hon. Thos. Canthorn, now visiting in Witch Tali Art Eriúny. And have the same in anooemful operation. While we do not olaini to make this morning at Lafayette. Missouri, four hickory nuts, three real Sheriff Harris was in town Satur­ old-fashoned burr-oak acorns and sev­ day upon important business. eral chincopins. He has been in rap­ In the State, Hugh Collard has gone back upon tures over the gifts ever since their ar­ We do claim to make an article rival. The most interesting part of the OCR as frieght brakesman. Seoond to ITone. Prof. Stephens is making a big suc­ the incident is, as he expresses it, “a -AS A— son of a gun of a Missouri maggot cess of his music class at Lafayette. Straight Grade» Councilman T. A. Turner reached came out as a passenger in one of the Family Flour home Saturday from his eastern trip, acorns.” The M. M. is now taring em­ And far better than can lie made on balmed and will be carefully laid away looking fine. Stones alone. Wo have l>een to much expetn«« to make Mrs. E. Russ has improved so much in the archives of Jess Spencer's bar­ thia ohauge, and believe we deserve a liber­ u to be able to ride out last Friday ber shop. al share of public patronage, and ask a fair trial. We guarantee reanlta. »nd Saturday. Porter is playing our watermelon M ITER A IHYIFL Teams will be able to cross the game on his Albany constituents, but bridge at Salem this week, while at substituting squashes. Hear him; work upon it. We will give the Bulletin, one year, to It is said that the state board is un­ the man who will bring us the largest able to complete its levy of the annual squash between now and thanksgiving. This is the time of year when tax waiting for Linn and Yamhill re­ At that time the squashes shall be turns. weighed, and the heaviest squash Merchants all begin to show Miss Edith Martin, a pupil of the takes the prize. The remainder o low prices. We realize that McMinnville Business college, has just the squashes shall revert to ua. We permanent tiade cannot be turned out a fine crayon of a Holstein want a big squash pie for thanksgiv­ made unless one has the cor­ \<» i n trusted to our cure will be carefully handled, and Ida Leabo, Hattie Terry, Bena good if only one squash makes its ap­ ishingly low prices on the mer­ and promptly delivered. Mao keep on hand knelling, May Cooke and Miss Better ; pearance. its of our wares. We know Wood of id) kinds aa cheap a* the chon peat Order* left at the City Drug store will be Mrs. Dallas: Henry Stuart and L. C. With all the l*oasts about Liberty that there are no better styles promptly it tended to. .1 J. < OLLARD. Holbrook. and the friendship between France of Clothing, no better fitting, The HITKHJT (JUIDB Is Imued Kept, «nd March, Forty-three years ago last Saturday and America since the days of Lafay­ no better made than ours, and each year. •*- 31« pa«ea, morning, Uncle Jeptha Garrison, now ette, it is a stinging shame that a we believe that no one in Mc­ H1,* liy, iMeteea, with aver 3,000 lllwtratlona - a of this city, awoke as an Oregon im­ daughter of the great American Gen. Minnville is selling Clothing whole Ftetare Oallvry. migrant at Linn city, just across the Grant should be so much abused by a UIVKM Wholesale Prteas as cheaply as we are. direct 1« «mniw re oa all goods for river from Oregon city. What changes scion of the other nation. It is saic personal or family «*•»■ Telle how ta We only ask an inspection time has wrought since that date. order, and give. ro** ot •’•vy- that the married life of Nellie Grant of our goods and a comparison thing yon nor, rat, drink, wear, or One result of the Bartholdi statue Sartoris is far more humiliating anc have fan with. Three 1 N t A l.t'A HI.S6 of prices. BOOK* ronlaln Information glee unpleasant than has yet been made m that it connects two of the greatest from the markets of the world, BISHOP it KAY will mall a copy KRICK to any ^publics as one. We can now shake public. Mrs. Sartoris makes her home itnm npon receipt of IO ct*. to del hands with France across the ocean, with her husband’s father in the north expense of mailing Iwt na hear fow SAMUXL GOFF, yon. Keopertfolly, *nd unite in the earnest hope that the of England. Here, according to al WARD A CO. torch of Liberty may continue to en- accounts, she is treated as a sort of Late of Independence, bavin« pa rob used the • MONTGOMERY ty dk ««• Wabash Avetino, < hlra«o. Uh ■ Rhten the world, and may speedily a poor relation. Two rooms are set TEAJI* AM> TRICK* aside for the use of herself and chil­ Of Logan Bn» <* Henderaon, offer* bi* SEYMOUR’S o'* mono hght king-craft to the grave. An officer of the English govern- dren. and their meals are furnished, •ervioee in that line to the publio. and will (¡uaraniee Satisfaction ment is in the northwest buying horses nothing else is given them, neither by for the army. There have been a the husband or Sartoris, Sr. So far To all who favor him with their patronage. He will keep a wagon epeoially adapted to the great many horses taken east from aa tbe younger nt. ns is concerned, delivery of pare-.*, tranks aatoheh eta , for aa not contributed a ttte aooomodation of the publie. Orders left this state this summer, but probably it is saidths penr. v to h ’ fe s support for years. at ths stable will be promptly attended to at oot many of them would come up to First National Bank FIRE INSURANCE. The Best Roller Flour O k.