£ C. IBEXUKIi A i pita»». M m I*». Jf («me- pr- *»♦-. ... ... 1« eens* «-«tit* ». íawnM). fc -Z*. («sw«........... .............. .......... t *" J** Ma: •«omn pe- Untiti ! Axtrane* M m *« m twr zisMnt- Wil ir Mai> t< >1 Ifmnvil- J/< V re O: / « fo..' Ide Clnicitnnip before iesvmg France Tie eight hour demand > »till creat­ |Ti»e stiiry might have had an air of prolxHiuiity in the time of Louie XIV., ing great troui»«*- in th* slaughter and jjacknig iion*e of ('iiKttg1- Neitiie- v ii«n p»ie.«i* couid perform the mar­ men nor empioyer- ar« 11 frame of riage ceremony n the chapel, pr*vau-- mint t* fo resoHinam*- and up t' th*- iy without publication of bane and presen' time neither ha* listened kind­ without a previous civi union before the mayor In (¡««fault of those for­ iv i*. auggextfow of partie- not direct- iv interested. Tie- demand for ten ma! tie- a marriage would now be of botrr» pay for eigti’ hmm work i- « m » n< more vaiue tiiaii the traditional paijMibiy unresMonali le. not to say dl­ proce*- of jumping the broomstick, 1 hone«*, tha* i l'— tkh appetì kindly whiei i* popularly supposed n. Eng- iaii< tr fo a suiMUiuie fo« the eert- to puuiu «ympatny. The will of Mr- A I.Htewar. widov ¡nioir in a church ot before a registra of the millionaire dry goods mer­ ’Tn« B.- iioj o: Beauvau-would, besidee, chan’ of New York ini-. riser. admitted lexpcwe himself to prosecution for ai. n probate Bv it- i-mc the noaruec | infringement of the law Ei/rruKiAL The D»by Reporter. ••i wra> MISCELLANEOUS A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON Have a few HEATIN6 & COOK StDVOS That the' will SELL FOR CASH Tn« re* ten Famrer «is^ik* out afo»ut ar iBiptt»tUm whici !*•*■ tween tol«rr»- Vw! n- tio-ciuntr pre«e too long V« They also have a KM. ALL LOT quote* fl a w*altii of a* shrewd aud avaricious N<>: mug eitsee a postmaster ir east Tn«- insidious divorce epidemic pre­ eri Itregoi received 41* from one or busiiiew- mat a- eve* tne world nas valent in this state 1- an outgrown of Hareware. Tinware. Etc.. Etc. w—xr sutaaeriner» md that sent u aiiowi 1- devised todiver- anc sundry That will a I« be sold ev«-- increasing extravagant luster and SI L, retaining tii« i*a.4uc»- ■- n« «aid. peieon* relative« of m- wife who, hav­ .in utter disregard ior the holiness and fo* tee. N'>w nereafte: we snaH ig non al »urii sum» and «intli emir ing Had lit tie or no training in earn- comfor of the domestic fireside. They tiavt a few thow wh« send then nwin*y in that mg and saving money cai. scarcely Too tiiorougn familiarly with the way with only th* amount actually fo- expected to ex»»rcise much judg- wortc disjrei- the illusion of its graie PLOW* B.4 RRflU m . «reived r»* u» Tina re by n< mean»« ment in it* disposa. *«11 1>I Rfo re*id*nt agent- except at o' it- denizens. Therefore "Where ig­ B4IY M ALO\> • lew point« Hi the vail*;, al other«* Cbehatem enw hous* Tnuieday norance 1- bliss 'ti- folly to be wise ’ That will be sold must an««• their authority for coheci- wmci sent a chil through tiie netgh- Austmiia wisne» to cut oil from the ing mm»« u» S12t>’» by WFdt< o. tooling with a pistol whici. of coutw colonist« wanr colonial tree trade, pro­ •nd aent it in such a way that tie- Wiiei. voc want anything ir that ime *oc tection iron. France and Englands will consul’, your own interns at wall at ire did not know wa- loaded, wnei it V> • di « not Charge- amounted t< 61 kn«»* witethc tin remitter wa» to went off, shooting a soi. of Nelson manufacture«, a federated republic, ours to call and set- ut We tmnf weosnsoii A. R A O 0 HOD80K. biani* or tire»- ag«*rr of that irompnny, Ctin«tensei n tiit neck inflicting a land tin Monroe doctrine. It realiy be­ I you Try it. for one thing re sure, w> did not ac­ very painfu but not fatal wound Tiie gin» t«« iook as though England's day cept it bu bad It returned to remitter iof power and greatness is about over. wh< will have t*> p.n return charg*** boy hied profusely, but inert 1.- hop«- HllliX to tax« it out V. • will atop Inre pape* thai n«. i*ermanent injury may result ---- T»g » 7.TKX u;_ lo any addres- whenever •», order»-*!, from tiie mot lt »e*ni' almost a nec- providing th« subscriber na* paid all easity that som« statunrry iav is essen­ At Newport Yaquins bav Nov. 4th to the wife of J L lion: a llh lbt soi. Mother Drj Good*. Clothing.. Gr> arrearage» The cas» above quoted doim.- well. tia t< punish sucii gros- careiessnes». wa th« hrst w<-ev- iiarf and w. don't eerie*. C m la ws A Queno* thia onv Nov 4tt to the wife of Ea­ W M .Baker - head is level when he ts* Near biani« th« i remitter but think th«' Powell b sot.. w are. Tiiwarr and agent «n««utd I hav« informed tin tariv say« tiujot who have uad nt experience Ln tine city Nov fttfa to the wife of H. C. \otion*. of the cost w ith bogut butte: makers aud dealers Edwards a eon WILLAMINA It se xi very eaay thing fo’ any ,>er- treat tn« subject ju«t a- tiiougi no one OEEGON. A Busillis»« Proposition U» arm t<> send tlH- full amount of his nereaiter’li undertake to make oi deal We’ve couk to stay, and brought our subscription to th* prime: by posta1 i! mutation dairy product» without livery lutili kntttinp witt m anc al. wi aal ____ is __ for __ the people to call, examin« oar goods make note, monet uniei registered letter or strictly complying with th« Unit«nl their wants and get our pnoee Having tiie most complete and best knowi stariq»« And when th«- sun« M receive*! Huie» law upon the subject, bucli K B W« deal on a «si. basis and pay acknowledgment should fo promptly writer- and talker- and thinker.' will -elected stock of good- on th« west the Highest caai price* for al kind- of pn- duct hid«, pelts, etc mad* As til* Farme: may * find themseive* sadly mistaken There side, outside of Portland, ns conceded Breaue a man publishes a newto is too much evidence where thee«- fashionable in al commercial men. and my fa­ pai«** don't imagine he >* a ciiarity swindler» liar« evaded and tried t* • cilities foT buying iieiiig equa to or foqeri 4%« uoltce tiiat th« grea ma evad« the law to warrant that they Jonty of editor* )>ay their bills about bette than any house hero. 1 am pre­ a* regtiiarly a- any otiie* hu»mea. will not viuiah tin United Hute- law. Direct from Neu York pared t< furnish you with Dry Goods We often hea« unkind remarks about Th« highest chimney yet built in men becaus* they are printer* as * m > ('iottnng Gent- Furnishing Good- manv vulgarly call them Then ar* th«-world ha» recently been completed wn fow pnliter» in ti»« tru« accep at tn* Mechernich Lead V ork- n Ger- Boot- and Hhoes Groceries. Glaeswart tance «if th« word in the stau V *■ many Th« wtioi, bight of th«-struct- and ( n>ck«*ry at prices as low or honor our calling about a* much a* tire is approximately 44<1 t**et eleven lower than any house outside of Pori-1 much as any pn>iea*ioiia or mercan- FALL STOCK RECEIVED. tih mat cat honor hi* and beside», feet of which is unde: ground Tin* land and i' you buy upon same terms w« think w« d>> mor> real good ami i subterranean portion is of bbtek stout , |a- you d< when you go to Portland, MIMS ». I.. BI SS. an afo/Ui a* mio U mak« a fortune thirty-aevei fee; square in plan, all ¡buy in quanities paying cash. I en­ MeMtnnville. l^ei croakers at th« newspape’ irate« ■ tn« res' i» of onck Tin plinth or gage t< conqiet« with the retail houses nity fomr in mind that tt i* not every lower part of th« chimney under o Portland on the same class of good« fo/ wfo> oasi run a newspaper or a grocer« slot*., ot a dry good» stor* or ground 1» thirty-fou' feet square so sav« an« except bugar. Salt and such MrNe a CO., of tn. srrtyrTirr amthf .- an <*»• a bank eucceaafully or anything else , j that tit« night of tn« suaft is neeriv goods a- freight figures upon so that tinti.. u> act as Koltcttors for Hatenu- Cavaat.' TraW Mark» ('opvrwbu ior U* l atta Stala: OanaSa tor that matte: i thirteen time- Un lower diameter. it cannot fo- done. This dot's not np- Rntfland eTanc Germany, etc Han- Book ao*ai Patent» «ant fra. Thirt'-oore: vear« ernenenfl* Folfowmg thts topi« n htth farther, For about Uurty-four feet th** chimney, l*atcntH .htain« 1 thrmarh Mt'NN CO-en-nolMSS pr t< eonn chenev houses who would Ir. th«> S tiantiti amkricas th. * Uree«; '«ai.aaC Bn Chirk hit* the nai exactly on th*-1 ■ continue* square and tnei neoomes moa: wutel* circulalet- aciantip. pane: gUSia ’*u' oar vat by selling sonu 8|>eeiiil arti- Waatlx Splendili easniTirnr-. an.- tnter*aun»' iw- head when I»« sav » i octagons H: pui for a lltU- UisLainx,( cn * ■ sacrifice, and making it tip on fnrmatloi. Sprsimen mpv o' tn- scleiillS« AnT I cm i «en: tr— Addrea« Mt'NN a .'«> «’lBirriTW AMBRU an ofltnv %i Hroadwai. New York. < Then an aom« p*«oph in Un» httb' am! hnally change» u« circular fora., aan»> other article*. I t hhali he work! of txir- wh<> think that if the« retaining tbi- snap* u> In« top Tini STRAIGHT BUSINESS 1 Mpecialh’ Ihvitt cat four oi mak-- a few cent* uq is about eleven aiui one-half feat. spection of tin- goods and price., be- aiual is poaitaot: Of courw then« Th« flu«' u eievei and one-half feet in All goods ate exception» u> even rule Hu: we i diameter at th« button, and tei feet at ton buying elsewhen marked down during clearance sale have moat alwav» found thai th* th* lop linti: th«- conipleuoi. of this small*- th«' «»the* th« smaller th« cali­ will he sold at clearance sale prices chimney, that of th«1 Mt Rollix works ber of th* man who run* it Price- of all goods will fo* plainly Qiaago* LU feet high war th* tallest mark«**' on then, and no clerk is an lt »» Uw for »mtebiMtv u« nar and in th* world thori/«**! t< makt anv co: or deviation C H. FLEMING Prop-tetor. •xplait why treu Milen's report ol Ihr Th« Pan* correspondent of the New oi them anti wili la discharged for Gwruiiim« oanipa./i. war kept luohed Y ork lime* must have a strang* notion SneewMor to A. C. Wvndhan.J doing « ia'ton hi has authoritv Up for w*rek» wOih fo- war heuig v»r- a* U the way F«ncL marriage* an* bMAU lhlOFTTS AMT' QUICK RETURNS luidi« and oiiildnar.*« work a speenaltv Any stvieof Hatr Cutting desired with neatnW loualy abuwl all over Uo enuntn. o»i conducted to inform hi* reader«- that Is THE M otto C ash IN HAND tfo auppneilM»«’ tbat he luui don* jus U h l»uked’Auntalr wa* oec«tlv niar- Hstr dyeing of al description- warranted OR SHORT CREDITS Him m the Fancy hair dressing a specialty Hot wliat ihr rapurt Show» he dwi not do i ne»l by the Bishop of Beauvais Ui Mik ■ULk A J. Ari’ERHON ml<( feeih* alw»y» ready only 25 <"•» Tnti* VERY LOW. for Cash- Z»ow for O&&h. SCFEK BEOS., M illiner Y. Buy FashiDname Goods From the floao-ouaners of Fashion. PATENTS 15c SHAVING 15c •treet netweer C and D MeMtnnville. Or