The Daily Reporter, Hear Our («cutie \ «»ice. MISCELLANEOUS. To bust the town. Oppose improvements. Mistrust its public men. ond Class Matter._______________________ Run it down to strangers. WEEKLY REPORTER, Lengthen your face when a strauger talks of locating in it. Sixteenth Year of Publication. If a man wants to buy your property FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., rpniNNVILLE - - OKEGOX charge him two prices. Successor to W. F. Bangnsser, -------- o- If he wants to buy anybodj else, iu- p 0. C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. BangHHaer’s building, (k»r B ami Third Sts. terfere and discourage him. D. IRELAND & Co., — o —» Here is where yon oan get your tuoney^B Refuse to see any merit in the scheme Pl BLISHEKS. worth in ---------- o that does not directly benefit you. Third St., Opposite Weekly Subscription Kates. If you can't hog everything, judge ___1 ■» ' by yourself, a,,J acc08e One copy per year in advance - - - $2.00 everybody YAMHILL CO. BANK. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Tript, If not paid in advanoe - - - - 2.50 everything in the line of meats, of the D on ’ t F orget the P lace , and Toolubs of three or five, when accompanied them of doing it. (test quality the country affords. Also the with the oash, $1.50 per year each. Two Do not support the Reporter. Ex­ names for six months each to count as one Beat of Bolognas. plain to the editor how much better yearly subscription. Give me aoall and be satisfied. and cheaper the New York Herald or The Daily Reporter. Tax D aily R epobteb is issued every day World is. in tbe week except Sundays, and is delivered w. T. BAXTER. F. J. MARTIN. But if you really have the interest of in the oity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 40 your home in view, and want the place ants per month in advanoe. Kates for ad­ vertising same as for T hb W eekly R epobteb . to grow and prosper, take our advice New Firm, New Goods, New Prices Advertising Hates. and At the New Store of lm. 3m. 1 6m. 12ms 1 lw. ' SPACE. Don’t fret. Qne inch....... ••••• |1 50 3 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 Talk about it. Five inches M Col. 3 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 5 00 6 00 18 00 36 00 78 00 jleven In. X " Write about it. Twenty-two inches 10 00 li 00 30 00 60 00 132 00 Beautify the Btreets. Above rates slightly advanced for pre­ Patronize the merchants. ferred positions: "Top of Column,” “Next — IN THB SucoMWora to Al. HUSSEY, Be friendly to everybody. to Reading Matter,” “8eoond Page,” or Third street, McMinnville, Oregon, "Third Page.” Advertise in The Reporter. Local notices in reading oolumn on Elect good men to all the offices. Third page: One insertion, per line lOoents Two insertions per line 15 “ Don’t grumble about hard times. Furnishing Gooda of all kind, andfabove Three insertions per line 20 all 1 HE LOW ESI PRICES. Also agents Keep your sidewalks in good repair. for the By the month per line 25 Avoid gossip about your neighbors. A new, lient and clean stock. Every nrüole jlrobituary notices, resolutions of oon- dolement, etc., to insure publication in the Do your trading with your home Brownsville Woolen Hill, A No. 1, Fruit Jar«, Butter Crock*, colored Glassware, Cutlery, Cased Goods, To­ Reporter, must be aooompanied with instruc­ Carrying a fnil line of all goods made by bacco. Pipes and Cigars. tions: and the name of the proper person or merchants. these oelebrated mills. persons to whom charges for the same are to Sell all you can and buy all you can Freeh Trait and Vegetables in Boaeaa. be made. at home. BUSS LOGAN. BILL LOGAN. WATT HKNDKBHON. If you are rich, invest something; Give me a call. Inspect inv stock, and I Btck -------- E. E. COUCHER, M. D Always cheer on the men who go in And everything ill the Livery hire, for improvements, your portion of the in good shape cost will be nothing only what is just. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. At llraMmahIr Katrm. Don’t kick at any proposed necessary Mo M inn villb ... O begon . STOCK LEFT Not to l>« equalled by any mill In Yamhill improvement because it is not at your with us TRANSIENT — • will receive the beat of care and at- county, notwithatunding rejairte of Home un- door or for fear that your taxes will be tention. pniiciphsi parties to the contrary. Logan Bro«. & Hondonon. Offioe and residence, corner of Third and raised fifty cents. WE WILL SELL DOOBS AKD WINDOWI D streets, next to the postoffice. MoMINNVILLE Don’t use rubber stamps on your let­ At 45 |M>r cent discount from liat |>rio«| Mouldings at (Jo oenta ;M’r hundred feet. ter heads, that is a dead give away on us. m ’ oain . h . hublev . your business, on the town and the Any Thing in the Line of Hardware McCain & Hurley, live newspaper published in it. Get At Huoh priors that will defy competi­ (Jor. .’kl and C Streets, tion, llenmmlier your letter heads, envelopes, business ATTO B N E V S.AT.l, A W NOONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE OVER YAMHILL COUNTY BANK, cards, etc., printed at the Reporter of­ AND NOTARIES KIGHT TO CUI' RATES. I n >OW fice. If we do not have in stock what yon waut, Lafayette, Oregon, we have made arrangements to got Never condemn the Reporter unless Especial attention paid to abstracts of title Attention is respectfully invited to this any thing vou may want, and settlement of estates in probate. it has fairly misused you. If it has dealt BUSINESS SCHOOL. without dely. Wo nak yoo to get Offioe Jail buiding, up stairs. with you unjustly write to us, or come to Its facilities for thorough pnictioal instruc­ prioee elsewhere before you make purchase*. the office and tell the editor about your tion; actual business department a specialty ,IO\|N A < O. MBS. M. SHADPEN. MISS MAY VES8EY case, if he is wrong he will lose no time where onrrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are McMinnville, June in, ’86. used. Class, or private instruction day or in telling the public about it. evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ A. H- OAUWT. Remember that no man does as much plication. Shadden & Vessey, for your town as the editor. Every Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. ¿Si MARKET. sent out is an advertisement of G. R. HIGGINS, Pnn. Fashionable Dressmakers paper the business, the resources and enter­ P. O. Box 101 prise of the place; and people abroad . IFI he Taylor System of Cutting and Fit­ get a better idea of it from the Report­ Family Grocery Store Where the lient of meats nan always be found ting employed. er than from any other ijource. ¿".«J in the Poatoffioe at McMinnville for ^Ähsion Through the Mails as Sec­ CITY MARKET, YAMHILL CO LATEST STYLES it Basier i Martis ta Tn tarn First Class Lumber Business College, THE ABT OF ADVERTISING. Third street. Next to Bishop A Kay’s store. Here is a little catechism from a paper de­ McMinnville, Or. voted to advertisers, and it contains the sum total of the art: M m . A. M c D onald . M iss K. T hobih <>» and What is advertising? The art of exciting I Fashionable Dressmaking. In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery 8tore. OPPOSITE ORANGE HALL, M c M innvtllb - - O bbo ’» Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. J. Harv. Henderson, curiosity, (Saocessor to L. RO»T.) What is curiosity? A feeling of inqnistive- ness. which nothing short of an investigation Dealer in will satisfy. What is the result of creating this feeling? Hunt in VMv- All Froth jcoii, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and Prosperity and riches to the adv.jrtiser. advertiser. Who are the most inquisitive nennle <■" ” Slaarrare and Crockery. Thereto re. if yon w world ? Nr 4g. excite curiosi» Gooda delivered to pnrnhsserw in the oity. SUCOet. r k every time. you wti ,i and at the moot reasonable prions, where the loin of beef I« divided with our ou «tot»- •ni. Meste doue up In the latest style*, an gessi weights given. Give na a call. Yonra trnlv. W. J. Carrlson & Co, l> <’. IRELAND A CO., Fine Job Printers, fTIrillnnville, Orrjren.