< Tl ’IFI3 HKICI K from m moot I par fill Dealt MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. REPORTER DIRECTORY. The Daily Reporter, » eiATx omeua. Umted st.ue Senator» .... I J* THE («REIT transcontinental tjoute . Re pre*-nt« live m Congrem... B Hermann Govarnor....................................... Z. F. Moody The Wilmington Del Morning New«, Gover vr's Secretary.................. C B. Moore« of Hept. Sth. lssf«. give« the following Secretary of State........ ............. R. p. Earhart Aaaiatant Secretary................. F. E. Hodgkin hiatory of a prominent business man s , State Treasurer.................... Ed. Hirscb Kamst «nt Ireasnrer............. A. F. Wheeler plucky fight and terrible experience Supt. of Pub.io l.’.ktroetion E. B McElroy W. .......... h . Bvars with that much-dreaded and always ■'state Printer.......................... Oierk School Land Board E. P. McCornack to-be-feared disease, Cancer: I Supt. Insane .Asylum.... ........ Dr. ,l«jsephi ... G«-o. Collins Home five yean ago a barl>er accident­ Supt. Penitentiary I Warden Penitentiary.... G«o. K. Jackson ally cut my lower lip while shaving | W. P Lord J R. 8. Strahan 1111111111111111» HE DINING CAR LINEHHWW/ffffl me. The pain was very slight and for j Supreme Judge«............... I W W. Thayer THE DIRECT ROI TE! NO DELAYS! FASTEST TRAINS! aotne time hardly gave it pacing nurraicT rc owi. ------------ <) thought. Finally it «turned the con­ First Distnot............................ L. R. Webster T To CHICACO and all points EAST. dition of a wart, which refused to h< al Seo,nd DMtriet............................. Robert B-an CSX «L w A ww S ricke ‘- so , rt , o rtl 1 tkorinent point « 1 lord Distriet. ............................ R. p. Boise Throughout the East and Southeast. entirely with all my effort* in that di­ Fourth District ................... E. D. Shattnok Fifth Dim riot ................. Frank ,1. Taylor rection. I went l<> on- of the leading IO fcA*T KOI \l> P GERS! 'ixth District.................... M. L (Jimstead ph \ - > n 1’! • ■ IF BE CAREFUL AND Do NOT MAKE A MISTAKE— BUT BE SURE CiTT omciM ed me three niont.i« for cancer, and 'I ay or........................ . ------ TO TAKE THE------ . Hon. J. W. t 'otvls ... .J. J. Spenoer sent me home cured, ar he said. But Keoorder ................... Treasurer................... ........... J. L. Kogers Northern Railroad J I wa* apprehensive. I was t«»ld by ;« M arehal ............... ... Geo. Kauffman i Street ('oniwiasioner ........ C. A. Wallace prominent physician of Wilmington COtTlCILMES. that 1 would surely die of canter. | '•V id . < amplíe!!, And see that vour ticket reads via Portland and D. ('. Narver. About this time I hear«! of the wonder­ O*o. W. Jon*#, J. H. Naah. ful cure«, aff-s ted by Swift - Specific, S. A. Manning. T. A. Turner. knowa a* 8.8 S 1 war suffering with OOUWTl OFHCEBH. To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned bv other routes. Through J R P. Bini perfect nervous prostration. After 1 •*»• -niitore Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full ........t J. W. Warts Length of the Line. Berths Free. had given 8.8 H. a fair trial this all ;R. R. Laughlin LOWEST RATES! .11------- PT QUICKEST TIME1 Represent itivM .. ■ F. N. Little di*ap|>eared, and 1 felt like myself ------- o-------- b'Laa. Lafollett GENERAL OFFICE OF THE COAIPANY. again. I continued to take the Swift's Judge L. Ix»ughary ' lerk .Geo. W. Briedwefl Specific medicine regularly for several Sheriff Xo. 2 T J. Harris V. D. CH AHI,TON. General XVestern Passeng'er Agent. months, and before f could realize how Ire« «tarer . W. W. Nelson K«Me«u«or Wyatt Harris it came about. I waea new man again. i J S. Hibbs CotuniiMioneru < Geo. Dorsev In fact I was cured never felt better regon nacifi C ailroad, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA School Supt nly ropul Î lar oute. J. A. 0. Freund in my life, ami from that time up to Surveyor ver j-*..- icturesque anges. Jeff. I). Fenton VIA ' orotier D. < ’. Narver the present I have never felt the least Sheep Inspector A J. Nelson Fast Time. Sure Connection, New Equipment The Oregon and California R. R. evidence* of a return of myoid trouble. And Connections. WKHT Sing NT AOK LINKS. The cancer disappeared over a year 225 Miles Shortest TIME. 2| DAYS. McMinnville to Sheridan daily, via Belle­ 20 Hours Less Time. ago. But I refrained from making the Fare from Portland to San Francisco $32; vue; Sheridan to W'il|«mina and Grand to Sacramento. ^30. cure public before this, as 1 wished to Rond« Mon. W’ed. am) tint ; Grand llonde Acconmiocations unsurpassed for comfort Close connections made at Ashland with and safety. Pares ami Freights MUCH stages of the California. Oregon and Idaho lx- certain that 1 was cured. Mv con­ to Ordown Ta««. and Sat! LESS than by anv other route between all stage company. arlton via North iamhill to Nestockton dition is perfectly normal ,1 have none I Jielio, Netarts, Trask and 1'tllamook. Mon. in Willamette valley and San Francisco (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) of thow annoying symptoms which Wed. and Fri. nt •>.<<) a. m. H um side Division. BETWEEN POHTl.ASUA A'llIAVB Parker to Baeua Vista, daily at 11:3« a. m. followed «•very other treatment used Hail Train. Corvallis to Albanv daily, connecting I »m ly believe that 1 have been with (h’R: to Monroe and Junotion Tues LEAVE. ____ ARRIVE. To San Franoisco. Portland ...s;0) a . m . Ashland...... I hnr. Sat. at 6 a. m. M. one of the worst atllictions Ashland.. . 8;45 f . m .|Portland........ ; 3:45 p. w. Derry to Dallas daily, !;3n p. m. To Sal« rn be visited upon the human daily, 8 a. in. Albany, Express Train. LEAVE. _________ ARB TV*. rarniiy. and by the medicine known as Forest Grove to Mountain Dale and In­ Portland.... 4:HI p , m . Lebanon... 9:20 p. M. Saturday 7 a. m To Greenville Mon- (Except Sundays.) Lebanon... .4:45 a . m . Portland... | o H)5 a . M. H s 8. | <|<, not wish my name to ap- d gles. lav. W. dnesdnv and Friday, 11 a. m. | o Leave Corvallis at 2 p. in. Leave Ya­ PuHnnn Palace Sleeping Cars |x'ar in this connection, for buaineas Gale's creek Saturday. 7 a. tn. quina at 7: 10 a. ni. Hillsiatro n. (rt.-nville, M inntain Dale daily between Portland and Ashland. reasons «»nly, but you are at libertv to and Ingles, daily at 11 p > m. I o Gnle'H creek Oregon and California, West side, trains I lie (). '■ R. r . Ferrv makes connection give my name and address to any fel­ daily at 7 a in, * connect at < orvallis. with all the regular trains oil the east »ide division from foot of F street. low sufferer, for any one interested in Independence to Monmouth dailv, except 1 he Oregon Development Company's West Si<1e (division. ''unday, 11.10 a. tn. and 2:15 ni. th«- cause of humanity RET. PORTI.AN B I Ml < ORV I I.I.IN McCoys to Lino,.In and Zena, daily, at 2: {H FINE Al ll«»ll - I'ni «it. F. is not the gift of France to America. Wholesale Agents. The idea was conceived by Bartholdi, Portland. Oregon. who interested a Urge nutnlwr of citi­ Japanese Cleansing zens of France in the plan,and then- suU scrqxion were followed by a donation of i oo.ooo francs by the city of Paris, and .^oo.ooo francs by more than one H. C WANKF- ’lanutnrlnrrr «nd *olr I* oprtrlor. hundred other cities. The statue is a McMinnville . . . good will offering of the French people | Thi» preparation mi unequalled fur clean* in« ganueata of all soiled spots Paint. Tar. tu the V nrted Slates. Itrense. etc . ernditmted instantly Give it a K T --CREAM....... I It may t«e had of vour Iruggist. As earthquakes become more famil­ J™*- I«*al agent, or by addremintf the undemu n- H. t . M ANEE iar tn their habits, they are less and •u Agents Wanted. MoMinnviHe. <'regon less feared. It » hke samng to sea or going up in a balloon; the more we Cs- cape the mure we are in« hncii to try it ADVERTISERS again. •« •***»«« Sunday .... Friday .... Wednesday Monday.... Saturday ., Jo Monday ... Saturday... Nov 3 Thursday... 15 Wednesday 27 Monday .... ÁkH. , Oct. 4 “ 16 “ 2s Noy. 10 “ 221 At Corvallis connect with trains of the Oregon Pacific for Vayithia Hay. Ex premi Trit in. LEAVE. AKRIVB. Portland..../ ____ p. __ 4:50 m . _ MoM'nville. .8:00 p. M. MoM’nville .5:45 a . m . I Portland' ____ _____ ............ I .. .9:00 a . M. Local tickets for sale ami baggage oheoked at the company's np-town offioe. oorner of l ine and Second streets. Tickets for prin­ cipal points in California can only be pro­ cured it oompany’s office. Corner F and Front streets Portland. Or F rieght will not lie received for shipment after five o clock p. m. on either the east or CIIARLn* 110 11,1«. west sale divisions. E. P ROGERS, R. KOEHLER. r MÜLTNER. Prop., G. F.A P. Aident. Manager. (’orner Third and B streets, The ( ompnnv reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and San Francisco. R >il mut Cabin. $11; Rail and Steerage, $9.8K. For information apply to < H \S. < HOGUE, Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. ('orvallis. Oregon ** r »HViisssil.I.S; . . OREGON New house! New fnmitnre! Unsurpassed tn the country Rate«—$ I to $2 per day ao- oording to room. Single meals 25 cents. Lodging. 25 ta .'«> oents according to room Hoard and IxHtging. $4 to $•.. per week. Two rine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a call and see for yourseif. CITY STABLES. Brewster’» Patent Rein Bolder. I/J Jj •8 wht,< yu —not •>•>• » 4. put , tn them 1 S d"iyfc J a LJOn* »*•’'” »'M lSdo*. tn V “*.»•. <>«»• clwUtr «uld a ‘ ' - - H-» VUK. Write for t»ni£ E. E. BREWSTER, Holly, MHh. Fo* "»I* at this office w CK^e wdt RM ,t w, M, , ’’“'•^.LORDITMOMS V. our auUsria*! «oui». » II K> IH RMI5 BROS. Ample room to care for horero. Livery *t • • reasonable rntee at any where ia Oregon. New »table Third St.. Mell inn vUte.