Th© Ctourch Walter*. D. c. IRELAND A. CO. PUBLISHERS, McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 6, 1886 Seasonable Suggestion*. Ths maple« barsting into flame set all the hills afire, And summer, from her evergreens, sees Paradise draw nigher; A thousand sunsets all at once distill like Hermon’s dew. And linger on the waiting woods, stain them through and through, As if all the earth had blossomed out, one grand Corinthian flower, To crown Time’s graceful capital for just one gorgeous hoar! Band of Hope meeting this after­ noon at two o’c’.^k. Social meeting at 11 o’clock a. m. to­ morrow, at the Christian church. M E. church, H. P. Satchwell pastor Sei vices Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni., Sunday school at 9:30. Al are cordially invited to attend. Seats free. St. James (Catholic) church. Mass at 10: 30 a. m. on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Sunday school at 2: 30 p. m. every Sunday, j. S. White, rector. Services at the St. James church, John C. Fair rector, at 11 a. m. and 7=00 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Friday evening service at 7:00. Seats free ; all are cordially invited. Communion services to-morrow morning. Important Slock Sale. Posters are out for an auction sale of fat and thoroughbred stock bv Mills First National Bank, A Howe at their Mount Stewart farm OF near North \amhill on Saturday Nov. McMINNVUd.E, — • ORE8 “ lots a bad murder case on her hands if “ aores cultivated 101,792 reports from Gervais are true. It is value taxable prop’y 4,038,697 said that the man reported kicked to Gross “ of all property 6,039,4*4 407,055 death by a horse was brutally mur­ Exenipt from taxation 1,593,732 Total indebtedness dered. 1,556 No. polls.... ------ Firemen’s hall is draped in mourn­ li “ paid 291 of men subject military ing for thirty days, and resolutions of duty • condolence passed, in memory of B. E. Sanders deceased, president of l>nvi|>erly, and permanently located in McMinnville, am ready to do nil l.:m’ , i Truck and Deliv­ ery Work at short notice. All goods am trusted to our cure will Le oi.r« fully handled, and promptly delivered. \ls«> keep on hand Wissl of nil kinds ns ohenp the ch<>ip,,st. Orders left ivt the City Drug store will lie promptly attended to. .1 I *'<>LLAKL>. Thr IK 1 Elia- UVII1K to issued Mr pl. and March, each year. *<- 31* |«« V A 1.1' A III.K IMMIKN ronlaln Information gleaned from Ihr market* of the world. Ws will mall a copy Flit.E to auy ad- tij-ta* upon receipt of IO eta. to defray expense of mailing, Iret ua hear from you. HeapeetfUlly, O MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. »«1 dk trv WaJba-k Aveaae. t klrago, IM. SEYMOUR’S diamond HEEP S