f J V ol . 1. ■ no . m . M c M innville , O regon , S aturday N ovember g , o issii PRICE TWO CENTS. I The Daily fteporter\ .VEH’S ANI' X o TE> The monster cigarette fiend of MISCELLANEOUS. America is M. C. Stone. He _ daily __ } I sends out millions of death and dam- nation articles. fEEKLY REPORTER Mrs. and Miss Dolph are home from * I Sixteenth Year of Publication. Europe. While in Paris Miss McLane, I FRED. F. KELLER, Prop., fnnVVlLl.E . . OREGON daughter of the Minister, gave an opera Successor to AV F. llangnsser, C. IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. partly in their honor. Bangasser's budding. Cor B and Thi’d Sta. 0.0. IKCB a A A IB A Co., It is rumored that the recent'pardon —o— PTIILISHERS, Here is where yon can get your money’w given to three Mormon bishops by the worth in (> Third St.. Opposite Weekly Subscription Hates. President caused Kite Field to hur M copy per year in advance - - - $2.00 riedly determine to make her future YAMHILL CO. BANK. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage, Trip», ■ nirt paid in'advanoe - - - . 2.50 and everything in the line of meats, of the p dabs of three or live, when aooompanied home in Washington. D on ’ t F orget the P lace , best quality the country affords, Alao the with the cash, $1.5*• per year each. Two The boodle Aiderman of New York nsmesfor six months each to count as one Bost of Bolotinas, yearly subscription. have divided up among themselves not The Daily Reporter. Give me a call and be natisfied. —Where you will— T hx D aily K epobteb is issued every day only a quarter of a million dollars, but ithe week except Sundays, and is delivered exile, imprisonment, death, disgrace, W. T. BAX 1ER. f . J. M irti ». ithecity at 10 cents per week. By mail, 4per person or tion will be left without a spokesman Carrying a full line of nil goods mnde by bai'co, and Cigars. these celebrated mills. persona to whom charges for the same are to in the lower house. Jemade. ____ The strangest political performance BÜSS LOGAN, BILL LOGAN. WAIT HKNPKBSoN. Fresh Fruit and Vegotablos in Bimaon. me a call. Inepect mv stock, mid I Book & Job Printing;. of the year was that of the democratic LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. will Give gunrsutoe prices to -nil you. We beg leave to announce to the public state convention of l enncssee, which Proprietors of the old established and well Ithat we have just added a large stock of new known [novelties to our business, and make a special­ incorporated in its platform a declara­ tv of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads. tion in favor of submitting to a vote of 51 <• 51 i mi v illo Statements, Business Cards, Ladies’ Calling Cards. Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro- the people a prohibition constitutional We would nnnoiinoc (U mi y; > LIVEKV. FEED AND SALE |pammes. Posters, and all descriptions of ?• ,3< stable. We are prepared at all vork. Terms favorable. Call and be con- amendment. It is the same as that wm ■ ■ '*/•••- ~hours to furnish meed. D. C. IRELAND A CO. recently adopted by the republician Are turning oat large iiinountn of convention in Pennsylvania, and has rinc <’nrvin^e«. Hark« and Thu Very Best Quality *ia «II KAI ER. Lafayette. Oregon, I« Aow Opril. If wo do not have in stock what you want, Especial attention paid to abstracts of titl the evils which result from the abuse Attention is respectfully invited to this we have made arrangements to got i d settlement of estates in probate. of liquor. That is, they are to stop any thing yon tuny want, BUSINESS SCHOOL. Office Jail binding, up stairs. without dely. We ask you to get poverty, wife beating, crime of all de­ Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ pnoes elsewhere before you make purolinscs. Mi8- M. SHADPEN. grees, of insanity and decease; a job tion; actual business department a s)Msunlty MISS MAY VES8KY ,IOM> < O. the prohibitionists will be apt to de­ where ourrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are McMinnville, .lune 10, ’H4>. used. Class, or private instruction day or cline with a thank you. Some of these evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ W. ». GAHK1HOM. A. H. GAUNT. people think the greatest abuse of plication. Portrait Work a Specialty. EURISKÖ MARKET. • ble Dressmakers liquor is its existence. They would ( Crayon P.O. Box 101 G. K. HIGGINS, l’rin. eliminate the evils by cutting otf the I ylor System of Cutting and Fit- head of the worm of the still Al ng Where the twat of meats can always I m . found side with the liquor manufacture s reso­ mid nt the most rensonnble lincea, where lutions there come reports f French •xt to Bishop A Kay’« «tore, the loin of lieef is dividisi with our custom- oMinnTille, Or. experiments to determine wheth era. Meats done uu In the luteal fltylea, \V. F. COLLARD, un I good weights given. Give nn « Mil. er water is fattening or otherwise. 9 *** A. H Yours truly, “ ald . Mm« K. T hobut 'I The latest scientific conclusion is that Doal> - in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, W. J. Carrlson A Co. large quantities of water make a man Fash nable Cut cry, Fine Fishing tackle. Cigars, neither thinner nor fatter. And both IB C. IRELAND A l CO., the thirst cure and the hot-water cure Etc. Dressmaking. are regarded as violations of the nat ural In M- ■ P Stuart*« Millinery Store, .reel, Opjiomte McMinnville i condition ot ' > onb’ saiet) T O« HITE GRANGE HALL, lies in modera'I , Just enough 1 water McMtwr ills Bath*. « • O bbqov I MaMmr .. . . Oa«»a*land not ’ McMinnville, Ore<«a. lWMd in the Postoffice at MoMiunville for [ransinissii'n Through the Mails as Sec- fflj Class Matter._______________________ CITY MARKET, YAM HILL CO., ALWAYS I IND Baxter i Martin LATEST STYLES. TO THE PUBLIC. First Class Lumber Business College, Fine Job Printers,