Th© Patty Reporter. D. c. IRELAND i CO. PUBLISHERS, MeSfinhville, Or. ...■ - Nov 5. 1886 ------ —----- - ---------------- Peter Head has returned from his sojourning in Salem. I. C. Lawrence has finished his work in Polk county for the year. J. C. Terry has had a tussle with the fever, but is coming ofT first best. The job department of the Reporter is at work upon fine printing for Port­ land. Judge and Mrs. R. P. Boise left for the east on Wednesday to be absent about three months. Col. W. H. H. Waters of Salem goes as deputy collector with Quincy A. Brooks to Port Townsend. The daily German paper of Portland, suspended publication yesterday. The weekly will be continued. Cecil Beebe, indicted for embezzling money from Shindler & Co., was sen­ tenced to five years in the peniten­ tiary. Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ ville college. Residence corner of Second and C Streets. Mrs. Senator Mitchell and daughter, Miss Mattie E., have just reached Washington from a two years tour, most of which was spent in Paris. The rubber stamp man has been here again, gulling greenies, who pay more for stamp botches than it costs to get decent printing at this office. The good Lord sends us these lovely days to dry up an intolerable mud *n our streets, else this city would be as bad as Salem, where the streets re­ semble one vast sewer. Save time and money by handing your subscription for any paper or magazine to Chas. Grissen, he is the local agent for the American Sub­ scription Co. The firemen of this city have de­ cided upon a ball for thanksgiving. The committee of arrangements con­ sists of Messrs. W. F. Bangasser. P. I). Glenn, Elsie Wright, L. C. Turner and E. W Fuller. Ripe strawberries in Salem on the 31st, growing in the open air, flowers blooming in gardens in McMinnville, and 18,(00 fish at one haul on Puget sound, last week, are the latest start­ ling facts on production in the Pacific northwest. Tangent farmers haul their wheat to Albany because of the excessive freight charges on the OCR : $20 per car to Portland, 86 miles, and $18 per car to Albany, seven miles. Wheat is selling at 60 cents in Tangent but on account of cheap rates over the OPR is worth 64 in Albany, which is caus­ ing large quantities to move in that direction. W. J. Garrison and several other In­ dian war veterans, from Yamhill county, attended the reunion in Port­ land Tuesday and listened to the able address by Hon. Elwood Evans. The Oregonian published the address in full, ft is a very able document on the subject of the Indian wars of 1855- 6; the authorities and people of Ore- ntR the following sterling oompan- The present proprietor’s reason for ic-. I.ondo ■. A Liverpool ,t Globe, North British A Mercantile. Cktmnteroinl Union selling is that he is too far advanced Eno Aaeociatioi . German tmerioaii, Fire­ ’s Fund. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo in age to attend to it. and is determin­ man Nevada, State 'n vestment. ed to sell if an opportunity is otl’ered. Wheat insnratioe a s|»eoialty. even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound i.. g . mi rr»;H u. •<• iixniri ^ to sell it if a customer comes. North SUITED & DANIEL, Yamhill is as rapidly improving town Proprietors of th« ;ts any on the west side, is the center of a large trade, the starting point for LAFAYETTE MILLS, Deniers in Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters and sportsmen in the summer season, and this is the best chance for a good man in the whole state. For further particulars address this office, or apply LAFAYETTE, Yamhill to., OREGON. to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon. FIRE HreURANOR Watch This Art Gallery. We desire to inform the public that we have lately lidded a line of Roils to our Mill,to­ gether with the necessary machinery to make an A No. I Article of Flour, And have the same in Himoessful <>is>mtion. While we do not olaiiu to make The Best Roller Flour In the State, We do claim to make ah nrtiolo The Murder Excitement. The only topic that calls a group of men together in Yamhill county these days is the murder of 1). I. Corker. Great excitement prevails in Lafayette, where the investigation has proceeded since Tuesday, under direction of Coroner Narver. Suspicion rests upon two men, strongly supported by cir­ cumstantial evidence, and the pent up feelings of an outraged community is liable to explode at any moment, with a vengeance swift and speedy in its execution. It were better to let the strong arm of the law assert itself by systematic methods, particularly when it is possible that an innocent man is made a victim of mi-plaeee suspicion ; and in this case, while it is true that strong circumstances would seem to point to the accused as the guilty pair, the better judgment of the people should be coolly invoked to temper the justified wrath of a community so grossly shocked as this has been. That this murder is without a parallel in the history of Oregon is too true. It closely resembles the Delaney trag­ edy of years long gone by in Marion county, and the thread of circum­ stances connecting the suspicions in this case is more certain in our esti- nnrtion than those which connected Beade and Baker with the murder of Delaney. At all events, let the law­ take its course. MISCELLANEOUS. . . , ,4 = Second, to ZTone. —AH A— Straight Grade Family Flour, And far better limn can tie made on Stone« alone. We have lieen to much expense to make tins change, and believe we deserve a liber­ al .hare of isiblio iwitronage, and n«k a fair trial. We guarantis* results. si rri R a nt%Ti]L. This is the time of venr when Merchants all begin to show low prices. We realize that permanent tiade cannot be made unless one has the cor­ rect styles and correct prices. We are selling goods at aston­ ishingly low prices on the mer­ its of our wares. We know that there are no better styles of Clothing, no better fitting, no better made than ours, and we believe that no one in Mc­ Minnville is selling Clothing as cheaply as we are. We only ask an inspection of our goods and a comparison of prices. BI8H0I’ 4 KAY. SAMXT2CX« GOFF, Ijite of Independence, having purchased the All persons indebted to me to call and settle their account immediately. F. W. R edmond . ---------- - . Of Logan Bria» A Hendemon. offers bia servioee in that line to the pnblie, and will Cnrd of Thank». (¿uarnntrr Natinlaction TtAlM AMD TRI < KM Rev. G. W. Branson and wife wish To ail who favor him with their patronage. to extend ’heir heartfelt thaukt- t*> He wMl keep a waguo specially adMAed to the delivery of p*rwi« trcaka «atabeis. etc , for the .kind isjera and friends who so the aeeomooation of th« pubh«. Orders loft liberilh cnnlrlb&W to mif stpporL at U m stable will ba promptly attended to at \<> I <111 TRICK. Having purchased the Strain property, aud permane itly located In McMinnville, am ready t-> d. all kinds of Truck und Deliv­ ery Woik at short notice. All goods en trusted to our care will be carefully handled, and promptly delivered. Us<> keep ou liana Wood of all kinds ns cheap is tile cheapest. Orders left at the Citi Drug -.line will be promptli ui. . ...... to. .J .1 ’ i il,I. \ RD. The HUkKllM* UVIDK U laaurd Hept, anti Marei», rach year. .1H4 l«*«»». il1, Indlr*,»Uh over 3,BOO illuatratinna - a whole Picture Oallery. GiVKN Who levair Price«