DAILY VOL. I- NO. 53. Th» Pally »»porter. 3# 1EPORTKR M c M innville , O regon , F riday , N ovember Hear Our Gentle Voice. 5, isse. PRICE TWO CENTS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS To bust the town. in the Postoffioe at MoMinnville for Oppose improvements. ^mission Through the Mails as Sec­ Mistrust its public men. Claes Matter. ____________________ Run it down to strangers. Lengthen your face when a stranger : talks of locating in it. FRED. F. KELLER, Prop Sixteenth Year of Publication. If a man wants to buy your property : Successor to W F. Bangaaeer. M anville -___ O regon charge him two prices. OF Hangaaeer’a building, Cor B and Third Hta If he wants to buy anybody else, in­ C IRELAND. E. L. E. WHITE. terfere and discourage him. Here is where you oan get your moneyM D, C. IRELAND 4k Co., Refuse to see any merit in the scheme worth in PUBLISHES«. Third St., Opposite that does not directly benefit you. —-------- o---------- Beef. Pork, Mattei, Sausage. Trly^ Weekly Snhacriptian Rates, If you can’t hog everything, judge YAMHILL CO. BANK e copy per Xear advance - - - $2. 1.00 everybody by yourself, and accuse and everything in the line of meats, of the not paid in advance ... - 2.50 D on ’ t F orget the P lace , beet quality the country affords. Also the them of doing it. olubs of three or five, when accompanied nth the cash, <1.50 per year eaoh. Two Do not support the Reporter. Ex­ Best of Bolognas iame8 for six months each to count as one plain to the editor how much better Give me a call and be aatietied. early subscription. and cheaper the New York Herald or The Daily Reporter. ? hb D ailt R kpobthb is issued every day World is. W. T. BAXTER. the week except Sundays, and is delivered But if you really have the interest of the city at 10 oents per week. By mail. 40 your home in view, and want the place its per month in advanoe. Rates for ad rtising same as for T hb W beblt K epobtbb . to grow and prosper, take our advice Advertising Rates. and At tiie New Store of Don’t fret. SPACE. J |lw. 1 lm. |’8in. 1 6m. 112ms ie inch............. »1 50 3 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 Talk about it. 3 00 5 00 9 00 18 00 30 00 ve Inches X Col 5 00 0 00 18 00 36 00 78 00 Write about it. even in. X” renty-two inchei 10 00 12 00 30 (HI till (Ml 132 00 Beautify the streets. MT Above rates slightly advanced for pre Patronize the merchants. SuoocsHors to Al. HUSSEY, — IN THB ned positions: “Top of Column,” “Next Third street, McMinnville, Oregon. Be friendly to everybody. Reading Matter,” “Second Page,” or Advertise in The Reporter. fhird Page.” t#"Local notices in reading c imn on Elect good men to all the offices. lird page: One insertion, per line lOcents Furnishing Goods of all kind, and|above Don’t grumble about hard times. vo insertions per line IS “ 44 1’HE LOWEST PRICES. Also agents iree insertions per line -<1 4» Keep your sidewalks in good repair. all for the r the month per line 25 A new. neat mid clean stock. Every article Avoid gossip about your neighbors. tbituary notioes, resolutions of oon- A No. I. Fruit Jara, Blitter Crock», Colored llrowiiNvillc Woolen ▼■■II, Do your trading with your home lement, eto., to insure publication in the Glassware, Cutlery, Cased G imm I s , T o - »porter, must be accompanied withinstrnc- merchants. Carrying a full line of all goods made by ba, Pipes and Cigars. >ns; and the name of the pr oper person or these celebrated mills. Sell all you can and buy all you can rsons to whom charges for the same are to Trosh Fruit and Vogotablos in lea made. at home. BUSH LOGAN. HILL LOGAN. WA IT HKNDKHHON. Give me a call. Inspect my stock, and I If you are rich, invest something; will guarantee prices to suit you. employ somebody, be a “ rustler." iook & Job Printing» If you don’t think of any good word Proprietors of the old established and well We beg leave to announce to the public known at we have just added a large stock of new don’t say anything about anybody. ivelties to our business, and make a snecial- Remember that every dollar invest ­ of Letter Heads. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Al<• Al i ii ii v i 1 le atements. Business Cards, Ladies (’ailing ed in permanent improvement is that We would aiinounoe timt LIVERY, FEED AM) SALE irds, Ball Invitations (new designs) Pro­ much on interest. stable. We are prepared nt ail T ■* *■ ■ ■ mûmes, Posters, and all descriptions of Be courteous to strangers that come hours to furnish irk. Terms favorable. Call and be con- Are turning out large amounts of among you, so that they may go away noed. D. 0. IRELAND A CO. Fine Carriage*, Hack* and The Very Best Quality with good impressions. Saddle llor*c*, ----------- OF------------ Always cheer on the men who go in E. COUCHER. M. D And everything in the Livery hire, for improvements, your portion of the in good shape cost will be nothing only what is just. Al RcaMonablr Rate*. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Don’t kick at any proposed necessary TRANSIENT STOCK LEFT Not to lie equalled by any mill in Yamhill nMnrwvTT.T.B . - - O ue G o N improvement because it is not at youi with ns will receive the best of cure and at­ oounty, notwithstanding reporta of some (in- principled piirtios to the contrary. door or for fear that your taxes will be tention. Logan Bro». !c Hondor^on. Offioe and residence, oorner of Third and raised fifty cents. WE WILL SELL DOOBS AND WINDOWI Mo.MlWVIl.LE streets, next to the poatoffice. Don’t use rubber stamps on your let­ At 45 per cent, dinoount from list pnoei Mouldings at oenta jier hundred feet. ter heads, that is a dead give away on Any Thing in the Line of Hardware your business, on the town and the At auoh prices that will defy oompeti­ live newspaper published in it. Get Cor. 3d and C Streets, tion. Remember your letter heads, envelopes, business OVER YAMHILL OOUNTY BANK, NO ONE FIRM HAS EXCLUSIVE cards, etc., printed at the Reporter of­ RIGHT TO CU T RATES. I* N ow Open. If we do not bnve in stock what you want, fice. we have made arrangemeiita io get Never condemn the Reporter unless Attention is respectfully invited to this any thing vou miiy want, ithasfairly misused you. If it has dealt BUSINESS SCHOOL. without dely. We ask you to get with yon unjustly write to us, or^come to Its facilities for thorough practical instruc­ price* elsewhere before you make puroha the office aud tell the editor about your tion; aotuai business department a specialty j (>\ en a KISS MAT VB88BV M. 8HADIIEN. case, if he is wrong he will lose notime where ourrenoy, bank check, drafts, etc., are MoMinnville, Jane lb, ’ML used. Class, or private instruction day or in telling the public about it. evening. College Journal sent free on ap­ V. ». oAaaiaoN. Remember that no man does as much Shadden & Vessey, for your town as the editor. Every plication. -----AT THE paper sent out is an advertisement of Crayon Portrait Work a Specialty. the business, the resources and pnter- P. o. Box 101 G. R. HIGGINS, Brin. prise of the place; and people abroad WThe Taylor System of Cutting and Fit- get a twitter idea of it from the Report­ Where the t>eat of meats oan always be fornii er than from any other source. ng employed. CITY MARKET. LT WPtMTEK YAMHILL CO., w- New Firm, New Goods, New Prices LATEST STYLES Bister i Martin Fusi F w tax LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON. TO THE PUBLIC First Class Lumber Business College, co EURISKO MARKET. fashionable Dressmakers 1 ' THB ABT OF ADVKBTISntO. street, Next to Bishop A Kay’s store, Here is a little oatechism from a paper de­ MoMinnville, Or. voted to advertisers, and it contains the earn and total of the art: . . R hs . A. M c D onald . M iss K. T bobbtob What ia advertising? The art of exciting Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, W. F. COLLARD, • fashionable Dressmaking. ^What^iscurioeity? A feeling of inqniative- neae. which nothing short of an investigation Cutlery, Fine Fishing tackle, Cigars, Etc. ____ _ W'what is^the result of cresting thia feeling? o_ and rich«» t' the advertiser. P Wh^ are the i -J ’»«¡»ve PT’P1* ‘“Je Third Street, Oppouito McMinnville In Mrs. H. P. Stuart’s Millinery Store, Bathe. world? aiow Amer - v --■ -------- ■fora, » if * you would woriur OPPOSITE OB ANGE HALL, suoeeed in %dv '• ex«M onricrtty, and McMiwwvillb O bboos ----- .ni ht Ch« « ■ ■ »r*ry tim«. InMxnvflUB O bboom . , ^TwUl'hitib' « sud at the the loin of era. end most roMonable prices, w tiara beef is divided with our on a torn­ âoM up in the latest etylea. sights given. Give ua a eaU. roly, W. J. Garrison 4k Co. I> C. IRELAND & CO Hue Job Printers, McVIinn ville, Oreg«a. I [ I I i