MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. I * •William E. Mason—yon brutal ate The Pdly Reverter. BEN A TOK MANOX’S WIFE, ■so itetr Mia a Mlea IHawar teat Apprs' M« Mi« Joke. IHiAl children enjoyed the joke JuM aa much aa I did—yea, and wife, too, rot to laughing about it after awhile. Our boy Louis said: “Do it again, pa; its m.g ity jolly to have a big dinner once in awhile.” “But look here, you reporter: yon aren’t taking notes on me? Come, ooma. now. that’s not right: you mustn’t tell the story on me. Put it on ion» body else—put it on Bill Campbell. THE GREAT TRANSCONTINENTAL J.OÜTI MORTHEonACincn ailroab lu ...... *.... ...... K . ...... Il SHOKEST! ft BEST! || QUICKEST ¡ ••It is only about twice a year.” rc- ■harked S.aie Senator W illiam E Mason the other dev to an Arkautaw Travel­ ler retorter.’-nnat I'm smart enough to ^xd mv w fa Last Monday I played a trick tiat ought to serve m a capital i-ggesuon for ' ’.her nusbands to con­ REPORTER DIRECTORY. duct op. ra’..on* on. Along about 4 *»>*****M****************************************im o’clock >n I began to get olmng cab STATE OFFICEte. fain: and hungry; I had been working THE DI KELT KOI TE! NO DEL AYS! FASTEST TRAKi; . - Jos. N. Dolph hard all dar and «»■ ** famished and „••o Ui ited States Senators , j H. Mitchell o------- a* f*gg^'‘ • hunted wolf. As I »at in Representative in Congress.... B Hermann T . WR .1-, To CHICACO and all points EAST mv offic» chair wondering what I »M Govern- >r ................. . Z. F. Moody LOWfiSt luUSS Tic‘ie‘' sold ,o aU fho ’ iiaeat poni; go ng tu tinu for dinn -r when I got Goveri or’a Secretary........... . ,C B. Moore* ddU VV VW w rewwewwiw Throuihoui the East and Southeaii. . R. P. Earhart E^ruc, an entirely ne« jd marreoous- Secretary of State ............. F. E. Hodgkin )y bnUia.it idea flash' uo°n me. It Assistant Secretary............. IO ILAST HOIAD PA**E\.strict.............................. Robert Bean To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned Iw other routes. Thnril shrill, fa setto voire asked: *!-> that ird District................................ R. P. Boise Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains Full F jrth I’lstnc: .................... E. D. Shattuck Senator Mx.«on's bou«e* Length of the Line. Berths Free. Fifth District ..................... Frank J. Taylor **'Tea,'came the answer, and 1 re- LOWEST KATES! -¿J------- QUICKEST TIffl -ixth District ..................... M. L Olmstead cogn^e>i my w.fe _t lb ther end of the ------- o I citt orncxss GEM-HAL OFFICE OF THE COMPAAY, wire *• 'la the Senator at home?' 1 asked in Mayor.................................... Hon. J. W. Cowls .... I. Sjienre-r the same feminine roll’«. Treasurer............................. J. L. Rogers t. D. (HABLTOX, General Western Passenger Agent. - ’No.' was the repiv Marshal ............................ Geo. Kauffman •• •Well. then, is Mr» Mason there?' I Street Commissioner......... ♦...< . A. Wallaoe inquired ailroad, acific comciutzK. OVERLAND TO CALIFORMU “ Yoe I am Mrs. Mason.’ was the an­ OnT" oute. opular W m. ■ ampbell. D. C Narver. anges. swer icturesque m ver J. S. Nash •• "Oh, is that you?' 1 cried, "how do Geo. W. Jones. The Oregon and California It ¡ S. A. Manning. T. A. Turner. Fart Tine. Sure Cctterticn, New Equipaext you do?" And Connections. •• Why. bow d'you do?' responded ootim ort leans. TIME, 2| DAYS. my wife, but I knew by her tones that i R P.____ Bird 225 Miles Shortest Senators.... ahe hadn't the remotest idea wtiorn she ........ ) J. W. Watts Fane from Portland to San Francis«) |S 20 Hours Less Time. jR. R. Laughlin was talking to to Sacramento. $30. .. - F. N. Little Close oonnections made at Ashland rt •* "How are all the chileren?' I asted. Represent itici* Accommodations unsurpassed for oomfort 'Chas. Lafollett and safety. Fares and Freights MUCH stages of the California. Oregonandlas “ ‘Thev re all very well.' said wife- 'Judge L Loughary LESS than by any other route between all stage company. *" "Well' said I. "1 happened to be m I ■ lerk .Geo. W. Briedwell in Willamette valley and San Francisco. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. town shopping to-dar. and I thought I'd Sheriff T J. Harris East Side Division. , Treasurer W . W. Nelson go over to your house to dinner.' BETWEEN I’llHTI ODA ASBL1M Wyatt Harris “Well, that sort of staggered wjfa Assereor ’1ail Train. i J. S. Hibbs < 'otoni is*K>ners She mustered up voice euough U> aax: LEAVE. IKBIU ■ Geo. Dorsey -•Who are you?' Portland... .8900 A.M. Ashland...... Wil School Sopt J. A. C. Frennd •'Then I answered: Ashland. . 8ri5r. m . Portland...... Surveyor Jeff. D. Fenton “ "Wtiv. don’t vou rveogtiiae the 1 orener Albany Express Trail. D. < ’. Narver DAILY PASSE.AG EH THAH', Sbre-p Inspector Voice? Tm Mrs. ilya-yahl* Awn LEAVE. A J. Nelson Portland.... 4?.0 p. m . Lebanon.... U hi “ *1 don't catch the name—epeak (Except Sundays. > Lebanon ... 4.-45 a. m Portland...: "ill WEST SIl'l STAGE LISES. louder.- »he ; vaded. • "Mrs. Mya-vahr 1 repeated, and Pullman Palace Sleeping Can McMinnville to Shendan daily, via Belle­ Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya- wi that, .n order to preclude aU en>- vue: Shendan to Willamina and Grand quina at 7: 10 a. m. daily between Portland and Ashiiai bamaa ng comoiicaüon«. 1 shut off the 1. tide Mon. W^d. and Sat : Grand Konde Oregon and California. West side, trains The O’. A C. R. R. Ferry makes con«« to <>retown Tut*, and Sat. telephone a* tight as I could. Then I with all the regular trains on the e«t m oonnect at ( orvallis. division from foot of F street arltoo via North Yamhill to Newtoekton threw myee.f into a chair and laughed West Side Division. ¡The Oregon Development Company’s u,l 1 like u> went into apoplexy. Laugh? Hebo, Netarte. Ir-.sk and Tillamook. Mon BET. PORTLAND AND MBVMR Weil, you night to have seen the plae- " ed. and Fn. at »><0 a m. FINE Al 31ail Train. Parker to Buena Vista, daily at 11:30 a.m. ter.ng fall around tne! But. to make , abbhb LEAVE 4 *° Gbanv daily, connecting the long saocy short, 1 reached home romana. .. ~ < :3 ■ a. n. McM'nville.lHM Portland... (MR to Mo roe and Junction Tues about 45, and of all the dinners I ever with McM'nville 10:13 a. M. Corvallis.. .1»»! Thur Sat. at ’ a m. Corvallis... 1:30 p . m . McM'nviik. . 6:15*3 34f»l olapp^l eyes on—gosh it wa* a banquet! SAILS Deny to Dallas daily. A' p, m. To Salem McM'nville 3:44 p M. Portland.. • 6:15*1 W fe Na : ti»-r new t .ack silk dress on. daily. F a. m. From Yaqnina. From San Francisco. At Corvallis oonnect with train» ■[ and she ha>! slicked the children up so day.... Oct. 1" Monday .... Oct. 4 I orest Grvve_ to Mountain Dale and In- Oregon Pacific for Friday .... 22 Saturday.......... “ 16 that I evtud haru.y identify ihrtn. m To Greenville Mon- 3 Thursday.... “ 2< : "1 think we d .«etter wait dinner a dav. W^neaday and Fndav. Ila m. To W edne*>day Nov. Wiqiuna Bay M Monday.... 15 Wednesday.. .Noy. 10; while. Gear, said w.fe. Gaw a ereek Saturday. 7 a. ni • 4 Exprews Traia. Saturday... 27 Mcnday.......... “ 22 UUTn I a BBIH. “ bv a>* I asked. 'B eas vou. I m uuve . Alina Hillsboro to Greenville. Mountain Dale *nd 1 glea. dai y at 11 p m. To Gale's creek Portland. ... .. .4iP>-' V»-1 p r. - M- M. McM'nnlk. as hungry as an a., gator The < ompany reserves the right to change Portland sailing days. Fares. between Corvallis and McM'nville .5?45 a. m . Portland.—“1 “Tl'm wfe told me she was exywct- oaijy at i m. Local tickets for sale and baggtfl««* San Francisco. Rail and Cabin. $14: Kail mg a Lady guest, and »he repeated the Independence to Monmouth daily, except at the company's up-tow offioe. «■• • P and Steerage, $i».S8. deia..« of toe telephone of the afte - 'unday. ll.tO v m. and 2.-45 p m. For information apply to Pine and Second streets. Tickets WF It • a* a tearful ordeal, but I McVeys to Lino In and Zena, daily, at 3:30 cipal pointe in California can or.ly <»l CHAS. C HOGUE. p tc. * I Manag'd to nA>< innocent, and of Acting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. cured at company’s office. Corn« Oourwe I »uaJerei who the .adv cv-u.d Corvallis, Oregon Front streets Portland. Or. d be 7 Frieght will not be received for -J after five o’clock p. m. on oitber tM " "Indeed. 1 d<.»o t know.' *a d w:fa, Oregon Kidney Tea. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, wect E. P side divisions. •but her wmcw was strange r familiar O. f k R. KOEHLER. I ve twwn p xx ng my<* f a.-noet to Nature s own Remedy r. MULTNEH. Prwp^, Manager. dewir. trying to gue* who it waa’ Corner Third and B streets. Will speedily relieve and per- •» »ailed fifteen minutes and manentiy cure all the vanoos WCytlN3iVlLLF. . . OREHOV -a— •* -*t down to the banquet—and difficulties anaangfreen adieor New house' New furniture! Unsurpassed 3ered condition of the a rvral »«. **' 1 " * ^ad axip and in the oountry Raves— $1 to $2 per day ao- ^rding Single meals 25 rente. teh and ah.* about a deren LIVER AND KIDNEYS Lodging. to 35 room. to 50 rents according to room. dttte rede d jte X It w perfectly harm lew and Board and Lodging. $4 to $6, per week. Two and bought a ga,. can be giver, to the most de'i- r me Sample Rooms for commercial men cwte woman or child. For Mie Give me a call and see for yourself. and a froesed cake . by all druggveta it jwat as long as I I —==St PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS.^^- No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregoi P R Only Route via Taquina Bay To San Francisco J Steamship Yaquina City o enure to tbs ptnk we stand it any longer n a< I Looked at wife are “Mv K T . CITY ^xx-t- Hir.un A Watwnn Wholesale Agent» Portland. Oregon. ADVERTISERS LORI ft TROUS. STAB