The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 04, 1886, Image 3

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    Th» Daily Reporter.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
The Centennial Gate.
•plendid glass of jelly prepared by ouf Farmers read the following testi­
ittle friend Cyntithia Fellow«, and of mony of men who have tried and'
that lot that was awarded first pre­ worked the Centennial Gate.
First National Bank
McMinnville, Or. - Nov. 4, 188Q mium at the state fair.
We the undersigned have seen the
The Yankery conducted in London Centennial Gate and can testify that M c M innville , -
Take it and try it a week. Daily Re­ >y John C. Swash at the prospective it will do all that is claimed for it.
......... PieaKÌ«nt
J acob W ortman .
». P. T hompson ,
< expense of Oregon, might as well be F.W. Delashmutt, T. B. Hunter.
Ten cents buyB it a week. Daily yanked out. All the desirable immi­ H. H. Jasperson, J. J. Johnson,
I grants from that quarter have emi­ J. Cunningham, C. Callv,
Tranwu'U » (fanerai Banking buaineaa.
C. Richardson,
Intvreot allowatl ou lime depoaits.
W. W. Wallace,
Thanks to E. W. Conyers and S. H. grated, with very few exceptions.
Collection* made ou favorable tarin*.
J. P. Wallace,
J. Callv.
Pate for favors.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphie Transfer»
One of the encouraging features of Farm rights sold on the best
of on New York. San Francisco and Portland.
P. M. writes a good letter to the the political outlook is the decadence
terms. For particulars address Bur­ Ortuv honr*—from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in.
Oregonian from Yamhill.
of free trade sentiment in the south gess A Graves, McCoy. Or., sole agents
Mrs. Stuart expects to go to Port­ coincident with the introduction of
for Polk and Yamhill counties.
land on business this week.
manufactures, the development of
The Odd Fellows are talking of mineral wealth and the construction
A ItarKitln.
Represents the following sterling compan­
building a brick next year. Good.
Ijondon A Liverpool A Globe. North
of new lines of railway. A majority
rhe Exchange hotel of North Yam­ ies:
British A Mercantile, Ootnnieroinl Union
Darby Glenn has the boss rat killer. of the leading newspapers of that sec­ hill, containing twenty-two rooms in Fire
Araociation, German Amerioau, Fire­
It is a domesticated owl, which he tion are advocates of a protective all, two stories high, is ofl'ered for sale man's Fund, Hartford, Coiuuieroial, Anglo
Nevada, State Investment.
caught himself.
for cash, or exchange for real estate. Wheat insurance a specialty.
The council met for the last time,
If you have an old orchard tree The house is well known to the travel­ I., <4. M ITWI.
It. It. IHN1EL
unless convened in special session, that cannot be kept in good condition ing public, and doing a good business.
Tuesday evening.
cut it down and burn it. They are fruit­ The present proprietor’s reason for
Proprietor« of the
The firemen are preparing for a ful sources of the destructive codling selling is that he is too far advanced
suitable observance of Thanksgiving moth. The worms are generated in in age to attend to it, and is determin­ LAFAYETTE MILLS
O oh I uth in
day in this city.
the old trees that are left standing ed to sell if an opportunity is offered,
Our city fathers are going immedi­ uncared for, after the owner is done even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound
ately to work to revise the city char­ with them. Various causes are given to sell it if a customer comes. North
ter. ,That is good.
for their presence here, but this is Yamhill is as rapidly improving town
All the news; at your door; six perhaps the most certain way of prop­ as any on the west side, is the center We deHire to inform the poblie that we have
times a week ; only ten cents ; every­ agating them. Not a stone should be of a large trade, the starting point for lately added a line of Holls to our Mill,to­
gether with the ntHWHHary machinery to
body reads it. The Daily Reporter.
left unturned to destroy them.
Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters make an
Mrs. A. J. Apperson and Mrs. E.B.
The jury on the inquest at Lafay- and sportsmen in the summer season,
A No. I Article of Flour,
Fellows called yesterday as they were ettte is composed of the best men in and this is the best chance for a good And have the name in HtiooeHsful operation.
While we do not claim to make
out enjoying the delightful weather. the county: P. P. Gates, J. L. Fer- man in the whole state. For further
Mart. M. High has begun work for gurson, J. Hoberg, R. R. Daniels, Geo. particulars address this office, or apply The Best Roller Flour
Henderson Bros, in this city. Mart is Perkins and J. H. Olds. The atrocity to J. Delap, North Yamhill, Oregon.
In the State,
one of the best horsemen on the west of this murder is without a parallel in
We do claim to make (tn art id»
the annals of crime. The murderer
Witch This Ari Gallery.
Seoond to None.
Miss Belle Johnson, teacher of mu­ must have been a monster worse than
—AB A—
sic in McMinnville and at McMinn­ a fiend. His bloody work was horri­
ville college. Residence corner of fying to detail. Evidently Mr. Corker
Family Flour
Second and C Streets.
had attempted to defend himself, as
lie made on
We are pleased to hear that plans his right arm was broken in three
Btonea alone.
are on foot to start a large manufac­ places, and his left hand badly cut. 1
We have been to much expense to make
thin change, ami believe we deserve a liber­
turing establishment in McMinnville. His face and head were slashed up
al aim re of peblio patronage, and ask h fair
A move in the right direction.
beyond recognition.
trial. We guarantee reaiilta.
Mr. Wright, one of the three oppo­
site Cook’s hotel, we are pleased to
to me to call and
learn will build a substantial brick at
that corner of cross streets as soon as settle their account immediately.
F. W. R f . dmond .
I the present lease on the premises ex­
pires. Good.
This is the time of year when
Card of Thank».
Mrs. Rufus Mallory, not her hus­ Rev. G. W. Branson and wife wish Merchants all begin to show
band Hon. Rufus Mallory, as stated to extend their heartfelt thanks to low prices. We realize tha
yesterday, was chosen vice president the kind sisters and friends who so permanent trade cannot be
, of the Spiritualists state organization liberally contributed to our support. made unless one Ims the cor­
No I CITY TRI'< k.
| The error was occasioned by our proo
the Ntriiin i>r<i|H<rty, mid
rect styles and correct prices. Having purnlniHtHl
Important Stock Sale.
located in McMinnville, mn
rwidv to do nil U iik I h of Truck nnd Dollv*
Posters are out for an auction sale We are selling goods tit aston­ ory Work nt short llotini . All good*« on
We acknowledge a pleasant cal
ishingly low prices on the mer­ trunted to our cnre will l><< mirrfiilly handled,
from Isaac Blum, who ir now travel­ of fat and thoroughbred stock by Mills
promptly delivered. M ho keep on hand
its of our wares. We know mid
Wood of Illi kII k I h uh clienp ph the elieup Mt.
ing for the celebrated house of Jacobs A- Howe at their Mount Stewart farm
left nt the City Drug more will Im
that there are no better styles pi Ordern
Bros. <fc Co. He called partly to pay near North Yamhill on Saturday Nov.
..... ptlv intended to.
I I 1 < >1.1. \ It I >.
i the respects of his house to Uncle
Thi HUYKHM' Olllll la
iaauxl Kept. and March,
Ezra. In behalf of the latter we vol­ all ages including fifteen head suitable no better made than ours, and
each year. • H’’ 31'4 |i*gea,
unteer to remark that Uncle Ezra is for the butcher. Terms cash, or ap­ we believe that no one in Mc­
S', 1 H!-, Ine bea,with over
3,BOO 111 oat rat Ion,
Minnville is selling Clothing
II leased to have people read and ap- proved notes at 10 per cent.
whole Picture tiallery.
<4IV KN Wholeaale Price»
as cheaply as we are.
i preeiate his letters, and understate
Mineral Waters.
dirrrt to niuni"rri on all
the purity of motives which prompt
We only ask an inspection paraonal or family use. Iella how to
Rembrandt stirred up a hornet’s
and give» eia« t coat of every­
I them ; the good of the public.
nest in his truthful items about bogus of our goods and a comparison order,
thing you uae, eat, drlnta, wear, or
have ftin with. Theae IN V ALU A HI.K
Following is a list of letters remain- mineral waters, and NorthupA Sturgis of prices.
BOOKS contain information gleaned
plead guilty apparently, by ordering
‘nR in the McMinnville post office their ad. out of the Welcome. Per­
from the markrla of the world. W»
will maU a ropy Fit KE io any ad-
Nov. 1st 1886.
haps the machinery of their shop is
dreaa upon receipt of III eta. to defray
eipenae of mailing. Ia-t ua hear fkoaa
Mary Allison, C. B. Burges, used to inflate bogus stuff. Our ad­
i' i "a Janson, Al Barnes, Rich- vice to the public is to taste not, touch Late of Independence, having pnrohaned the you.
r'. Beau field, C. Crawford, Cornelius not, handle not, unless it comes from
tn ft tt9 Wabute Aveaao, < hlcu«a, IM.
^^rds. A. W. Cox, Al Cummins, I). Wilhoit springs.—McMinnville Re­ TEAMS* t\l> THICKS
F i o "'Mr8' M A- ^nton, Victor porter.
The Cascades and Scappoose waters Of Logan Bros 4 Henderson, offer, hia srrMouTTs
Bros., Austin Huge«, Mrs
rioea in that line to the pnblio, and will
in perfect justice.
' Hodges, Virgil James 3, Wil- might also be
Guarantee Hatiniaclion
i) u'Xnw' Mre 0 B Lerry, Mr. W Welcome
all Who favor him with thefr jMtmnace. Writ« in
Jar a * 5inneB» Mrs. Marv Morrow, 9
We ign >r<
li,7d ,i!orri’’ Jos- H- Mulky, Mrs
-s. Th» purjtv
I -1 will keep a wnfcon apeeially adapted in tha
th»7'6 "R'^er* Parties calling for the doctort
. a ,
of etrwit, trunk* aatoteela etc., for
will not admiti
¿f th» pnblte. (fadeniteft
tenie will please say advertised.
I st the stable wifi be promptly attended IO at
' F. W isecarvkr , Postmaster.
of it.
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