The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 04, 1886, Image 2

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    retary Endicott resuscitates, as we
hear he has, an old claim of >86,000
of civil contractors who had charge Qf
the Cascades work before the war de­
partment took charge, whose claim
has been repeatedly and always de
dared bogus by officers in charge, but
as we hear has been accepted by Mr.
Endicott, and probably to be taken
front the appropriation for this years’
expenditure. If this is true, it is in
keeping with other fraudulent matters
which we hope to be able to place be­
fore our readers.”
$>ld Condo estates at Chantilly -is a
A. H. & 0. 0. HO
bagatelle. Inteligently administered,
Sub«cripti®M Kate®.
i such a trust would establish in New-
By Carrier per week
10 oenU
(Payable on Saturday.)
York a library which in time might
SirrAle Copy .................. ..................... 2
By Mail M) cents per Month (In Advance.) be without its equal in the world.
Kate« for Advert!®»««
Bishop Thomas Nulty preached a
Will be made satisfactory to all applicants. powerful sermon in Dublin recently
against moonlighters, and denounce*
Nov. 4, 1886
McMinnville, Or
in the strongest terms the act perpe­
' 1
trated by them, called them the great­
That they will
est enemies Ireland ever had to-day,
Hewitt was elected mayor of New- and said the outrages they committee
York by 23,000 plurality. Henry served but to perpetuate landlordism f
George jiolled 2d best, and Roosevelt which otherwise, he declared, was A Business Proposition to
doomed. He said: “our country is
They also have a SMALL LOT of I
There promise* soon to be a consid­ on her trial, Her prosperity and hap-
erable of a contest between the World piness for centuries depend on the Having the most complete and best Hardware, Tinware, Etc., J
and Democrat at Portland, unless Gov. good behavior of her people during selected stock of goods on the west
That will also be sold
Low for Cask
Returns from various states show land shall have proved herself able to by all commercial men. and my fa­
that the political complexion of the govern herself we shall have the
They have a few
cilities for buying being equal to or
house of representatives will not be whole England democracy on our
changed by the election this week. side. Then home rule will be certain. better than any house here, I am pre­
As the logger said, when he had
Fruit is abundant and so cheap that pared to furnish you with Dry Goods,
chalked his accounts back upon tlie all can use it without stint. It is as a Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
That will be sold
hewn logs of his cabin interior, after febrifuge that fruit has its highest Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware
a hired man had cut them all down : value, with both old and young. With and Crockery, at prices as low or
Low for Cash, |
“It is perhaps all right, but some of it the approach of what the poet calls lower than any house outside of Port­
is agin a d—sight better men than the melancholy days of the year, our land, and if you buy upon same terms When yon want anything in that liaj
will consult your own interest as nh
they were before.”
bodies, if not keyed up to the pitch o: as you do when you go to Portland, oars to call and see us. We think wecain
A, H. <t 0. 0. HODS»
The Wallamet threatens to leave perfect health, are sensitive to the buy in quanities paying cash, I en­ you. Try it.
CorvalliB a mile or more inland, Then changes of temperature, especially if gage to compete with the retail houses
a bridge will be unnecessary, The the air is surcharged with heavy mois­ of Portland on the same class of goods,
town is situated on a wide bend, or ture. At such a time we are liable to save and except Sugar, Salt and such
sort of loop, across which the river is fevers and to chills, which from a goods as freight figures up on so that
making for itself a new and direct neglected condition of the body and it cannot be done. This does not ap­ Dry Goods, Clothing, (¿nJ
course. During times of high water a from consequent low vitality, may ply to some cheney houses who woult
ceries, GlaswA Queeiv
stream rushes across this new cut off', easily change to a congestive and dan­ bait you by selling some special arti­
ware, Tinware and
and already a channel of considerable gerous form. In this case, the value cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on
depth has been sluiced out. It is feared of the acid of fresh fruit is easily indi­ some other articles. I t shall be
that floods of the coming winter will cated, and the result of its use is soon straight business . I especially invite WILLAMINA
make through this cut-off a jiermanent shown, in the breaking up of morbid purchasers, to call and make an in­
We’ve oome to stay, and brought r
conditions, the brightening of that spection of the goods and price, be­ knitting with us, and all we ask ¡«forth
Tim following item should be cred­ physical barometer, the face, and the fore buying elsewhere. All goods people to call, examine our ¿'xxk nik
known their wants, and get our prioes.
ited to the Eugene city Register. But elasticity given to the step.
marked down during clearance sale N. B. We deal on a cash basis, and¡r
the highest cash prices for all kinds ofp
after reading it over a time or two we
The Oregon city Courier says that will be sold at clearance sale prices. duce,
hides, pelts, eto.
have concluded that whether the lots Mount ILxal can l»e ascended 10,000 Prices of all goods will be plainly
and blocks are the same size hero or feet, but that the remaining 1,000 feet marked on them, and no Clerk is au­
not it just tits this town, ami we ap­ to the summit is a tapering cone thorized to make any cut or deviation
propriate it. “There are many persons whose sides are so steep that no hu­ on them, and will be discharged for
who give no attention to the condition man being can scale its bights. This doing so before he has authority.
of sidewalks in front of their property, somewhat disturbes the impression S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns
and in this region holes soon appear created by those climbing tourists who is the M otto . CASH IN HAND
and are often annoying and even dan­ have clamed to have stood on the ton- or SHORT CREDITS must be the
Just Received at
gerous. To come down to the right of most pinnacle of the hoary old senti­ RULE-
the matter, no man ought to own prop­ nel of the valley. It may lie.however-
erty who is too lazy to keep it in good that the rarified air of cloudland has
Family Grocery Store,
had the effect on their imaginations
Concerning the new apportionment as has invariably the aromatic breezes
Third Street. McMinnville. Oregon.
of this state, eastern Oregon will gain, of sylvan resorts where big fish in
while Dougin* and the valley counties such countless numbers are drawn
Direct from New York.
will lose l‘he pat tiaan gains and losses from the rippling waters, and that
will alsnit offset each other, and neither | they really believe they have “van­
(Successor to L. ROOT.)
of the political parties will protit bv quished foes that ne’er appeared.”
Dealer in
the reapportionnu nt. It is understood Our confidence in prominent members
that Hon. G. W McBride, secretary of of the newspaper fraternity who have All Fresh Soods, Sroceries. now, Bacon, and
state elect, at the request of citizens of aceompamHrso many of the mountain
S.asawaro and Crockery.
Severn! of the counties specially inter­ climbing expedition* forbids the idea ^-iTGoodg delivered to purchasers in the city.
MISS F. E. «rss.
ested. is preparing a bill to be submit that they have deliberately lied, so
ted to the assembly, fixing the repre­ like the modern theologians we en­
sentation in accordance with the di­ deavor to adapt our facts to the con­
Is the Tin»
visions of population as reported by ditions requisite for a tangible belief.
the state census.
to Buy Your
The Sun appears to be quite positive Hair tWMtag. %havlnt uud shaiu.
The estate of the late Gov. Tilden, in its assertions that Capt. Powell is
l>»oiuK Parlor,
self a Hontf'
instead of amounting to >5.000,(MM), as rather an obstructionist to the pro­
at first estimated. is nearly >15,000, gress of work at the Cascade locks,
15c SHAVING 15 c .
A'hile the tendency of interest i*
Out). According to the terms of Mr b inally : “that the people of the north­
ward, the prospect for farming i*
Henoe land will go no lower.
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor.
Tilden’s will there would then remain
west have no chance for progress in
at least >UXOUO.OOO for the oaUblnh- this great river improvement so long
tSuooewor to A. C. Wyndham.)
140 acre farm for sale, 1 mile
ment of the fluidic library which he
Atnity; "ft acres now sammer-fallo»*1' '
as the war department has the privi­
rent *25 more of farm land with
«hose as his most fitting memorial lege of placing its unscrupulous pets
privilege of summer-fallowing half
It is a pnaeely endowment, a gift such in its charge." The Sun also "would
A reasonable amount down will be
balance in 3 or ft equal annual p«y®* —
as has never before known in thia like to ask how it happens that Sec- ,
- suit the purchaser. For further
D.rc. ifcrLAKD 4 CO. PüBLierfCTS.
M illine IY
J. Harv. Henderson,
Buy Fashionable Goods From*
Head-quarters of Fashion.
*r**< ¡»»ween Qvand
w 7 M
D, McMinnville,
oome and see, or address J. P-