MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. REPORTER Th» Deily Reporter. Hear Our Gentle V olce. ■ »;.* -, To bust the town. Oppose improvements. Mistrust ita public men. Run it down to strangers. Lengthen your face when a stranger talk» of locating in it. If a man wants to buy your property­ charge him two prices. If he wants to buy anybody else, in­ terfere and discourage him. Refuse to see any merit in the scheme that doesnot directly l»enetit you. If you can’t hog everything, judge everybody by yourself, and accuse them of doing it. Do not support the Reporter. Ex­ plain to the editor how much better and cheaper the New York Herald or World is. But if you really have the interest of yonr home in view, and want the place to grow and prosper, take our advice and Don’t fret. Talk about it. Write about it. Beautify the streets. Patronize the merchants. Be friendly to everybody. Advertise in The Reporter. Elect good men to all the offices. Don’t grumble about hard times. Keep your sidewalks in good repair. Avoid gossip about your neighbors. Do your trading with your home merchants. bell all you can and buy all you can at home. If you are rich, invest something; employ somebody, be a “rustler.” If you don’t think of auy good word don't say anything about anybody. Remember that every dollar invest­ ed in permanent improvement is that much on interest. Be courteous to strangers that come among you, so that they may go away ! with good impressions. Always cheer on the men who go in for improvements, your portion of the cost will be nothing only what is just. Don’t kick at any proposed necessary improvement because it is not at your door or for fear that your taxes will be raised fifty cents. Don’t use rubber stamps on your let­ ter heads, that is a dead give away on your business, on the town and the live newspaper published in it. Get your letter heads, envelopes, business cards, etc., printed at the Reporter of­ fice. Never condemn the Re|mrter unless it has fairly misused you. If it has dealt with you unjustly write to us, or^come to the office and tell the editor about your case, if he is wrong he will lose no time in telling the public about it. Rcmemlier that no man does as much for your town as the editor. Every paper seut out is an advertisement of the business, the resources and enter­ prise of the place; and people abroad get a better idea of it from the Report­ er thau from any other source. Every lady not in hv«lth should consult Dr. Turner,International hotel, Portland. Advertiser« can take their choice, either daily or weekly, at the same old rate. No advance in the price. We’ve come to »Uy, if you say so. Ever since we came hsre we have begged the farmers to write for the Reporter. A county paper to be com­ DIRECTORY. mat * ornexns. , Joe. United States Senators .... j j y Representative m Congress ... B „ _ . . N. Dolph Mitobell Hermann Governor's Secretary................. £ Secretary of State---------------- K. P. EartiaH Assistant Secretary.................. State Treasurer............................. ^d. Uirecn a»i4 ilillll HI Illi 1’1 !••••••' BEST! SHOREST! QUICKEST ^awx**********************®********************* inillllltlHinTHE DINING CAR LINE;»/^/;^ THE DIRECT ROCTE! Lowest Hates NO FASTEST T*AM| DELAYS! To CHICAGO and all pointsEA Tickets sold to all PROMINENT Po Throughout the East and Southeast. IO LAST BOLAD PASSENGERS! •¿r BE CAREFUL AND DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE—BUT BE 8 ------TO TAKE THE------ COUXCILMBM. Wm. Campbell, Geo. W. Jones, S. A. Manning. D. C. Narver. J. 8. Nash. T. A. Turner. Xud see that your ticket reads via Portland and St. PAUL or MINNEAPOLIS, OOrXTT OFFICKES. Senators.... Representatives Judge Clerk ................ Sheriff.................. Tres surer Assessor Comiuisaiouera School Hupt Surveyor ( oroner Sheep Inspector I R P. Bird ........ I J. W. Watts iR. R. Laughlin ... - F. N. Little (Chas. Lafollett L. Longhary .Geo. W. Briedwell T J. Harris V/. W. Nelson Wyatt Harris I J. 8. Hibbs ’■ i Geo. Dorsey J. A. C. Freund Jeff. D. Fenton D. C. Narver A J. Nelson MISCELLANEOUS To avoid changes and serious delays occasioned by other routes. Emigrant Sleeping Cars are run on Regular Express Trains F Length of the Line. Berths Free. LOWEST RATES! -Æ3--------- QUICKEST ------- o ----- general office of the company , No. 2 Washington St., Portland, 0 A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, naciflc popular ■ icturesque oute. R ailroad, — ver Fast Time, Sore Connection, New Equipment OVERLAND TO CALIFORNII " icturesque VIA anges. The Oregon and California* And Connections. TIME, 2j DAYS. 225 Miles Shortest 20 Hours Less Time. Fare from Portland to San Francim to Saoramento, |30. Close connections made at Ashland Aocommocations unsurpassed for oomfort and safety. Faroe and Freights MUCH stages of the California, Oregon ud LESS than by any other route between all stage company. in Willamette valley and San Franoisoo. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Only Route via Yaquina Bay To San Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS, (Except Sundays.) Leave Corvallis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya­ quina at 7:10 a. m. Oregon and California, West side, trains oonneot at Corvallis. This is the time of year when The Oregon Development Company’s Merchants all begin to show FINE Al low prices. We realize that permanent trade cannot be Steamship Yaqutna Qhy made unless one has the cor­ KAILS From Yaquina, From San Franoisoo, rect styles and correct prices. Sunday ........... Oct. 10 Monday .... Oct. 4 We are selling goods at aston­ Friday........... “ 22 Saturday........... “ 16 Wednesday...Nov, 3 Thursday.... “ 28 ishingly low prices on the mer­ Monday .......... “ 15 Wednesday...Noy. 10 “ 27! Monday........... “ 22 its of our wares. We know Saturday The Company reserves the right to ohange that there are no better styles sailing days. Fares, between Corvallis and of Clothing, no better fitting, San Franoisoo. Rail and Cabin, *14; Rail Steerage, f 9.88. no better made than ours, and and For information apply to ( HAS. C. HOGUE, we believe that no one in Mc­ Aoting Gen. F. and Pass. Agent. Minnville is selling Clothing Corvallis, Oregon as cheaply as we are. We only ask an inspection ST. CHARLES HOTEL, F. MULTNUR, Prep., of our goods and a comparison (kirner Third and B streets, of prices. MCMINNVIEEF. . . OREGON BISHOP A KAY. New house! New furniture! Unsurpassed in the oountry. Rates—*1 to |2 per day ao- oording to room. Single meals 25 cents. Lodging, 25 to 50 rents aooording to room, I a I s of Independence. having purchased the retard and Lodging. <4 to $0. per week. Two Fine Sample Rooms for commercial men. Give me a call and see for yourself. SAMmx GOFF, TEAMS t\D TRICKS Of Logan Brea ,t Heedareon. offers his serviere in that line to the public, and will plete should have news for all |later- Guarantor Satisfaction Mied. aud pray who in thia county. To all who favor him wath their patrons« are wore lutoreeted lor what is en 2rfirery^fP * >M«001*«lal|ysd*Wed to hghteainf Io them in their calling than the farmers* Mt East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND4c Mail Train. Alim LMAVK. 8:00 a . m . Ashland. 8:45 f . m . Portland Albany Express Trail. Portland Ashland. _ LEAVE. Portland Lebanon abbiti 4:00 p. m . Lebanon....940 4:45 a . M. Portland...lOd Pullman Palace Sleeping daily between Portland and Aahlui The O. A C. R. R. Ferry makes - with all the regular trains on the ed division from foot of F street. West Side Division. BET. PORTLAND AND CORY Mail Train. URATE. I ABBrn. Portland... 7:30 a . m .,MoM’nville. MoM’nville 10:13 a . M.iCorvalli«.. • Corvallis... 1:30 p . m .! MoM’nville. MoM’nville 3:44 p . m .|Portland... At Corvallis oonneot with trains o! Oregon Pacific for lflaquina Bay- Express Train.. _ ... ABBIÎ1 Portland. ...4-50 r. M. MoMW»-( Portland •■•M’ MoM’nville .5:45 A. M.------- Local tickets for sale and baegtil* at the company’s up-town offloe. Pine and Second streets. Ticke oipal points in California osn o». cured at company’s offloe. Cflrn Front streets Portland, Or- Frieght will not be receivedIM after five o’clock p. m. on eitbe . west side divisions. E. r - R. KOEHLER, ° K a Manager. uxave .