of the near future. A committee has Murder of D. 1. Corker. MISCELLANEOUS. * _ a been appointed by the directors of the latter line to look into the matter, Coroner Narvor was summoned to p. C. IRELAND A CO. PUBLISHERS, and the plan has found such favor Lafayette yesterday morning to hold McMinnville, Or. • ~ Nov- 3, 1886 with the stockholders of both com­ an inquest. That a murder had been OREGON panies that in case the UPR secure committed was all he knew until he MoMINNVIuLE, - arrived upon the grounds. J. J. Spen ­ Wheat market unchanged. The the desired legislation next winter, ......... President J acob W ortman ... cer accompanied him. When they >. P. T hompson ,.. Vice-preaident permitting it to build branches and Jute spurt is over. ............. Cashier J ohn W ortman ... reached there the ghastly spectacle The Silverton Appeal is much nicer make leases by direct action of its own that presented itself to them was the TnuiMeU a Gaueral Banking buaineaa. company, and the lease will no doubt printed all at home. almost headless body of D. 1. Corker, Inleroat allowed on time deposit«. r Henry Dunzer has not even a trace be made. made on favorable term«. who had been most foully murdered Collection« Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranata« A newspaper is a sure index to the >f the thief who stole his gun. during the night. The head almost on Now York, Ban Franciaco and Portland. I McMinnville needs a new city char- town in which it is published. We Office hours—from 9 a. ni. to 4 p. tn. L. Let us get together and talk it mentally measure up a village or city severed from the body, and a bloody axe which belonged in the store was Ler. What do say to the proposition. by reading its newspaper. It is the the only evidence apparent that lead [ Tangent farmers are hauling wheat traveling representative and advance to any explanation of how HU WORTMAN the deed L Albany and shipping by boats to agent of the town. It is carried all Represents following sterling oompaa- was done, and this silent monitor iea: London the A Liverpool A Globa, North Corvallis and Portland. over the world for a trifle and reveals could not disclose the horrible secret. British A Mercantile, Commercial Union i It is reported that there are flocks the brightness or stupidity of its sur­ The supposition is that the man was Fire Association, Gertusu Amerioan, Fire­ man’s Fund. Hartford, Commercial, Anglo L 8cabby sheep in the west side coun­ roundings in a great degree. While murdered for his money. He was a Nevada, State Investment. ties. and that Yamhill is not au ex­ this is not an infallible rule, it is safe Wheat insurance a specialty. bachelor and slept alone in a room at to say that people will have about as ception. his store. He has for some time been I., e. aviTKR. H. H. DASIKI, I There wa® only one old stiff in sight good a paper as they are willing to engaged in selling off his stock, intend­ SUITER & DANIEL, lesterdav morning and he was quietly pay for. In some instances they get a ing to quit business, and the supposi­ Proprietors of the Loved off to the crematory. It was a better one. tion that he had considerable coin Uncle David Powell, whose whole about the premises, in the absence of LAFAYETTE MILLS, peaceable election. [ H. E. Happersett of Portland, has] ] history is replete with loyal and patri­ a bank in which to deposit, has proba­ Dealers in Liilt one of the neatest residences in otic devotion to the cause of human bly lead to the murder. He was a Chis city which is now in the hands of rights, has never recovered from the good citizen, and had many friends, stroke of paralysis which he receive« some of whom had known him for Mr. Wortman for a tenant. LAFAYETTE, YamhiU Co., OREGON. | It is reported that Al Young lias ' ew months since. His mind is as nearly a quarter of a century in Ore­ Lone to Chicago to buy an apple parer clear as ever, with the exception that gon. A sum of $250 has been offered We desire to inform the public that we have lately added a line of Rolla to our Mill,to­ lor J. 0. Rogers. Mr. R. handed him he cannot remember the names of in­ for the apprehension of the murderer gether with the necessary machinery to make an |5 for the purchase just before he left dividuals or things. In conversation I or murderers. --------- A No. I Article of Flour, he gets along very well until he wants here. Firemens Meeting». And have the same in auooeaefnl operation. I All the talk is the murder of Corker, to name some one, then he falters. While we do not olaim to make k reward of $250 has been offered for He has forgotten his own even, also A regular meeting of H L Co. Evidence to catch and hang the mur- the letters of the alphabet. The mo­ will be held this evening at Firemen’s Herer. It ought to be increased to a ment, however, that one mentions the hall at 1 o’clock sharp. At 8 o’clock sharp a called meeting In the State, name of a person or object he mentally thousand. We do claim to make an article of the entire department will be hek I A clue to the murder of D. I. Corker identifies it. at the same place, for special business. SeooadL to STone. Irhich may lead to the arrest of the tup Work to l)o. By order of W. G. H enderson , —AR A— perpetrator of the deed was reported Chief Engineer. Straight Gr«d> last evening. Detectives are at work The first thing the new city council npon the case. - Family FI omi % need to turn attention to is the dis­ Look at II Street. I Portland business men do not em­ graceful condition of the streets. The And far better than oan be made on If a new broom sweeps cleaner than Htonee alone. phatically endorse the new-fangled crossings are an abomination. AI an old one, there is a beautiful open­ We have been to much expense to make ■lectric lights. They use them, but livery keeper informed us that $1,000 ing on H street for the new city coun­ this ohange, and tielieve we deeerve a liber­ al share of public patronage, and ask a fair pse gas also. McMinnville will be per month, $12,000 per year; just cil to order a beginning. The railroac trial. We guarantee results. latisfied at first with gas and water. think of it; will not pay breakages to corporation has no exclusive right to SUITER & DAMIEL. I Robert Henderson and wife left for vehicles from this source alone. One make such an eye sore as that for the Portland yesterday, where they will stable keeper at Lafayette paid $40 balance of the community. ■pend the winter with their daughters, last year for damages sustained to his Wanted Bfrs. M. P. Deady, Mrs. John Catlin, rigs in this city. AH persons indebted to me to call ant Lrs. Ed Failing and Mrs. Dr. Story. It has been known for a year past I Yesterday we took a hasty look that the Chicago and Northwestern settle their account immediately. F. W. R edmond . Birough the new hotel of our fellow citi- was pushing west through \\ yoming ■cn L. H. Cook. We are proud of that to a connection with the OPR. We A ICarKHln. Structure and wish we had a man just recollect tracing the proposed lineout The Exchange hotel of North Yam­ ■ke Cook for each of the three corners upon a map in the board of trade hill, containing twenty-two rooms in CITY TlfK k. Bpposite. rooms a year ago last December for all, two stories high, is offered for sale Having purchased the Htrnin property, and I Canuto A Zanello are contractors the benefit of Portland capitalists for cash, or exchange for real estate. permanently located in McMinnville. am ■>>' the stone pier of the Morrison street whom we were endeavoring to enlist The house is well known to the travel­ ready to <1<» nil kind« of Trnc.'r nn<1 Deliv­ ery Work at abort notice. All goods en I Bridge, in Portland. There are three in reduction works, but our big cotem- to <>ur car, will bandied, ing public, and doing a good business. tmated promptly delivered. Also keep on hand V these piers, and it is expected that pory suggests that Albany people just The present proprietor’s reason .for and Wood of nil kinds aa cheap aa the cheapest. Bie work will be completed in about now begin to look across the continent selling is that he is too far advanced i Ordern left nt the City Drug store will Im promptly attended to. J. .1.’ OLLARD. Bxtv days. in the hope of being able to step on in age to attend to it, and is determin­ B There is a striking similarity in the the cars at their own depot direct for ed to sell if an opportunity is offered, B »me (Cummings} the size of the man. the east. If somebody don’t wake up even at a sacrifice. In fact he is bound | Oregon Kidney Tea. Biid the methods of operation of the faster than they have been doing down to sell it if a customer comes. North Nature’s own Kemody ■areniee robbery of Adams express, below the Willamette falls, they will Yamhill is as rapidly improving town Will imoedily relieve a nd rer- B;"i a man who operated at Astoria find reduction works, packing houses as any on the west side, is the center I manently oure all the vrinus difficulties arisin g from a di or­ Dd on Puget sound some years ago and business of other kinds at Albany of a large trade, the starting point for dered condition of the Tillamook bay, the resort for hunters f a pretender inspecting WFdcCos “which might have been” located in LIVER AND KIDNEY R. and sportsmen in the summer season, Bfficr 8. Portland. and this is the best chance for a good , It is perfectly baml*M and I Advices from Bralia, Roumania, say man in the whole state. For further I oan be Riven to the roost deli- Anybody can hatch chickens with particulars address this office, or apply eate woman or ohild. For sala Buu feverish preparations for war are by all druggeets. an incubater, but it takes a large to J. Delap. North Yamhill, Oregon. Ring made in southern Russia. A H wkll , Harraau A W oodw san, Dimber of ironclads are expected at amount of science and eternal vigi­ The east side now have better mail Wholesale Agents, Bkbastopol, several transports are rid- lance to raise them. Patrick Henry facilities, and we confidently hope Portland, Oregon. never said any thing more true than f anchor in the harbor of Odessa, that better may also soon be obtained Did torpedo boats are leaving for his memorable allusion to the price of he »Mt side. The McMinnville a spring chic ■ ’he cost of ■*rna. -«M should be a mail pouch and] «parable. P>” . HThe lease of the ORN by the UPR ’R erty belt -w hens himse’f ’ I.«- eM carrier. ■ said to be among the probabilities i rick n First National Bank, FIRE INSURANCE. Wheat, Flow uiMillH The Best Roller Flour K T