The daily reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1887, November 03, 1886, Image 2

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    Th» Dsitjf «•por«*'’.
Nubacripli»M Hates.
By Carrier per week •■••'•••••••••" 10 061118
(j'syable on Batarday.)
By MHiMO^oenta per Month (In Advance.)
Kat«« for Advertiein®
Wit! be made satisfactory to all applicants.
McMinnville, Or.
Nov. 3, 188«
We learn that the trouble which
lead to the tearing up of the narrow
gauge last Sunday will be speedily ad­
justed. The rails that were torn up it
seems were only “loaned” for construc­
tion purposes. Rails are now in sight
which belong to the incorjioration
owning that part of the road bed. and
the same will be laid in a few days,
when through business will begin.
A Business Proposition to
The sentence of Cecil Beebe will be
somewhat lighter because of his plea.
His trial w'ould indeed have been a
Having the most complete and best
sad one confronted by witnesses who
selected stock of goods on the west
had been his schoolmates, prosecuted
by the district attorney who was also side, outside of Portland, as concedes
his schoolmate, and tried before the by all commercial men, and my fa­
judge who also attended school in the cilities for buying being equal to or
same city, when he did, and a jury better than any house here, I am pre­
who probably knew him from child­
pared to furnish you with Dry Goods,
hood, and who see the respected name
of his father, an early pioneer, smirched Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods,
by a son upon whom he lavished every­ Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Glassware
thing that was needed to make him and Crockery, at prices as low or
an upright man.
lower than any house outside of Port­
The Newport News thinks it looks land, and if you buy upon same terms
as though the owners of the sea tramp
as you do when you go to Portland,
Sardony ; wanted to lose her for the
insurance. The ship was in a help­ buy in quanities paying cash, I en­
less condition, and Capt. Winant gage to compete with the retail houses
could only assist by going back to of Portland on the same class of goods,
Yaquina, which was the nearest port, save and except Sugar, Salt and such
and sending out a tug, which he offer­
goods as freight figures up on so that
ed to do. The captain of the steamer
declined, and thought he would be all it cannot be done. This does not ap­
right if he could only get off-shore ply to some cheney houses who would
twenty or thirty miles. On returning bait you by selling some special arti­
to Yaquina, Capt. Winant immediate­ cle at a sacrifice, and making it up on
ly telegraphed to the agents in San
some other articles. I t shall be
Francisco the situation of the vessel,
but received no answer; and as this straight business . I especially invite
was the nearest point from which assis­ purchasers, to call and make an in­
tance could be rendered, it looks a lit­ spection of the goods and price, be­
tle as though they did not care weath­ fore buying elsewhere. All goods
er she went ashore or not.
marked down during clearance sale
Job Connor, the United States grand
juror missing in Portland, was found
sick at the residence of a Mr. Burnell,
in Washindton county. He was taken
home by his friends.
Gov. Moody has issued a proclama­
tion calling for a special election of
representative in Multnomah county
to fill the vacancy resulting from the
resignation of D. W. Taylor, on Tues­
day Nov. 23d.
A judge and several reputable peo­
ple went to a prominent legal firm on
account of Cecil Beebe's father’s good
name, and offered to pay all expenses
Fred Sappington has gone to reside
for defending the son, but the unfortu­ with his uncle, Hon. Lee Laughlin.
nate young man refused assistance,
More rain yet is needed for plowing.
and on Saturday pleaded guilty to em-
A rude pupil has been expelled from
The Oregon exhibit car, fitted up
R. N. Daniels has purchased the
and placed in charge of granger Buick
house occupied by Geo. Van Gordner,
of the Roseburg Plaindealer, will and the latter will move into one of
reach home to day and be laid up for
Sappington’s houses.
R ara A vis .
the winter. Mr. Buick,in a letter to the
----------- ■^♦^1
Plaindealer expresses regret that he
was not enubled to take the cur into
New England to show what Oregon, The Spiritualists convention at Salem
the Maasachusettea of the Pacific, can on the 30th and 31st was well represent­
produce. We regret it, too, for it was ed by a social and happy people. The
state organization was perfected and
our last chance.
Many people will believe that in the officers elected as follows :
President, Judge D. B. Scofield,
hanging of Sproule, the American, at
Victoria last week an innocent man Baker city.
was made to sutler for the crime of1 \ ice president, Hon Rufus Mallory,
Home person unknown. It was what | Salem.
is called a strong case of eircuinstan-| Secretary, Mrs. Dean, Portland.
tial evidence. Sproule was, unfortu-1 Treasurer, Thos. Buckman, New
nately, a mun very much interested
from a pecuniary point of view, in the . Trustees, B. F. Fuller, Yamhill, M.
death of Thomas Hammill, and it was F. Moore and Seth Luelling, Multno­
that fact principally, that secured his | mah.
Executive committee, Messrs. Ful­
(' B. Carlisle speaks as follows of his ler, Buckman, Moore, Win. Phillips
allege«! appoiutment ns postmaster of and Mr. Luelling of Clackamas.
East Portland: “Why, it’s all a joke.
During the session, which opened at
1 am not an applicant for the place eleven o’clock on Saturday and closed
and would not qualify if 1 was appoint­ at twelve o'clock on Monday, excel­
ed. It might be,” he continued, "that lent lectures were given by Mr. Colby,
thin rv|»ort in true, having grown out Dr. Taylor and others. Also ballot
of a letter 1 wrote to a relative of testa by Mrs. Lowe.
mine, Senator Carlisle, shortly after
" bile there we were hospitably en­
Cleveland’s election, and jokingly said,
at the residence of Wm.
in speaking of what offices I wanted,
Renna, although Mrs. R was confined
that 1 would take either the governor­
her l»ed from having the bones bro­
ship of Alaska or the East Portland
ken on her two middle toes of the
poatoffloe.” In answer to what he
inten«le«i to do in case the report was right foot, which was caught between
true, he said : “Well, 1 would not care rolling timber as she was passing over
to insult the administration by refus­ a piece of defective walk that was be-
ing to qualifr. and wouid have to ret 'og repaired. Miss Nellie cared for
out of H th« boat I could.”
the household affaire.
A D elegate .
A. H. & 0. 0. HODSON
That they will
They also have a SMALL LOT of
Tinware • Etc.,. Eft
That will also be sold
Low for Cash.
They have a few
That will be sold
Low for Cash.
When yon want anything in that line m
will consult your own interest as well' m
ours to oall and see us. We think weaniu
you. Try it.
A, H. <fc 0. 0. HODSON
Successor to D. C. Narver,
will be sold at clearance sale prices.
Prices of all goods will be plainly
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
marked on them, and no clerk is au­
The Largest
thorized to make any cut or deviation
on them, and will be discharged for
doing so before he has authority.
In Yamhill County.
S mall P rofits and Q uick R eturns
is the M otto . CASH IN HAND
or SHORT CREDITS must be the
rule .
Undertakers Goods
Family Grocery Store,
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
J. Harv. Henderson,
(Successor to L. ROOT.)
Burial Robes and Shr»n*
Constantly on Hand*
All Fresh Goods, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, and
Hearse Furnished.
Dealer in
Glassware and Crockery.
^ff“Goods delivered to purchasers in the city.
Japanese Cleansing
11 A* !1 '* 11H1111 f<urer an<1
Sole r oprietor.
. This preparation is unequalled for cleans­
ing garments of all soiled spots. Paint, Tar
Grease, etc eradicated instantly. Give it a
!na.’ i-v?Mt may be had of your druggist,
local agent, or by addressing the undersign­
ed. Agents M anted.
McMinnville, Oregon
Parlor and Chamber Suits
TO ORDER at prices which defy all
Make no purchases until you prioen>yl’lc*
E. B. FELLO**'
Just Received at
Hair Cutting
Maavin* mid Sham-
pooing Parlor.
15c SHAVING 15c.
Direct from New York
C. H. FLEMING. Proprietor.
<8”00MeortoA c Wyndham.)
Buy Fashionable Goods From
Head-quarters of Fashion-